24 research outputs found

    Efficient Benchmarking of Algorithm Configuration Procedures via Model-Based Surrogates

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    The optimization of algorithm (hyper-)parameters is crucial for achieving peak performance across a wide range of domains, ranging from deep neural networks to solvers for hard combinatorial problems. The resulting algorithm configuration (AC) problem has attracted much attention from the machine learning community. However, the proper evaluation of new AC procedures is hindered by two key hurdles. First, AC benchmarks are hard to set up. Second and even more significantly, they are computationally expensive: a single run of an AC procedure involves many costly runs of the target algorithm whose performance is to be optimized in a given AC benchmark scenario. One common workaround is to optimize cheap-to-evaluate artificial benchmark functions (e.g., Branin) instead of actual algorithms; however, these have different properties than realistic AC problems. Here, we propose an alternative benchmarking approach that is similarly cheap to evaluate but much closer to the original AC problem: replacing expensive benchmarks by surrogate benchmarks constructed from AC benchmarks. These surrogate benchmarks approximate the response surface corresponding to true target algorithm performance using a regression model, and the original and surrogate benchmark share the same (hyper-)parameter space. In our experiments, we construct and evaluate surrogate benchmarks for hyperparameter optimization as well as for AC problems that involve performance optimization of solvers for hard combinatorial problems, drawing training data from the runs of existing AC procedures. We show that our surrogate benchmarks capture overall important characteristics of the AC scenarios, such as high- and low-performing regions, from which they were derived, while being much easier to use and orders of magnitude cheaper to evaluate

    Automated Design of Metaheuristic Algorithms: A Survey

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    Metaheuristics have gained great success in academia and practice because their search logic can be applied to any problem with available solution representation, solution quality evaluation, and certain notions of locality. Manually designing metaheuristic algorithms for solving a target problem is criticized for being laborious, error-prone, and requiring intensive specialized knowledge. This gives rise to increasing interest in automated design of metaheuristic algorithms. With computing power to fully explore potential design choices, the automated design could reach and even surpass human-level design and could make high-performance algorithms accessible to a much wider range of researchers and practitioners. This paper presents a broad picture of automated design of metaheuristic algorithms, by conducting a survey on the common grounds and representative techniques in terms of design space, design strategies, performance evaluation strategies, and target problems in this field

    On the automatic design of multi‑objective particle swarm optimizers: experimentation and analysis.

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    Research in multi-objective particle swarm optimizers (MOPSOs) progresses by proposing one new MOPSO at a time. In spite of the commonalities among different MOPSOs, it is often unclear which algorithmic components are crucial for explaining the performance of a particular MOPSO design. Moreover, it is expected that different designs may perform best on different problem families and identifying a best overall MOPSO is a challenging task. We tackle this challenge here by: (1) proposing AutoMOPSO, a flexible algorithmic template for designing MOPSOs with a design space that can instantiate thousands of potential MOPSOs; and (2) searching for good-performing MOPSO designs given a family of training problems by means of an automatic configuration tool (irace). We apply this automatic design methodology to generate a MOPSO that significantly outperforms two state-of-the-art MOPSOs on four well-known bi-objective problem families. We also identify the key design choices and parameters of the winning MOPSO by means of ablation. FAutoMOPSO is publicly available as part of the jMetal framework.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Hyperparameter optimization: Foundations, algorithms, best practices, and open challenges

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    Most machine learning algorithms are configured by a set of hyperparameters whose values must be carefully chosen and which often considerably impact performance. To avoid a time-consuming and irreproducible manual process of trial-and-error to find well-performing hyperparameter configurations, various automatic hyperparameter optimization (HPO) methods—for example, based on resampling error estimation for supervised machine learning—can be employed. After introducing HPO from a general perspective, this paper reviews important HPO methods, from simple techniques such as grid or random search to more advanced methods like evolution strategies, Bayesian optimization, Hyperband, and racing. This work gives practical recommendations regarding important choices to be made when conducting HPO, including the HPO algorithms themselves, performance evaluation, how to combine HPO with machine learning pipelines, runtime improvements, and parallelization. This article is categorized under: Algorithmic Development > Statistics Technologies > Machine Learning Technologies > Prediction

    Systems for AutoML Research

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    Sparkle: toward accessible meta-algorithmics for improving the state of the art in solving challenging problems

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    Many fields of computational science advance through improvements in the algorithms used for solving key problems. These advancements are often facilitated by benchmarks and competitions that enable performance comparisons and rankings of solvers. Simultaneously, meta-algorithmic techniques, such as automated algorithm selection and configuration, enable performance improvements by utilizing the complementary strengths of different algorithms or configurable algorithm components. In fact, meta-algorithms have become major drivers in advancing the state of the art in solving many prominent computational problems. However, meta-algorithmic techniques are complex and difficult to use correctly, while their incorrect use may reduce their efficiency, or in extreme cases, even lead to performance losses. Here, we introduce the Sparkle platform, which aims to make meta-algorithmic techniques more accessible to nonexpert users, and to make these techniques more broadly available in the context of competitions, to further enable the assessment and advancement of the true state of the art in solving challenging computational problems. To achieve this, Sparkle implements standard protocols for algorithm selection and configuration that support easy and correct use of these techniques. Following an experiment, Sparkle generates a report containing results, problem instances, algorithms, and other relevant information, for convenient use in scientific publications.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog