58,200 research outputs found

    Edge Elimination in TSP Instances

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    The Traveling Salesman Problem is one of the best studied NP-hard problems in combinatorial optimization. Powerful methods have been developed over the last 60 years to find optimum solutions to large TSP instances. The largest TSP instance so far that has been solved optimally has 85,900 vertices. Its solution required more than 136 years of total CPU time using the branch-and-cut based Concorde TSP code [1]. In this paper we present graph theoretic results that allow to prove that some edges of a TSP instance cannot occur in any optimum TSP tour. Based on these results we propose a combinatorial algorithm to identify such edges. The runtime of the main part of our algorithm is O(n2logn)O(n^2 \log n) for an n-vertex TSP instance. By combining our approach with the Concorde TSP solver we are able to solve a large TSPLIB instance more than 11 times faster than Concorde alone

    Preliminary analysis of fuel tank impact

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    Following the accident involving the Air France Concorde in 2000 the effects of fluid structure interactions resulting from the impact of a fluid filled tank has become a cause for concern. The work reported here relates to the design of a series of experiments loosely based upon the Concorde incident which aimed to assess whether the probable failure mode in the Concorde accident could occur in land based vessels. Preliminary numerical analyses were undertaken for two of the nine cases that were investigated experimentally in which an empty tank was impacted by a projectile with a velocity of 14m/s and 21.9m/s Initial numerical results for the acceleration at two points on the tank surface and the deformation at the impact zone showed good agreement with test data. Future work is discussed including further numerical modelling incorporating fluid structure interactions for the analysis of the cases when the tank is partially full or completely full

    Surface activation of Concorde by Be-7

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    Activation analysis of two airframe components from the Concorde aircraft has identified the presence of Be-7, a nuclide found by other investigators that was deposited on the forward edge of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) structure. The results of the Concorde analysis indicate that this phenomenon is very much a surface effect, and that the areal densities of the Be-7 are comparable to those found for LDEF. The collection of Be-7 by the aircraft must be greater than in the case of LDEF (since duration for which Concorde is accumulating the nuclide is shorter) and is of the order of 1.2 to 41 nuclei/sq cm(-)s(exp -1) depending upon assumptions made regarding the altitude at which collection becomes appreciable, and the efficiency of the process which removes the radionuclide

    Concorde noise-induced building vibrations John F. Kennedy International Airport

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    The outdoor and indoor noise levels resulting from aircraft flyovers and certain nonaircraft events were recorded at six home sites along with the associated vibration levels in the walls, windows, and floors of these test homes. Limited subjective tests conducted to examine the human detection and annoyance thresholds for building vibration and rattle caused by aircraft noise showed that both vibration and rattle were detected subjectively in several houses for some operations of both the Concorde and subsonic aircraft. Preliminary results indicate that the relationship between window vibration and aircraft noise is: (1) linear, with vibration levels being accurately predicted from OASPL levels measured near the window; (2) consistent from flyover to flyover for a given aircraft type under approach conditions; (3) no different for Concorde than for other conventional jet transports (in the case of window vibrations induced under approach power conditions); and (4) relatively high levels of window vibration measured during Concorde operations are due more to higher OASPL levels than to unique Concorde source characteristics


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    Concorde noise-induced building vibrations: John F. Kennedy International Airport

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    Outdoor and indoor noise levels resulting from aircraft flyovers and certain nonaircraft events were recorded at eight homesites and a school along with the associated vibration levels in the walls, windows, and floors at these test sites. Limited subjective tests were conducted to examine the human detection and annoyance thresholds for building vibration and rattle caused by aircraft noise. Both vibration and rattle were detected subjectively in several houses for some operations of both the Concorde and subsonic aircraft. Seated subjects more readily detected floor vibrations than wall or window vibrations. Aircraft noise generally caused more window vibrations than common nonaircraft events such as walking and closing doors. Nonaircraft events and aircraft flyovers resulted in comparable wall vibration levels, while floor vibrations were generally greater for nonaircraft events than for aircraft flyovers. The relationship between structural vibration and aircraft noise is linear, with vibration levels being accurately predicted from overall sound pressure levels (OASPL) measured near the structure. Relatively high levels of structural vibration measured during Concorde operations are due more to higher OASPL levels than to unique Concorde-source characteristics

    Engine non-containment: UK risk assessment methods

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    More realistic guideline data must be developed for use in aircraft design in order to comply with recent changes in British civil airworthiness requirements. Unrealistically pessimistic results were obtained when the methodology developed during the Concorde SST certification program was extended to assess catastrophic risks resulting from uncontained engine rotors

    Comparison of low-frequency noise levels of the Concorde supersonic transport with other commercial service airplanes

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    Fifty-two airplane noise recordings, made at several locations around Dulles International Airport, were analyzed to compare the low-frequency noise levels of the Concorde supersonic transport with those of other commercial jet airplanes. Comparisons of the relative low-frequency noise levels which were produced at close and distant locations for departures and arrivals were made for three noise measures: the sound pressure level in the 1/3 octave band centered at 20 Hz, the total sound pressure level in the 1/3 octave bands with center frequencies less than or equal to 125 Hz, and the total sound pressure level in the 1/3 octave bands with center frequencies less than or equal to 500 Hz. Although the absolute noise levels for Concorde were found, in general, to be higher than those for the other airplane types, the level of low-frequency noise of the Concorde relative to the perceived noise level (PNL), effective perceived noise level (EPNL), and overall sound pressure level (OASPL) was within the range established by the other airplane types, except for the arrival operations of four-engine, narrow-body airplanes. The measure OASPL was found to be a significantly better predictor of low-frequency noise level than PNL or EPNL

    The Concorde and aeronautical research

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    Theoretical and experimental work carried out in various research centers, and particularly at ONERA, which led to the conception and to the main technical solutions included in the design of Concorde: plane form, twist and camber of the wing, lift augmentation by upper surface vortices, kinetic heating, air intakes and jet exhausts, materials, aeroelasticity. The development of research, and the numerous tests carried out for the benefit of the designers since the beginning of the project, are also outlined

    Concorde – 20th Century Icon

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    Europe to the U.S. in less than 3 ½ hours at 60,000 feet and Mach 2! The Concorde was one of world’s most recognized aircraft and a technological marvel. Learn what it was like to fly it from a pilot who did so for 15 years. Capt. Hutchinson was a Concorde route check airman and a British Airways pilot selector. He also worked with BBC television as a presenter of Airshow programmes and helped promote the Concorde/QE2 travel packages. What a way to travel