1,326 research outputs found

    The Technical Efficiency of UK Airports

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    In this paper, the innovative random stochastic frontier model is used to estimate the technical efficiency of UK airports. These airports are ranked according to their total productivity for the period 2000-2005 and homogenous and heterogeneous variables in the cost function are disentangled, which leads us to advise the implementation of common policies as well as policies by segments. Economic implications arising from the study are also considered.Airports; UK; efficiency; random frontier models; policy implications.

    Assessing the Efficiency of Mass Transit Systems in the United States

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    Frustrated with increased parking problems, unstable gasoline prices, and stifling traffic congestion, a growing number of metropolitan city dwellers consider utilizing the mass transit system. Reflecting this sentiment, a ridership of the mass transit system across the United States has been on the rise for the past several years. A growing demand for the mass transit system, however, necessitates the expansion of service offerings, the improvement of basic infrastructure/routes, and the additional employment of mass transit workers, including drivers and maintenance crews. Such a need requires the optimal allocation of financial and human resources to the mass transit system in times of shrinking budgets and government downsizing. Thus, the public transit authority is faced with the dilemma of “doing more with less.” That is to say, the public transit authority needs to develop a “lean” strategy which can maximize transit services with the minimum expenses. To help the public transit authority develop such a lean strategy, this report identifies the best-in-class practices in the U.S. transit service sector and proposes transit policy guidelines that can best exploit lean principles built upon best-in-class practices

    Technical efficiency of production in agricultural research.

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    We define and model research production at Embrapa, the major Brazilian institution responsible for applied agricultural research. The main theoretical framework used is Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA. The economic interpretation of these models is explored to assess scale, congestion and cost efficiencies. EfficienCy results are used to test for differences among types of research units and for the scale of operation. A further analysis of agricultural research in Brazil is carried out with the inclusion of three research centers in Argentina. Finally, DEA estimates are compared with the fit of a stochastic frontier.Na publicação: Eliseu Alves

    Input Substitutability in English Higher Education

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    This paper investigates input substitutability in English higher education and compares merging and non-merging institutions. A stochastic frontier translog output distance function is estimated using a thirteen-year panel of data for all institutions in England. Some differences between merging and non-merging institutions in labour and capital substitutability are revealed, and administrative input becomes an abundant resource for merged institutions. Policy implications are discussed

    Chance-constrained cost efficiency in data envelopment analysis model with random inputs and outputs

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    Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a well-known non-parametric technique primarily used to estimate radial efficiency under a set of mild assumptions regarding the production possibility set and the production function. The technical efficiency measure can be complemented with a consistent radial metrics for cost, revenue and profit efficiency in DEA, but only for the setting with known input and output prices. In many real applications of performance measurement, such as the evaluation of utilities, banks and supply chain operations, the input and/or output data are often stochastic and linked to exogenous random variables. It is known from standard results in stochastic programming that rankings of stochastic functions are biased if expected values are used for key parameters. In this paper, we propose economic efficiency measures for stochastic data with known input and output prices. We transform the stochastic economic efficiency models into a deterministic equivalent non-linear form that can be simplified to a deterministic programming with quadratic constraints. An application for a cost minimizing planning problem of a state government in the US is presented to illustrate the applicability of the proposed framework

    Measuring Eco-efficiency of Production: A Frontier Approach

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    Eco-efficiency of production is an important concept both from the viewpoint of society and business community; but as yet, there is no unambiguous way to its measurement. The purpose of this paper is to present a general measurement framework based on production theory and the activity analysis approach. Although we exploit the existing methods and techniques, our approach diverges essentially from the usual treatments of the environmental performance of firms in the productive efficiency analysis. The main difference between our approach and the earlier studies is that we build on the definition of eco-efficiency as the ratio of economic value added to the environmental damage index. Related to this orientation, we also approach eco-efficiency from a more aggregate perspective. Our general framework is illustrated by an empirical application to the evaluation of eco-efficiency of road transportation in Finland.Eco-efficiency, Environmental Pressures, Aggregation, Benefit of the Doubt Weighting, Distance Function, Activity Analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis, Road transportation

    Measuring efficiency with neural networks. An application to the public sector

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    In this note we propose the artificial neural networks for measuring efficiency as a complementary tool to the common techniques of the efficiency literature. In the application to the public sector we find that the neural network allows to conclude more robust results to rank decision-making units.DEA

    Technology Trajectory Mapping Using Data Envelopment Analysis: The Ex-ante use of Disruptive Innovation Theory on Flat Panel Technologies

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    In this paper, we propose a technology trajectory mapping approach using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) that scrutinizes technology progress patterns from multidimensional perspectives. Literature reviews on technology trajectory mappings have revealed that it is imperative to identify key performance measures that can represent different value propositions and then apply them to the investigation of technology systems in order to capture indications of the future disruption. The proposed approach provides a flexibility not only to take multiple characteristics of technology systems into account but also to deal with various tradeoffs among technology attributes by imposing weight restrictions in the DEA model. The application of this approach to the flat panel technologies is provided to give a strategic insight for the players involved
