569 research outputs found

    Cyclic sums, network sharing and restricted edge cuts in graphs with long cycles

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    Cyclic Sums, Network Sharing and Restricted Edge Cuts in Graphs with Long Cycles Dieter Rautenbach , Lutz Volkmann Preprint series: 07-06, 8 MSC 2000 05A17 Partitions of integers 05C40 Connectivity Abstract We study graphs G = (V,E) containing a long cycle which for given integers a1, a2, ..., ak 2 N have an edge cut whose removal results in k components with vertex sets V1, V2, ..., Vk such that |Vi| ai for 1 i k. Our results closely relate to problems and recent research in network sharing and network reliability. Keywords: restricted edge connectivity, arbitrarily vertex decomposable graph, network reliability, network sharin

    Graph theory approaches to functional network organization in brain disorders: A critique for a brave new small-world

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    Over the past two decades, resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) methods have provided new insights into the network organization of the human brain. Studies of brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease or depression have adapted tools from graph theory to characterize differences between healthy and patient populations. Here, we conducted a review of clinical network neuroscience, summarizing methodological details from 106 RSFC studies. Although this approach is prevalent and promising, our review identified four challenges. First, the composition of networks varied remarkably in terms of region parcellation and edge definition, which are fundamental to graph analyses. Second, many studies equated the number of connections across graphs, but this is conceptually problematic in clinical populations and may induce spurious group differences. Third, few graph metrics were reported in common, precluding meta-analyses. Fourth, some studies tested hypotheses at one level of the graph without a clear neurobiological rationale or considering how findings at one level (e.g., global topology) are contextualized by another (e.g., modular structure). Based on these themes, we conducted network simulations to demonstrate the impact of specific methodological decisions on case-control comparisons. Finally, we offer suggestions for promoting convergence across clinical studies in order to facilitate progress in this important field

    Minimally 3-restricted edge connected graphs

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    AbstractFor a connected graph G=(V,E), an edge set S⊂E is a 3-restricted edge cut if G−S is disconnected and every component of G−S has order at least three. The cardinality of a minimum 3-restricted edge cut of G is the 3-restricted edge connectivity of G, denoted by λ3(G). A graph G is called minimally 3-restricted edge connected if λ3(G−e)<λ3(G) for each edge e∈E. A graph G is λ3-optimal if λ3(G)=ξ3(G), where ξ3(G)=max{ω(U):U⊂V(G),G[U] is connected,|U|=3}, ω(U) is the number of edges between U and V∖U, and G[U] is the subgraph of G induced by vertex set U. We show in this paper that a minimally 3-restricted edge connected graph is always λ3-optimal except the 3-cube

    Probabilistic thresholding of functional connectomes: Application to schizophrenia.

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    Functional connectomes are commonly analysed as sparse graphs, constructed by thresholding cross-correlations between regional neurophysiological signals. Thresholding generally retains the strongest edges (correlations), either by retaining edges surpassing a given absolute weight, or by constraining the edge density. The latter (more widely used) method risks inclusion of false positive edges at high edge densities and exclusion of true positive edges at low edge densities. Here we apply new wavelet-based methods, which enable construction of probabilistically-thresholded graphs controlled for type I error, to a dataset of resting-state fMRI scans of 56 patients with schizophrenia and 71 healthy controls. By thresholding connectomes to fixed edge-specific P value, we found that functional connectomes of patients with schizophrenia were more dysconnected than those of healthy controls, exhibiting a lower edge density and a higher number of (dis)connected components. Furthermore, many participants' connectomes could not be built up to the fixed edge densities commonly studied in the literature (∼5-30%), while controlling for type I error. Additionally, we showed that the topological randomisation previously reported in the schizophrenia literature is likely attributable to "non-significant" edges added when thresholding connectomes to fixed density based on correlation. Finally, by explicitly comparing connectomes thresholded by increasing P value and decreasing correlation, we showed that probabilistically thresholded connectomes show decreased randomness and increased consistency across participants. Our results have implications for future analysis of functional connectivity using graph theory, especially within datasets exhibiting heterogenous distributions of edge weights (correlations), between groups or across participants

    Markov network structure discovery using independence tests

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    We investigate efficient algorithms for learning the structure of a Markov network from data using the independence-based approach. Such algorithms conduct a series of conditional independence tests on data, successively restricting the set of possible structures until there is only a single structure consistent with the outcomes of the conditional independence tests executed (if possible). As Pearl has shown, the instances of the conditional independence relation in any domain are theoretically interdependent, made explicit in his well-known conditional independence axioms. The first couple of algorithms we discuss, GSMN and GSIMN, exploit Pearl\u27s independence axioms to reduce the number of tests required to learn a Markov network. This is useful in domains where independence tests are expensive, such as cases of very large data sets or distributed data. Subsequently, we explore how these axioms can be exploited to correct the outcome of unreliable statistical independence tests, such as in applications where little data is available. We show how the problem of incorrect tests can be mapped to inference in inconsistent knowledge bases, a problem studied extensively in the field of non-monotonic logic. We present an algorithm for inferring independence values based on a sub-class of non-monotonic logics: the argumentation framework. Our results show the advantage of using our approach in the learning of structures, with improvements in the accuracy of learned networks of up to 20%. As an alternative to logic-based interdependence among independence tests, we also explore probabilistic interdependence. Our algorithm, called PFMN, takes a Bayesian particle filtering approach, using a population of Markov network structures to maintain the posterior probability distribution over them given the outcomes of the tests performed. The result is an approximate algorithm (due to the use of particle filtering) that is useful in domains where independence tests are expensive

    Dyads, triads, and tetrads: a multivariate simulation approach to uncovering network motifs in social graphs

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    Motifs represent local subgraphs that are overrepresented in networks. Several disciplines document multiple instances in which motifs appear in graphs and provide insight into the structure and processes of these networks. In the current paper, we focus on social networks and examine the prevalence of dyad, triad, and symmetric tetrad motifs among 24 networks that represent six types of social interactions: friendship, legislative co-sponsorship, Twitter messages, advice seeking, email communication, and terrorist collusion. Given that the correct control distribution for detecting motifs is a matter of continuous debate, we propose a novel approach that compares the local patterns of observed networks to random graphs simulated from exponential random graph models. Our proposed technique can produce conditional distributions that control for multiple, lower-level structural patterns simultaneously. We find evidence for five motifs using our approach, including the reciprocated dyad, three triads, and one symmetric tetrad. Results highlight the importance of mutuality, hierarchy, and clustering across multiple social interactions, and provide evidence of “structural signatures” within different genres of graph. Similarities also emerge between our findings and those in other disciplines, such as the preponderance of transitive triads