427 research outputs found

    Splitting trees stopped when the first clock rings and Vervaat's transformation

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    We consider a branching population where individuals have i.i.d.\ life lengths (not necessarily exponential) and constant birth rate. We let NtN_t denote the population size at time tt. %(called homogeneous, binary Crump--Mode--Jagers process). We further assume that all individuals, at birth time, are equipped with independent exponential clocks with parameter δ\delta. We are interested in the genealogical tree stopped at the first time TT when one of those clocks rings. This question has applications in epidemiology, in population genetics, in ecology and in queuing theory. We show that conditional on {T<∞}\{T<\infty\}, the joint law of (NT,T,X(T))(N_T, T, X^{(T)}), where X(T)X^{(T)} is the jumping contour process of the tree truncated at time TT, is equal to that of (M,−IM,YM′)(M, -I_M, Y_M') conditional on {M≠0}\{M\not=0\}, where : M+1M+1 is the number of visits of 0, before some single independent exponential clock e\mathbf{e} with parameter δ\delta rings, by some specified L{\'e}vy process YY without negative jumps reflected below its supremum; IMI_M is the infimum of the path YMY_M defined as YY killed at its last 0 before e\mathbf{e}; YM′Y_M' is the Vervaat transform of YMY_M. This identity yields an explanation for the geometric distribution of NTN_T \cite{K,T} and has numerous other applications. In particular, conditional on {NT=n}\{N_T=n\}, and also on {NT=n,T<a}\{N_T=n, T<a\}, the ages and residual lifetimes of the nn alive individuals at time TT are i.i.d.\ and independent of nn. We provide explicit formulae for this distribution and give a more general application to outbreaks of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the hospital

    On dynamic mutual information for bivariate lifetimes

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    We consider dynamic versions of the mutual information of lifetime distributions, with focus on past lifetimes, residual lifetimes and mixed lifetimes evaluated at different instants. This allows to study multicomponent systems, by measuring the dependence in conditional lifetimes of two components having possibly different ages. We provide some bounds, and investigate the mutual information of residual lifetimes within the time-transformed exponential model (under both the assumptions of unbounded and truncated lifetimes). Moreover, with reference to the order statistics of a random sample, we evaluate explicitly the mutual information between the minimum and the maximum, conditional on inspection at different times, and show that it is distribution-free. Finally, we develop a copula-based approach aiming to express the dynamic mutual information for past and residual bivariate lifetimes in an alternative way

    On dynamic mutual information for bivariate lifetimes

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    We consider dynamic versions of the mutual information of lifetime distributions, with focus on past lifetimes, residual lifetimes and mixed lifetimes evaluated at different instants. This allows to study multicomponent systems, by measuring the dependence in conditional lifetimes of two components having possibly different ages. We provide some bounds, and investigate the mutual information of residual lifetimes within the time-transformed exponential model (under both the assumptions of unbounded and truncated lifetimes). Moreover, with reference to the order statistics of a random sample, we evaluate explicitly the mutual information between the minimum and the maximum, conditional on inspection at different times, and show that it is distribution-free. Finally, we develop a copula-based approach aiming to express the dynamic mutual information for past and residual bivariate lifetimes in an alternative way.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Efficient generation of NN-photon generalized binomial states in a cavity

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    Extending a previous result on the generation of two-photon generalized binomial field states, here we propose an efficient scheme to generate with high-fidelity, in a single-mode high-Q cavity, N-photon generalized binomial states with a maximum number of photons N>2. Besides their interest for classical-quantum border investigations, we discuss the applicative usage of these states in realizing universal quantum computation, describing in particular a scheme that performs a controlled-NOT gate by dispersive interaction with a control atom. We finally analyze the feasibility of the proposed schemes, showing that they appear to be within the current experimental capabilities.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Phonon number quantum jumps in an optomechanical system

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    We describe an optomechanical system in which the mean phonon number of a single mechanical mode conditionally displaces the amplitude of the optical field. Using homodyne detection of the output field we establish the conditions under which phonon number quantum jumps can be inferred from the measurement record: both the cavity damping rate and the measurement rate of the phonon number must be much greater than the thermalization rate of the mechanical mode. We present simulations of the conditional dynamics of the measured system using the stochastic master equation. In the good-measurement limit, the conditional evolution of the mean phonon number shows quantum jumps as phonons enter and exit the mechanical resonator via the bath.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. minor revisions since first versio

    Optimal search strategies of space-time coupled random walkers with finite lifetimes

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    We present a simple paradigm for detection of an immobile target by a space-time coupled random walker with a finite lifetime. The motion of the walker is characterized by linear displacements at a fixed speed and exponentially distributed duration, interrupted by random changes in the direction of motion and resumption of motion in the new direction with the same speed. We call these walkers "mortal creepers". A mortal creeper may die at any time during its motion according to an exponential decay law characterized by a finite mean death rate ωm\omega_m. While still alive, the creeper has a finite mean frequency ω\omega of change of the direction of motion. In particular, we consider the efficiency of the target search process, characterized by the probability that the creeper will eventually detect the target. Analytic results confirmed by numerical results show that there is an ωm\omega_m-dependent optimal frequency ω=ωopt\omega=\omega_{opt} that maximizes the probability of eventual target detection. We work primarily in one-dimensional (d=1d=1) domains and examine the role of initial conditions and of finite domain sizes. Numerical results in d=2d=2 domains confirm the existence of an optimal frequency of change of direction, thereby suggesting that the observed effects are robust to changes in dimensionality. In the d=1d=1 case, explicit expressions for the probability of target detection in the long time limit are given. In the case of an infinite domain, we compute the detection probability for arbitrary times and study its early- and late-time behavior. We further consider the survival probability of the target in the presence of many independent creepers beginning their motion at the same location and at the same time. We also consider a version of the standard "target problem" in which many creepers start at random locations at the same time.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. The title has been changed with respect to the one in the previous versio
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