113 research outputs found

    Permutability in proof terms for intuitionistic sequent calculus with cuts

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    This paper gives a comprehensive and coherent view on permutability in the intuitionistic sequent calculus with cuts. Specifically we show that, once permutability is packaged into appropriate global reduction procedures, it organizes the internal structure of the system and determines fragments with computational interest, both for the computation-as-proof-normalization and the computation-as-proof-search paradigms. The vehicle of the study is a lambda-calculus of multiary proof terms with generalized application, previously developed by the authors (the paper argues this system represents the simplest fragment of ordinary sequent calculus that does not fall into mere natural deduction). We start by adapting to our setting the concept of normal proof, developed by Mints, Dyckhoff, and Pinto, and by defining natural proofs, so that a proof is normal iff it is natural and cut-free. Natural proofs form a subsystem with a transparent Curry-Howard interpretation (a kind of formal vector notation for lambda-terms with vectors consisting of lists of lists of arguments), while searching for normal proofs corresponds to a slight relaxation of focusing (in the sense of LJT). Next, we define a process of permutative conversion to natural form, and show that its combination with cut elimination gives a concept of normalization for the sequent calculus. We derive a systematic picture of the full system comprehending a rich set of reduction procedures (cut elimination, flattening, permutative conversion, normalization, focalization), organizing the relevant subsystems and the important subclasses of cut-free, normal, and focused proofs.Partially financed by FCT through project UID/MAT/00013/2013, and by COST action CA15123 EUTYPES. The first and the last authors were partially financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through project UID/MAT/00013/2013. The first author got financial support by the COST action CA15123 EUTYPES.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Computational interpretation of classical logic with explicit structural rules

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    We present a calculus providing a Curry-Howard correspondence to classical logic represented in the sequent calculus with explicit structural rules, namely weakening and contraction. These structural rules introduce explicit erasure and duplication of terms, respectively. We present a type system for which we prove the type-preservation under reduction. A mutual relation with classical calculus featuring implicit structural rules has been studied in detail. From this analysis we derive strong normalisation property

    Revisiting the correspondence between cut-elimination and normalisation

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    Cut-free proofs in Herbelin's sequent calculus are in 1-1 correspondence with normal natural deduction proofs. For this reason Herbelin's sequent calculus has been considered a privileged middle-point between L-systems and natural deduction. However, this bijection does not extend to proofs containing cuts and Herbelin observed that his cut-elimination procedure is not isomorphic to β\beta-reduction. In this paper we equip Herbelin's system with rewrite rules which, at the same time: (1) complete in a sense the cut elimination procedure firstly proposed by Herbelin; and (2) perform the intuitionistic "fragment'' of the tq-protocol - a cut-elimination procedure for classical logic defined by Danos, Joinet and Schellinx. Moreover we identify the subcalculus of our system which is isomorphic to natural deduction, the isomorphism being with respect not only to proofs but also to normalisation. Our results show, for the implicational fragment of intuitionistic logic, how to embed natural deduction in the much wider world of sequent calculus and what a particular cut-elimination procedure normalisation is.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

    Proof search issues in some non-classical logics

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    This thesis develops techniques and ideas on proof search. Proof search is used with one of two meanings. Proof search can be thought of either as the search for a yes/no answer to a query (theorem proving), or as the search for all proofs of a formula (proof enumeration). This thesis is an investigation into issues in proof search in both these senses for some non-classical logics. Gentzen systems are well suited for use in proof search in both senses. The rules of Gentzen sequent calculi are such that implementations can be directed by the top level syntax of sequents, unlike other logical calculi such as natural deduction. All the calculi for proof search in this thesis are Gentzen sequent calculi. In Chapter 2, permutation of inference rules for Intuitionistic Linear Logic is studied. A focusing calculus, ILLF, in the style of Andreoli ([And92]) is developed.This calculus allows only one proof in each equivalence class of proofs equivalent up to permutations of inferences. The issue here is both theorem proving and proof enumeration. For certain logics, normal natural deductions provide a proof-theoretic semantics. Proof enumeration is then the enumeration of all these deductions. Herbelin’s cutfree LJT ([Her95], here called MJ) is a Gentzen system for intuitionistic logic allowing derivations that correspond in a 1–1 way to the normal natural deductions of intuitionistic logic. This calculus is therefore well suited to proof enumeration. Such calculi are called ‘permutation-free’ calculi. In Chapter 3, MJ is extended to a calculus for an intuitionistic modal logic (due to Curry) called Lax Logic. We call this calculus PFLAX. The proof theory of MJ is extended to PFLAX. Chapter 4 presents work on theorem proving for propositional logics using a history mechanism for loop-checking. This mechanism is a refinement of one developed by Heuerding et al ([HSZ96]). It is applied to two calculi for intuitionistic logic and also to two modal logics: Lax Logic and intuitionistic S4. The calculi for intuitionistic logic are compared both theoretically and experimentally with other decision procedures for the logic. Chapter 5 is a short investigation of embedding intuitionistic logic in Intuitionistic Linear Logic. A new embedding of intuitionistic logic in Intuitionistic Linear Logic is given. For the hereditary Harrop fragment of intuitionistic logic, this embedding induces the calculus MJ for intuitionistic logic. In Chapter 6 a ‘permutation-free’ calculus is given for Intuitionistic Linear Logic. Again, its proof-theoretic properties are investigated. The calculus is proved to besound and complete with respect to a proof-theoretic semantics and (weak) cutelimination is proved. Logic programming can be thought of as proof enumeration in constructive logics. All the proof enumeration calculi in this thesis have been developed with logic programming in mind. We discuss at the appropriate points the relationship between the calculi developed here and logic programming. Appendix A contains presentations of the logical calculi used and Appendix B contains the sets of benchmark formulae used in Chapter

    Provability in BI's Sequent Calculus is Decidable

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    The logic of Bunched Implications (BI) combines both additive and multiplicative connectives, which include two primitive intuitionistic implications. As a consequence, contexts in the sequent presentation are not lists, nor multisets, but rather tree-like structures called bunches. This additional complexity notwithstanding, the logic has a well-behaved metatheory admitting all the familiar forms of semantics and proof systems. However, the presentation of an effective proof-search procedure has been elusive since the logic's debut. We show that one can reduce the proof-search space for any given sequent to a primitive recursive set, the argument generalizing Gentzen's decidability argument for classical propositional logic and combining key features of Dyckhoff's contraction-elimination argument for intuitionistic logic. An effective proof-search procedure, and hence decidability of provability, follows as a corollary.Comment: Submitted to CADE-2

    Canonicity of Proofs in Constructive Modal Logic

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    In this paper we investigate the Curry-Howard correspondence for constructive modal logic in light of the gap between the proof equivalences enforced by the lambda calculi from the literature and by the recently defined winning strategies for this logic. We define a new lambda-calculus for a minimal constructive modal logic by enriching the calculus from the literature with additional reduction rules and we prove normalization and confluence for our calculus. We then provide a typing system in the style of focused proof systems allowing us to provide a unique proof for each term in normal form, and we use this result to show a one-to-one correspondence between terms in normal form and winning innocent strategies.Comment: Extended version of the TABLEAUX 2023 pape

    Proof Search Issues in Some Non-Classical Logics

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    This thesis develops techniques and ideas on proof search. Proof search is used with one of two meanings. Proof search can be thought of either as the search for a yes/no answer to a query (theorem proving), or as the search for all proofs of a formula (proof enumeration). This thesis is an investigation into issues in proof search in both these senses for some non-classical logics. Gentzen systems are well suited for use in proof search in both senses. The rules of Gentzen sequent calculi are such that implementations can be directed by the top level syntax of sequents, unlike other logical calculi such as natural deduction. All the calculi for proof search in this thesis are Gentzen sequent calculi. In Chapter 2, permutation of inference rules for Intuitionistic Linear Logic is studied. A focusing calculus, ILLF, in the style of Andreoli (citeandreoli-92) is developed. This calculus allows only one proof in each equivalence class of proofs equivalent up to permutations of inferences. The issue here is both theorem proving and proof enumeration. For certain logics, normal natural deductions provide a proof-theoretic semantics. Proof enumeration is then the enumeration of all these deductions. Herbelin's cut-free LJT (citeherb-95, here called MJ) is a Gentzen system for intuitionistic logic allowing derivations that correspond in a 1--1 way to the normal natural deductions of intuitionistic logic. This calculus is therefore well suited to proof enumeration. Such calculi are called `permutation-free' calculi. In Chapter 3, MJ is extended to a calculus for an intuitionistic modal logic (due to Curry) called Lax Logic. We call this calculus PFLAX. The proof theory of MJ is extended to PFLAX. Chapter 4 presents work on theorem proving for propositional logics using a history mechanism for loop-checking. This mechanism is a refinement of one developed by Heuerding emphet al (citeheu-sey-zim-96). It is applied to two calculi for intuitionistic logic and also to two modal logics: Lax Logic and intuitionistic S4. The calculi for intuitionistic logic are compared both theoretically and experimentally with other decision procedures for the logic. Chapter 5 is a short investigation of embedding intuitionistic logic in Intuitionistic Linear Logic. A new embedding of intuitionistic logic in Intuitionistic Linear Logic is given. For the hereditary Harrop fragment of intuitionistic logic, this embedding induces the calculus MJ for intuitionistic logic. In Chapter 6 a `permutation-free' calculus is given for Intuitionistic Linear Logic. Again, its proof-theoretic properties are investigated. The calculus is proved to be sound and complete with respect to a proof-theoretic semantics and (weak) cut-elimination is proved. Logic programming can be thought of as proof enumeration in constructive logics. All the proof enumeration calculi in this thesis have been developed with logic programming in mind. We discuss at the appropriate points the relationship between the calculi developed here and logic programming. Appendix A contains presentations of the logical calculi used and Appendix B contains the sets of benchmark formulae used in Chapter 4

    Higher-order port-graph rewriting

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    The biologically inspired framework of port-graphs has been successfully used to specify complex systems. It is the basis of the PORGY modelling tool. To facilitate the specification of proof normalisation procedures via graph rewriting, in this paper we add higher-order features to the original port-graph syntax, along with a generalised notion of graph morphism. We provide a matching algorithm which enables to implement higher-order port-graph rewriting in PORGY, thus one can visually study the dynamics of the systems modelled. We illustrate the expressive power of higher-order port-graphs with examples taken from proof-net reduction systems.Comment: In Proceedings LINEARITY 2012, arXiv:1211.348

    A First-Order Representation of Pure Type Systems Using Superdeduction

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    International audienceSuperdeduction is a formalism closely related to deduction modulo which permits to enrich a deduction system (especially a first-order one such as natural deduction or sequent calculus) with new inference rules automatically computed from the presentation of a theory. We give a natural encoding from every functional Pure Type System (PTS) into superdeduction by defining an appropriate first-order theory. We prove that this translation is correct and conservative, showing a correspondence between valid typing judgments in the PTS and provable sequents in the corresponding superdeductive system. As a byproduct, we also introduce the superdeductive sequent calculus for intuitionistic logic, which was until now only defined for classical logic. We show its equivalence with the superdeductive natural deduction. This implies that superdeduction can be easily used as a logical framework. These results lead to a better understanding of the implementation and the automation of proof search for PTS, as well as to more cooperation between proof assistants
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