54 research outputs found

    Graph Theory and Networks in Biology

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    In this paper, we present a survey of the use of graph theoretical techniques in Biology. In particular, we discuss recent work on identifying and modelling the structure of bio-molecular networks, as well as the application of centrality measures to interaction networks and research on the hierarchical structure of such networks and network motifs. Work on the link between structural network properties and dynamics is also described, with emphasis on synchronization and disease propagation.Comment: 52 pages, 5 figures, Survey Pape

    NetCore: a network propagation approach using node coreness

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    We present NetCore, a novel network propagation approach based on node coreness, for phenotype–genotype associations and module identification. NetCore addresses the node degree bias in PPI networks by using node coreness in the random walk with restart procedure, and achieves improved re-ranking of genes after propagation. Furthermore, NetCore implements a semi-supervised approach to identify phenotype-associated network modules, which anchors the identification of novel candidate genes at known genes associated with the phenotype. We evaluated NetCore on gene sets from 11 different GWAS traits and showed improved performance compared to the standard degree-based network propagation using cross-validation. Furthermore, we applied NetCore to identify disease genes and modules for Schizophrenia GWAS data and pan-cancer mutation data. We compared the novel approach to existing network propagation approaches and showed the benefits of using NetCore in comparison to those. We provide an easy-to-use implementation, together with a high confidence PPI network extracted from ConsensusPathDB, which can be applied to various types of genomics data in order to obtain a re-ranking of genes and functionally relevant network modules

    Network-guided data integration and gene prioritization

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    Finding the pathology of major depression through effects on gene interaction networks

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    The disease signature of major depressive disorder is distributed across multiple physical scales and investigative specialties, including genes, cells and brain regions. No single mechanism or pathway currently implicated in depression can reproduce its diverse clinical presentation, which compounds the difficulty in finding consistently disrupted molecular functions. We confront these key roadblocks to depression research - multi-scale and multi-factor pathology - by conducting parallel investigations at the levels of genes, neurons and brain regions, using transcriptome networks to identify collective patterns of dysfunction. Our findings highlight how the collusion of multi-system deficits can form a broad-based, yet variable pathology behind the depressed phenotype. For instance, in a variant of the classic lethality-centrality relationship, we show that in neuropsychiatric disorders including major depression, differentially expressed genes are pushed out to the periphery of gene networks. At the level of cellular function, we develop a molecular signature of depression based on cross-species analysis of human and mouse microarrays from depression-affected areas, and show that these genes form a tight module related to oligodendrocyte function and neuronal growth/structure. At the level of brain-region communication, we find a set of genes and hormones associated with the loss of feedback between the amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex, based on a novel assay of interregional expression synchronization termed "gene coordination". These results indicate that in the absence of a single pathology, depression may be created by dysynergistic effects among genes, cell-types and brain regions, in what we term the "floodgate" model of depression. Beyond our specific biological findings, these studies indicate that gene interaction networks are a coherent framework in which to understand the faint expression changes found in depression and complex neuropsychiatric disorders

    Development of methods for Omics Network inference and analysis and their application to disease modeling

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    With the advent of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies and the emergence of large publicly available genomics data comes an unprecedented opportunity to model biological networks through a holistic lens using a systems-based approach. Networks provide a mathematical framework for representing biological phenomena that go beyond standard one-gene-at-a-time analyses. Networks can model system-level patterns and the molecular rewiring (i.e. changes in connectivity) occurring in response to perturbations or between distinct phenotypic groups or cell types. This in turn supports the identification of putative mechanisms of actions of the biological processes under study, and thus have the potential to advance prevention and therapy. However, there are major challenges faced by researchers. Inference of biological network structures is often performed on high-dimensional data, yet is hindered by the limited sample size of high throughput omics data. Furthermore, modeling biological networks involves complex analyses capable of integrating multiple sources of omics layers and summarizing large amounts of information. My dissertation aims to address these challenges by presenting new approaches for high-dimensional network inference with limit sample sizes as well as methods and tools for integrated network analysis applied to multiple research domains in cancer genomics. First, I introduce a novel method for reconstructing gene regulatory networks called SHINE (Structure Learning for Hierarchical Networks) and present an evaluation on simulated and real datasets including a Pan-Cancer analysis using The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data. Next, I summarize the challenges with executing and managing data processing workflows for large omics datasets on high performance computing environments and present multiple strategies for using Nextflow for reproducible scientific workflows including shine-nf - a collection of Nextflow modules for structure learning. Lastly, I introduce the methods, objects, and tools developed for the analysis of biological networks used throughout my dissertation work. Together - these contributions were used in focused analyses of understanding the molecular mechanisms of tumor maintenance and progression in subtype networks of Breast Cancer and Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    FAIR and bias-free network modules for mechanism-based disease redefinitions

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    Even though chronic diseases are the cause of 60% of all deaths around the world, the underlying causes for most of them are not fully understood. Hence, diseases are defined based on organs and symptoms, and therapies largely focus on mitigating symptoms rather than cure. This is also reflected in the most commonly used disease classifications. The complex nature of diseases, however, can be better defined in terms of networks of molecular interactions. This research applies the approaches of network medicine – a field that uses network science for identifying and treating diseases – to multiple diseases with highly unmet medical need such as stroke and hypertension. The results show the success of this approach to analyse complex disease networks and predict drug targets for different conditions, which are validated through preclinical experiments and are currently in human clinical trials

    From condition-specific interactions towards the differential complexome of proteins

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    While capturing the transcriptomic state of a cell is a comparably simple effort with modern sequencing techniques, mapping protein interactomes and complexomes in a sample-specific manner is currently not feasible on a large scale. To understand crucial biological processes, however, knowledge on the physical interplay between proteins can be more interesting than just their mere expression. In this thesis, we present and demonstrate four software tools that unlock the cellular wiring in a condition-specific manner and promise a deeper understanding of what happens upon cell fate transitions. PPIXpress allows to exploit the abundance of existing expression data to generate specific interactomes, which can even consider alternative splicing events when protein isoforms can be related to the presence of causative protein domain interactions of an underlying model. As an addition to this work, we developed the convenient differential analysis tool PPICompare to determine rewiring events and their causes within the inferred interaction networks between grouped samples. Furthermore, we present a new implementation of the combinatorial protein complex prediction algorithm DACO that features a significantly reduced runtime. This improvement facilitates an application of the method for a large number of samples and the resulting sample-specific complexes can ultimately be assessed quantitatively with our novel differential protein complex analysis tool CompleXChange.Das Transkriptom einer Zelle ist mit modernen Sequenzierungstechniken vergleichsweise einfach zu erfassen. Die Ermittlung von Proteininteraktionen und -komplexen wiederum ist in großem Maßstab derzeit nicht möglich. Um wichtige biologische Prozesse zu verstehen, kann das Zusammenspiel von Proteinen jedoch erheblich interessanter sein als deren reine Expression. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir vier Software-Tools vor, die es ermöglichen solche Interaktionen zustandsbezogen zu betrachten und damit ein tieferes Verständnis darüber versprechen, was in der Zelle bei Veränderungen passiert. PPIXpress ermöglicht es vorhandene Expressionsdaten zu nutzen, um die aktiven Interaktionen in einem biologischen Kontext zu ermitteln. Wenn Proteinvarianten mit Interaktionen von Proteindomänen in Verbindung gebracht werden können, kann hierbei sogar alternatives Spleißen berücksichtigen werden. Als Ergänzung dazu haben wir das komfortable Differenzialanalyse-Tool PPICompare entwickelt, welches Veränderungen des Interaktoms und deren Ursachen zwischen gruppierten Proben bestimmen kann. Darüber hinaus stellen wir eine neue Implementierung des Proteinkomplex-Vorhersagealgorithmus DACO vor, die eine deutlich reduzierte Laufzeit aufweist. Diese Verbesserung ermöglicht die Anwendung der Methode auf eine große Anzahl von Proben. Die damit bestimmten probenspezifischen Komplexe können schließlich mit unserem neuartigen Differenzialanalyse-Tool CompleXChange quantitativ bewertet werden