1,252 research outputs found

    Conditional Hardness for Approximate Coloring

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    We study the coloring problem: Given a graph G, decide whether c(G)≤qc(G) \leq q or c(G)≥Qc(G) \ge Q, where c(G) is the chromatic number of G. We derive conditional hardness for this problem for any constant 3≤q<Q3 \le q < Q. For q≥4q\ge 4, our result is based on Khot's 2-to-1 conjecture [Khot'02]. For q=3q=3, we base our hardness result on a certain `fish shaped' variant of his conjecture. We also prove that the problem almost coloring is hard for any constant \eps>0, assuming Khot's Unique Games conjecture. This is the problem of deciding for a given graph, between the case where one can 3-color all but a \eps fraction of the vertices without monochromatic edges, and the case where the graph contains no independent set of relative size at least \eps. Our result is based on bounding various generalized noise-stability quantities using the invariance principle of Mossel et al [MOO'05]

    Conditional Hardness for Approximate Coloring

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    We study the AprxColoring(q,Q) problem: Given a graph G, decide whether Χ(G) ≤ q or Χ(G)≥Q. We present hardness results for this problem for any constants 3 ≤ q \u3c Q. For q ≥ 4, our result is base on Khot\u27s 2-to-1 label cover, which is conjectured to be NP-hard [S. Khot, Proceedings of the 34th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2002, pp. 767–775]. For q=3, we base our hardness result on a certain “⋉-shaped variant of his conjecture. Previously no hardness result was known for q = 3 and Q ≥ 6. At the heart of our proof are tight bounds on generalized noise-stability quantities, which extend the recent work of Mossel, O\u27Donnell, and Oleszkiewicz [ Noise stability of functions with low influences: Invariance and optimality, Ann. of Math. (2), to appear] and should have wider applicability

    On Coloring Resilient Graphs

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    We introduce a new notion of resilience for constraint satisfaction problems, with the goal of more precisely determining the boundary between NP-hardness and the existence of efficient algorithms for resilient instances. In particular, we study rr-resiliently kk-colorable graphs, which are those kk-colorable graphs that remain kk-colorable even after the addition of any rr new edges. We prove lower bounds on the NP-hardness of coloring resiliently colorable graphs, and provide an algorithm that colors sufficiently resilient graphs. We also analyze the corresponding notion of resilience for kk-SAT. This notion of resilience suggests an array of open questions for graph coloring and other combinatorial problems.Comment: Appearing in MFCS 201

    Improved Inapproximability Results for Maximum k-Colorable Subgraph

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    We study the maximization version of the fundamental graph coloring problem. Here the goal is to color the vertices of a k-colorable graph with k colors so that a maximum fraction of edges are properly colored (i.e. their endpoints receive different colors). A random k-coloring properly colors an expected fraction 1-1/k of edges. We prove that given a graph promised to be k-colorable, it is NP-hard to find a k-coloring that properly colors more than a fraction ~1-O(1/k} of edges. Previously, only a hardness factor of 1-O(1/k^2) was known. Our result pins down the correct asymptotic dependence of the approximation factor on k. Along the way, we prove that approximating the Maximum 3-colorable subgraph problem within a factor greater than 32/33 is NP-hard. Using semidefinite programming, it is known that one can do better than a random coloring and properly color a fraction 1-1/k +2 ln k/k^2 of edges in polynomial time. We show that, assuming the 2-to-1 conjecture, it is hard to properly color (using k colors) more than a fraction 1-1/k + O(ln k/ k^2) of edges of a k-colorable graph.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Hardness of Finding Independent Sets in 2-Colorable Hypergraphs and of Satisfiable CSPs

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    This work revisits the PCP Verifiers used in the works of Hastad [Has01], Guruswami et al.[GHS02], Holmerin[Hol02] and Guruswami[Gur00] for satisfiable Max-E3-SAT and Max-Ek-Set-Splitting, and independent set in 2-colorable 4-uniform hypergraphs. We provide simpler and more efficient PCP Verifiers to prove the following improved hardness results: Assuming that NP\not\subseteq DTIME(N^{O(loglog N)}), There is no polynomial time algorithm that, given an n-vertex 2-colorable 4-uniform hypergraph, finds an independent set of n/(log n)^c vertices, for some constant c > 0. There is no polynomial time algorithm that satisfies 7/8 + 1/(log n)^c fraction of the clauses of a satisfiable Max-E3-SAT instance of size n, for some constant c > 0. For any fixed k >= 4, there is no polynomial time algorithm that finds a partition splitting (1 - 2^{-k+1}) + 1/(log n)^c fraction of the k-sets of a satisfiable Max-Ek-Set-Splitting instance of size n, for some constant c > 0. Our hardness factor for independent set in 2-colorable 4-uniform hypergraphs is an exponential improvement over the previous results of Guruswami et al.[GHS02] and Holmerin[Hol02]. Similarly, our inapproximability of (log n)^{-c} beyond the random assignment threshold for Max-E3-SAT and Max-Ek-Set-Splitting is an exponential improvement over the previous bounds proved in [Has01], [Hol02] and [Gur00]. The PCP Verifiers used in our results avoid the use of a variable bias parameter used in previous works, which leads to the improved hardness thresholds in addition to simplifying the analysis substantially. Apart from standard techniques from Fourier Analysis, for the first mentioned result we use a mixing estimate of Markov Chains based on uniform reverse hypercontractivity over general product spaces from the work of Mossel et al.[MOS13].Comment: 23 Page

    Approximation for Maximum Surjective Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    Maximum surjective constraint satisfaction problems (Max-Sur-CSPs) are computational problems where we are given a set of variables denoting values from a finite domain B and a set of constraints on the variables. A solution to such a problem is a surjective mapping from the set of variables to B such that the number of satisfied constraints is maximized. We study the approximation performance that can be acccchieved by algorithms for these problems, mainly by investigating their relation with Max-CSPs (which are the corresponding problems without the surjectivity requirement). Our work gives a complexity dichotomy for Max-Sur-CSP(B) between PTAS and APX-complete, under the assumption that there is a complexity dichotomy for Max-CSP(B) between PO and APX-complete, which has already been proved on the Boolean domain and 3-element domains

    Improved Hardness of Approximating Chromatic Number

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    We prove that for sufficiently large K, it is NP-hard to color K-colorable graphs with less than 2^{K^{1/3}} colors. This improves the previous result of K versus K^{O(log K)} in Khot [14]

    Derandomized Graph Product Results using the Low Degree Long Code

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    In this paper, we address the question of whether the recent derandomization results obtained by the use of the low-degree long code can be extended to other product settings. We consider two settings: (1) the graph product results of Alon, Dinur, Friedgut and Sudakov [GAFA, 2004] and (2) the "majority is stablest" type of result obtained by Dinur, Mossel and Regev [SICOMP, 2009] and Dinur and Shinkar [In Proc. APPROX, 2010] while studying the hardness of approximate graph coloring. In our first result, we show that there exists a considerably smaller subgraph of K3⊗RK_3^{\otimes R} which exhibits the following property (shown for K3⊗RK_3^{\otimes R} by Alon et al.): independent sets close in size to the maximum independent set are well approximated by dictators. The "majority is stablest" type of result of Dinur et al. and Dinur and Shinkar shows that if there exist two sets of vertices AA and BB in K3⊗RK_3^{\otimes R} with very few edges with one endpoint in AA and another in BB, then it must be the case that the two sets AA and BB share a single influential coordinate. In our second result, we show that a similar "majority is stablest" statement holds good for a considerably smaller subgraph of K3⊗RK_3^{\otimes R}. Furthermore using this result, we give a more efficient reduction from Unique Games to the graph coloring problem, leading to improved hardness of approximation results for coloring
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