41 research outputs found

    Modeling allosteric signal propagation using protein structure networks

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    Allosteric communication in proteins can be induced by the binding of effective ligands, mutations or covalent modifications that regulate a site distant from the perturbed region. To understand allosteric regulation, it is important to identify the remote sites that are affected by the perturbation-induced signals and how these allosteric perturbations are transmitted within the protein structure. In this study, by constructing a protein structure network and modeling signal transmission with a Markov random walk, we developed a method to estimate the signal propagation and the resulting effects. In our model, the global perturbation effects from a particular signal initiation site were estimated by calculating the expected visiting time (EVT), which describes the signal-induced effects caused by signal transmission through all possible routes. We hypothesized that the residues with high EVT values play important roles in allosteric signaling. We applied our model to two protein structures as examples, and verified the validity of our model using various types of experimental data. We also found that the hot spots in protein binding interfaces have significantly high EVT values, which suggests that they play roles in mediating signal communication between protein domains

    Structural interrogation of phosphoproteome identified by mass spectrometry reveals allowed and disallowed regions of phosphoconformation

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    High-throughput mass spectrometric (HT-MS) study is the method of choice for monitoring global changes in proteome. Data derived from these studies are meant for further validation and experimentation to discover novel biological insights. Here we evaluate use of relative solvent accessible surface area (rSASA) and DEPTH as indices to assess experimentally determined phosphorylation events deposited in PhosphoSitePlus. Based on accessibility, we map these identifications on allowed (accessible) or disallowed (inaccessible) regions of phosphoconformation. Surprisingly a striking number of HT- MS/MS derived events (1461/5947 sites or 24.6%) are present in the disallowed region of conformation. By considering protein dynamics, autophosphorylation events and/or the sequence specificity of kinases, 13.8% of these phosphosites can be moved to the allowed region of conformation. We also demonstrate that rSASA values can be used to increase the confidence of identification of phosphorylation sites within an ambiguous MS dataset. While MS is a stand-alone technique for the identification of vast majority of phosphorylation events, identifications within disallowed region of conformation will benefit from techniques that independently probe for phosphorylation and protein dynamics. Our studies also imply that trapping alternate protein conformations may be a viable alternative to the design of inhibitors against mutation prone drug resistance kinases

    Phosphorylation of the Arp2 subunit relieves auto-inhibitory interactions for Arp2/3 complex activation.

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    Actin filament assembly by the actin-related protein (Arp) 2/3 complex is necessary to build many cellular structures, including lamellipodia at the leading edge of motile cells and phagocytic cups, and to move endosomes and intracellular pathogens. The crucial role of the Arp2/3 complex in cellular processes requires precise spatiotemporal regulation of its activity. While binding of nucleation-promoting factors (NPFs) has long been considered essential to Arp2/3 complex activity, we recently showed that phosphorylation of the Arp2 subunit is also necessary for Arp2/3 complex activation. Using molecular dynamics simulations and biochemical assays with recombinant Arp2/3 complex, we now show how phosphorylation of Arp2 induces conformational changes permitting activation. The simulations suggest that phosphorylation causes reorientation of Arp2 relative to Arp3 by destabilizing a network of salt-bridge interactions at the interface of the Arp2, Arp3, and ARPC4 subunits. Simulations also suggest a gain-of-function ARPC4 mutant that we show experimentally to have substantial activity in the absence of NPFs. We propose a model in which a network of auto-inhibitory salt-bridge interactions holds the Arp2 subunit in an inactive orientation. These auto-inhibitory interactions are destabilized upon phosphorylation of Arp2, allowing Arp2 to reorient to an activation-competent state

    Impact of Ser17 phosphorylation on the conformational dynamics of the oncoprotein MDM2

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    MDM2 is an important oncoprotein that downregulates the activity of the tumor suppressor protein p53 via binding of its N-terminal domain to the p53 transactivation domain. The first 24 residues of the MDM2 N-terminal domain form an intrinsically disordered “lid” region that interconverts on a millisecond time scale between “open” and “closed” states in unliganded MDM2. While the former conformational state is expected to facilitate p53 binding, the latter competes in a pseudo-substrate manner with p53 for its binding site. Phosphorylation of serine 17 in the MDM2 lid region is thought to modulate the equilibrium between “open” and “closed” lid states, but contradictory findings on the favored lid conformational state upon phosphorylation have been reported. Here, the nature of the conformational states of MDM2 pSer17 and Ser17Asp variants was addressed by means of enhanced sampling molecular dynamics simulations. Detailed analyses of the computed lid conformational ensembles indicate that both lid variants stabilize a “closed” state, with respect to wild type. Nevertheless, the nature of the closed-state conformational ensembles differs significantly between the pSer17 and Ser17Asp variants. Thus, care should be applied in the interpretation of biochemical experiments that use phosphomimetic variants to model the effects of phosphorylation on the structure and dynamics of this disordered protein region

    Effects of Macromolecular Crowding on Protein Conformational Changes

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    Many protein functions can be directly linked to conformational changes. Inside cells, the equilibria and transition rates between different conformations may be affected by macromolecular crowding. We have recently developed a new approach for modeling crowding effects, which enables an atomistic representation of “test” proteins. Here this approach is applied to study how crowding affects the equilibria and transition rates between open and closed conformations of seven proteins: yeast protein disulfide isomerase (yPDI), adenylate kinase (AdK), orotidine phosphate decarboxylase (ODCase), Trp repressor (TrpR), hemoglobin, DNA β-glucosyltransferase, and Ap4A hydrolase. For each protein, molecular dynamics simulations of the open and closed states are separately run. Representative open and closed conformations are then used to calculate the crowding-induced changes in chemical potential for the two states. The difference in chemical-potential change between the two states finally predicts the effects of crowding on the population ratio of the two states. Crowding is found to reduce the open population to various extents. In the presence of crowders with a 15 Å radius and occupying 35% of volume, the open-to-closed population ratios of yPDI, AdK, ODCase and TrpR are reduced by 79%, 78%, 62% and 55%, respectively. The reductions for the remaining three proteins are 20–44%. As expected, the four proteins experiencing the stronger crowding effects are those with larger conformational changes between open and closed states (e.g., as measured by the change in radius of gyration). Larger proteins also tend to experience stronger crowding effects than smaller ones [e.g., comparing yPDI (480 residues) and TrpR (98 residues)]. The potentials of mean force along the open-closed reaction coordinate of apo and ligand-bound ODCase are altered by crowding, suggesting that transition rates are also affected. These quantitative results and qualitative trends will serve as valuable guides for expected crowding effects on protein conformation changes inside cells

    An Acidic Loop and Cognate Phosphorylation Sites Define a Molecular Switch That Modulates Ubiquitin Charging Activity in Cdc34-Like Enzymes

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    E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes are crucial mediators of protein ubiquitination, which strongly influence the ultimate fate of the target substrates. Recently, it has been shown that the activity of several enzymes of the ubiquitination pathway is finely tuned by phosphorylation, an ubiquitous mechanism for cellular regulation, which modulates protein conformation. In this contribution, we provide the first rationale, at the molecular level, of the regulatory mechanism mediated by casein kinase 2 (CK2) phosphorylation of E2 Cdc34-like enzymes. In particular, we identify two co-evolving signature elements in one of the larger families of E2 enzymes: an acidic insertion in β4α2 loop in the proximity of the catalytic cysteine and two conserved key serine residues within the catalytic domain, which are phosphorylated by CK2. Our investigations, using yeast Cdc34 as a model, through 2.5 µs molecular dynamics simulations and biochemical assays, define these two elements as an important phosphorylation-controlled switch that modulates opening and closing of the catalytic cleft. The mechanism relies on electrostatic repulsions between a conserved serine phosphorylated by CK2 and the acidic residues of the β4α2 loop, promoting E2 ubiquitin charging activity. Our investigation identifies a new and unexpected pivotal role for the acidic loop, providing the first evidence that this loop is crucial not only for downstream events related to ubiquitin chain assembly, but is also mandatory for the modulation of an upstream crucial step of the ubiquitin pathway: the ubiquitin charging in the E2 catalytic cleft

    The Importance of Slow Motions for Protein Functional Loops

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    Loops in proteins connect secondary structures such as alpha-helix and beta-sheet, are often on the surface, and may play a critical role in some functions of a protein. The mobility of loops is central for the motional freedom and flexibility requirements of active-site loops and may play a critical role for some functions. The structures and behaviors of loops have not been much studied in the context of the whole structure and its overall motions, and especially how these might be coupled. Here we investigate loop motions by using coarse-grained structures (Cα atoms only) to solve for the motions of the system by applying Lagrange equations with elastic network models to learn about which loops move in an independent fashion and which move in coordination with domain motions, faster and slower, respectively. The normal modes of the system are calculated using eigen-decomposition of the stiffness matrix. The contribution of individual modes and groups of modes are investigated for their effects on all residues in each loop by using Fourier analyses. Our results indicate overall that the motions of functional sets of loops behave in similar ways as the whole structure. But, overall only a relatively few loops move in coordination with the dominant slow modes of motion, and that these are often closely related to function

    How phosphorylation influences E1 subunit pyruvate dehydrogenase: A computational study

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    Pyruvate (PYR) dehydrogenase complex (PDC) is an enzymatic system that plays a crucial role in cellular metabolism as it controls the entry of carbon into the Krebs cycle. From a structural point of view, PDC is formed by three different subunits (E1, E2 and E3) capable of catalyzing the three reaction steps necessary for the full conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA. Recent investigations pointed out the crucial role of this enzyme in the replication and survival of specific cancer cell lines, renewing the interest of the scientific community. Here, we report the results of our molecular dynamics studies on the mechanism by which posttranslational modifications, in particular the phosphorylation of three serine residues (Ser-264-α, Ser-271-α, and Ser-203-α), influence the enzymatic function of the protein. Our results support the hypothesis that the phosphorylation of Ser-264-α and Ser-271-α leads to (1) a perturbation of the catalytic site structure and dynamics and, especially in the case of Ser-264-α, to (2) a reduction in the affinity of E1 for the substrate. Additionally, an analysis of the channels connecting the external environment with the catalytic site indicates that the inhibitory effect should not be due to the occlusion of the access/egress pathways to/from the active site

    How phosphorylation influences E1 subunit pyruvate dehydrogenase: A computational study

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    Pyruvate (PYR) dehydrogenase complex (PDC) is an enzymatic system that plays a crucial role in cellular metabolism as it controls the entry of carbon into the Krebs cycle. From a structural point of view, PDC is formed by three different subunits (E1, E2 and E3) capable of catalyzing the three reaction steps necessary for the full conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA. Recent investigations pointed out the crucial role of this enzyme in the replication and survival of specific cancer cell lines, renewing the interest of the scientific community. Here, we report the results of our molecular dynamics studies on the mechanism by which posttranslational modifications, in particular the phosphorylation of three serine residues (Ser-264-α, Ser-271-α, and Ser-203-α), influence the enzymatic function of the protein. Our results support the hypothesis that the phosphorylation of Ser-264-α and Ser-271-α leads to (1) a perturbation of the catalytic site structure and dynamics and, especially in the case of Ser-264-α, to (2) a reduction in the affinity of E1 for the substrate. Additionally, an analysis of the channels connecting the external environment with the catalytic site indicates that the inhibitory effect should not be due to the occlusion of the access/egress pathways to/from the active site