44 research outputs found

    Concurrent Error Detection in Finite Field Arithmetic Operations

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    With significant advances in wired and wireless technologies and also increased shrinking in the size of VLSI circuits, many devices have become very large because they need to contain several large units. This large number of gates and in turn large number of transistors causes the devices to be more prone to faults. These faults specially in sensitive and critical applications may cause serious failures and hence should be avoided. On the other hand, some critical applications such as cryptosystems may also be prone to deliberately injected faults by malicious attackers. Some of these faults can produce erroneous results that can reveal some important secret information of the cryptosystems. Furthermore, yield factor improvement is always an important issue in VLSI design and fabrication processes. Digital systems such as cryptosystems and digital signal processors usually contain finite field operations. Therefore, error detection and correction of such operations have become an important issue recently. In most of the work reported so far, error detection and correction are applied using redundancies in space (hardware), time, and/or information (coding theory). In this work, schemes based on these redundancies are presented to detect errors in important finite field arithmetic operations resulting from hardware faults. Finite fields are used in a number of practical cryptosystems and channel encoders/decoders. The schemes presented here can detect errors in arithmetic operations of finite fields represented in different bases, including polynomial, dual and/or normal basis, and implemented in various architectures, including bit-serial, bit-parallel and/or systolic arrays

    Multiple bit error correcting architectures over finite fields

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    This thesis proposes techniques to mitigate multiple bit errors in GF arithmetic circuits. As GF arithmetic circuits such as multipliers constitute the complex and important functional unit of a crypto-processor, making them fault tolerant will improve the reliability of circuits that are employed in safety applications and the errors may cause catastrophe if not mitigated. Firstly, a thorough literature review has been carried out. The merits of efficient schemes are carefully analyzed to study the space for improvement in error correction, area and power consumption. Proposed error correction schemes include bit parallel ones using optimized BCH codes that are useful in applications where power and area are not prime concerns. The scheme is also extended to dynamically correcting scheme to reduce decoder delay. Other method that suits low power and area applications such as RFIDs and smart cards using cross parity codes is also proposed. The experimental evaluation shows that the proposed techniques can mitigate single and multiple bit errors with wider error coverage compared to existing methods with lesser area and power consumption. The proposed scheme is used to mask the errors appearing at the output of the circuit irrespective of their cause. This thesis also investigates the error mitigation schemes in emerging technologies (QCA, CNTFET) to compare area, power and delay with existing CMOS equivalent. Though the proposed novel multiple error correcting techniques can not ensure 100% error mitigation, inclusion of these techniques to actual design can improve the reliability of the circuits or increase the difficulty in hacking crypto-devices. Proposed schemes can also be extended to non GF digital circuits

    Novel Single and Hybrid Finite Field Multipliers over GF(2m) for Emerging Cryptographic Systems

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    With the rapid development of economic and technical progress, designers and users of various kinds of ICs and emerging embedded systems like body-embedded chips and wearable devices are increasingly facing security issues. All of these demands from customers push the cryptographic systems to be faster, more efficient, more reliable and safer. On the other hand, multiplier over GF(2m) as the most important part of these emerging cryptographic systems, is expected to be high-throughput, low-complexity, and low-latency. Fortunately, very large scale integration (VLSI) digital signal processing techniques offer great facilities to design efficient multipliers over GF(2m). This dissertation focuses on designing novel VLSI implementation of high-throughput low-latency and low-complexity single and hybrid finite field multipliers over GF(2m) for emerging cryptographic systems. Low-latency (latency can be chosen without any restriction) high-speed pentanomial basis multipliers are presented. For the first time, the dissertation also develops three high-throughput digit-serial multipliers based on pentanomials. Then a novel realization of digit-level implementation of multipliers based on redundant basis is introduced. Finally, single and hybrid reordered normal basis bit-level and digit-level high-throughput multipliers are presented. To the authors knowledge, this is the first time ever reported on multipliers with multiple throughput rate choices. All the proposed designs are simple and modular, therefore suitable for VLSI implementation for various emerging cryptographic systems

    Reliable Hardware Architectures for Cyrtographic Block Ciphers LED and HIGHT

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    Cryptographic architectures provide different security properties to sensitive usage models. However, unless reliability of architectures is guaranteed, such security properties can be undermined through natural or malicious faults. In this thesis, two underlying block ciphers which can be used in authenticated encryption algorithms are considered, i.e., LED and HIGHT block ciphers. The former is of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) type and has been considered areaefficient, while the latter constitutes a Feistel network structure and is suitable for low-complexity and low-power embedded security applications. In this thesis, we propose efficient error detection architectures including variants of recomputing with encoded operands and signature-based schemes to detect both transient and permanent faults. Authenticated encryption is applied in cryptography to provide confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity simultaneously to the message sent in a communication channel. In this thesis, we show that the proposed schemes are applicable to the case study of Simple Lightweight CFB (SILC) for providing authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD). The error simulations are performed using Xilinx ISE tool and the results are benchmarked for the Xilinx FPGA family Virtex- 7 to assess the reliability capability and efficiency of the proposed architectures

    High Speed and Low-Complexity Hardware Architectures for Elliptic Curve-Based Crypto-Processors

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    The elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) has been identified as an efficient scheme for public-key cryptography. This thesis studies efficient implementation of ECC crypto-processors on hardware platforms in a bottom-up approach. We first study efficient and low-complexity architectures for finite field multiplications over Gaussian normal basis (GNB). We propose three new low-complexity digit-level architectures for finite field multiplication. Architectures are modified in order to make them more suitable for hardware implementations specially focusing on reducing the area usage. Then, for the first time, we propose a hybrid digit-level multiplier architecture which performs two multiplications together (double-multiplication) with the same number of clock cycles required as the one for one multiplication. We propose a new hardware architecture for point multiplication on newly introduced binary Edwards and generalized Hessian curves. We investigate higher level parallelization and lower level scheduling for point multiplication on these curves. Also, we propose a highly parallel architecture for point multiplication on Koblitz curves by modifying the addition formulation. Several FPGA implementations exploiting these modifications are presented in this thesis. We employed the proposed hybrid multiplier architecture to reduce the latency of point multiplication in ECC crypto-processors as well as the double-exponentiation. This scheme is the first known method to increase the speed of point multiplication whenever parallelization fails due to the data dependencies amongst lower level arithmetic computations. Our comparison results show that our proposed multiplier architectures outperform the counterparts available in the literature. Furthermore, fast computation of point multiplication on different binary elliptic curves is achieved

    Lightweight Architectures for Reliable and Fault Detection Simon and Speck Cryptographic Algorithms on FPGA

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    The widespread use of sensitive and constrained applications necessitates lightweight (lowpower and low-area) algorithms developed for constrained nano-devices. However, nearly all of such algorithms are optimized for platform-based performance and may not be useful for diverse and flexible applications. The National Security Agency (NSA) has proposed two relatively-recent families of lightweight ciphers, i.e., Simon and Speck, designed as efficient ciphers on both hardware and software platforms. This paper proposes concurrent error detection schemes to provide reliable architectures for these two families of lightweight block ciphers. The research work on analyzing the reliability of these algorithms and providing fault diagnosis approaches has not been undertaken to date to the best of our knowledge. The main aim of the proposed reliable architectures is to provide high error coverage while maintaining acceptable area and power consumption overheads. To achieve this, we propose a variant of recomputing with encoded operands. These low-complexity schemes are suited for lowresource applications such as sensitive, constrained implantable and wearable medical devices. We perform fault simulations for the proposed architectures by developing a fault model framework. The architectures are simulated and analyzed on recent field-programmable grate array (FPGA) platforms, and it is shown that the proposed schemes provide high error coverage. The proposed low-complexity concurrent error detection schemes are a step forward towards more reliable architectures for Simon and Speck algorithms in lightweight, secure applications

    The 1992 4th NASA SERC Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the fourth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design, co-sponsored by the IEEE, are presented. Each year this symposium is organized by the NASA Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) at the University of Idaho and is held in conjunction with a quarterly meeting of the NASA Data System Technology Working Group (DSTWG). One task of the DSTWG is to develop new electronic technologies that will meet next generation electronic data system needs. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The NASA SERC is proud to offer, at its fourth symposium on VLSI design, presentations by an outstanding set of individuals from national laboratories, the electronics industry, and universities. These speakers share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design

    The Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Report

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    This quarterly publication (July-Sept. 1986) provides archival reports on developments in programs managed by JPL's Office of Telecommunications and Data Acquisition (TDA). In space communications, radio navigation, radio science, and ground-based radio astronomy, it reports on activities of the Deep Space Network (DSN) and its associated Ground Communications Facility (GCF) in planning, in supporting research and technology, in implementation, and in operations. This work is performed for NASA's Office of Space Tracking and Data Systems (OSTDS). In geodynamics, the publication reports on the application of radio interferometry at microwave frequencies for geodynamic measurements. In the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), it reports on implementation and operations for searching the microwave spectrum. The latter two programs are performed for NASA's Office of Space Science and Applications (OSSA)

    The Fifth NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    The fifth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design had 13 sessions including Radiation Effects, Architectures, Mixed Signal, Design Techniques, Fault Testing, Synthesis, Signal Processing, and other Featured Presentations. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The presentations share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design