2,835 research outputs found

    Tree Regular Model Checking for Lattice-Based Automata

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    Tree Regular Model Checking (TRMC) is the name of a family of techniques for analyzing infinite-state systems in which states are represented by terms, and sets of states by Tree Automata (TA). The central problem in TRMC is to decide whether a set of bad states is reachable. The problem of computing a TA representing (an over- approximation of) the set of reachable states is undecidable, but efficient solutions based on completion or iteration of tree transducers exist. Unfortunately, the TRMC framework is unable to efficiently capture both the complex structure of a system and of some of its features. As an example, for JAVA programs, the structure of a term is mainly exploited to capture the structure of a state of the system. On the counter part, integers of the java programs have to be encoded with Peano numbers, which means that any algebraic operation is potentially represented by thousands of applications of rewriting rules. In this paper, we propose Lattice Tree Automata (LTAs), an extended version of tree automata whose leaves are equipped with lattices. LTAs allow us to represent possibly infinite sets of interpreted terms. Such terms are capable to represent complex domains and related operations in an efficient manner. We also extend classical Boolean operations to LTAs. Finally, as a major contribution, we introduce a new completion-based algorithm for computing the possibly infinite set of reachable interpreted terms in a finite amount of time.Comment: Technical repor

    A General Setting for Flexibly Combining and Augmenting Decision Procedures

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    Existential witness extraction in classical realizability and via a negative translation

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    We show how to extract existential witnesses from classical proofs using Krivine's classical realizability---where classical proofs are interpreted as lambda-terms with the call/cc control operator. We first recall the basic framework of classical realizability (in classical second-order arithmetic) and show how to extend it with primitive numerals for faster computations. Then we show how to perform witness extraction in this framework, by discussing several techniques depending on the shape of the existential formula. In particular, we show that in the Sigma01-case, Krivine's witness extraction method reduces to Friedman's through a well-suited negative translation to intuitionistic second-order arithmetic. Finally we discuss the advantages of using call/cc rather than a negative translation, especially from the point of view of an implementation.Comment: 52 pages. Accepted in Logical Methods for Computer Science (LMCS), 201

    Inductive-data-type Systems

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    In a previous work ("Abstract Data Type Systems", TCS 173(2), 1997), the last two authors presented a combined language made of a (strongly normalizing) algebraic rewrite system and a typed lambda-calculus enriched by pattern-matching definitions following a certain format, called the "General Schema", which generalizes the usual recursor definitions for natural numbers and similar "basic inductive types". This combined language was shown to be strongly normalizing. The purpose of this paper is to reformulate and extend the General Schema in order to make it easily extensible, to capture a more general class of inductive types, called "strictly positive", and to ease the strong normalization proof of the resulting system. This result provides a computation model for the combination of an algebraic specification language based on abstract data types and of a strongly typed functional language with strictly positive inductive types.Comment: Theoretical Computer Science (2002

    Strong normalisation for applied lambda calculi

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    We consider the untyped lambda calculus with constructors and recursively defined constants. We construct a domain-theoretic model such that any term not denoting bottom is strongly normalising provided all its `stratified approximations' are. From this we derive a general normalisation theorem for applied typed lambda-calculi: If all constants have a total value, then all typeable terms are strongly normalising. We apply this result to extensions of G\"odel's system T and system F extended by various forms of bar recursion for which strong normalisation was hitherto unknown.Comment: 14 pages, paper acceptet at electronic journal LMC

    Strict General Setting for Building Decision Procedures into Theorem Provers

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    The efficient and flexible incorporating of decision procedures into theorem provers is very important for their successful use. There are several approaches for combining and augmenting of decision procedures; some of them support handling uninterpreted functions, congruence closure, lemma invoking etc. In this paper we present a variant of one general setting for building decision procedures into theorem provers (gs framework [18]). That setting is based on macro inference rules motivated by techniques used in different approaches. The general setting enables a simple describing of different combination/augmentation schemes. In this paper, we further develop and extend this setting by an imposed ordering on the macro inference rules. That ordering leads to a ”strict setting”. It makes implementing and using variants of well-known or new schemes within this framework a very easy task even for a non-expert user. Also, this setting enables easy comparison of different combination/augmentation schemes and combination of their ideas

    Practical Theory Extension in Event-B

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    Abstract. The Rodin tool for Event-B supports formal modelling and proof using a mathematical language that is based on predicate logic and set theory. Although Rodin has in-built support for a rich set of operators and proof rules, for some application areas there may be a need to extend the set of operators and proof rules supported by the tool. This paper outlines a new feature of the Rodin tool, the theory component, that allows users to extend the mathematical language supported by the tool. Using theories, Rodin users may define new data types and polymorphic operators in a systematic and practical way. Theories also allow users to extend the proof capabilities of Rodin by defining new proof rules that get incorporated into the proof mechanisms. Soundness of new definitions and rules is provided through validity proof obligations.
