1,338 research outputs found

    Unification and low-energy supersymmetry at one and two-loop orders

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    The status of coupling constant unification -- assuming the validity of the standard model or of its minimal supersymmetric extension at high energies -- and of relations between various Yukawa couplings (assuming the supersymmetri extension) which are implied in certain grand-unified theories, are studied in detail. Theoretical uncertainties in the calculations are emphasized, and low-energy constraints and predictions are derived. In particular, we find that bottom-tau unification favors a Higgs boson lighter than 110 GeV. The structure of the vacuum in the model studied is also discussed. Implications of embedding supersymmetric models in grand-unified theories are further explored and are shown to affect the soft supersymmetry breaking mass parameters of the models, and thus the spectrum at low-energy.Comment: A 6 page version (conclusion chapter). uuencoded postcript. The full postscript file (158 pages) is available via anonymous ftp ftp://dept.physics.upenn.edu/pub/Nir/dissertation.ps (or uuencoded: dissertation.uu

    Random matrix ensemble with random two-body interactions in presence of a mean-field for spin one boson systems

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    For mm number of bosons, carrying spin (SS=1) degree of freedom, in Ω\Omega number of single particle orbitals, each triply degenerate, we introduce and analyze embedded Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrices generated by random two-body interactions that are spin (S) scalar [BEGOE(2)-S1S1]. The embedding algebra is U(3)⊃G⊃G1⊗SO(3)U(3) \supset G \supset G1 \otimes SO(3) with SO(3) generating spin SS. A method for constructing the ensembles in fixed-(mm, SS) space has been developed. Numerical calculations show that the form of the fixed-(mm, SS) density of states is close to Gaussian and level fluctuations follow GOE. Propagation formulas for the fixed-(mm, SS) space energy centroids and spectral variances are derived for a general one plus two-body Hamiltonian preserving spin. In addition to these, we also introduce two different pairing symmetry algebras in the space defined by BEGOE(2)-S1S1 and the structure of ground states is studied for each paring symmetry.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Heat and Mass Transfer in Outward Convex Corrugated Tube Heat Exchangers

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    Heat and mass transfer in outward convex corrugated tube heat exchangers is of significant importance for the optimization, fabrication, and application of outward convex corrugated tube heat exchangers. This chapter gives a deep investigation of the heat and mass transfer in outward convex corrugated tube heat exchangers. Based on the experimental setup developed, the performances of a novel outward convex corrugated tube heat exchanger are presented. Simulation methods are then used to detail the heat and mass transfer at tube side and shell side of the outward convex corrugated tube heat exchanger, and these include the flow structure, temperature distribution, and turbulence kinetic energy. Heat and mass transfer enhancements of the outward convex corrugated tube heat exchanger are also studied, and they are from tube side, shell side, and overall system aspects. Finally, multi-objective optimization of the outward convex corrugated tube heat exchanger is conducted to obtain the optimal performances through using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II). Main conclusions and future outlook are then briefly stated and summarized. We firmly believe that the contents presented in this chapter can not only enrich the knowledge of heat exchangers but also develop methods for studying heat exchangers

    A biophysical approach to large-scale protein-DNA binding data

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    About this book * Cutting-edge genome analysis methods from leading bioinformaticians An accurate description of current scientific developments in the field of bioinformatics and computational implementation is presented by research of the BioSapiens Network of Excellence. Bioinformatics is essential for annotating the structure and function of genes, proteins and the analysis of complete genomes and to molecular biology and biochemistry. Included is an overview of bioinformatics, the full spectrum of genome annotation approaches including; genome analysis and gene prediction, gene regulation analysis and expression, genome variation and QTL analysis, large scale protein annotation of function and structure, annotation and prediction of protein interactions, and the organization and annotation of molecular networks and biochemical pathways. Also covered is a technical framework to organize and represent genome data using the DAS technology and work in the annotation of two large genomic sets: HIV/HCV viral genomes and splicing alternatives potentially encoded in 1% of the human genome

    CaloGAN: Simulating 3D High Energy Particle Showers in Multi-Layer Electromagnetic Calorimeters with Generative Adversarial Networks

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    The precise modeling of subatomic particle interactions and propagation through matter is paramount for the advancement of nuclear and particle physics searches and precision measurements. The most computationally expensive step in the simulation pipeline of a typical experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the detailed modeling of the full complexity of physics processes that govern the motion and evolution of particle showers inside calorimeters. We introduce \textsc{CaloGAN}, a new fast simulation technique based on generative adversarial networks (GANs). We apply these neural networks to the modeling of electromagnetic showers in a longitudinally segmented calorimeter, and achieve speedup factors comparable to or better than existing full simulation techniques on CPU (100×100\times-1000×1000\times) and even faster on GPU (up to ∼105×\sim10^5\times). There are still challenges for achieving precision across the entire phase space, but our solution can reproduce a variety of geometric shower shape properties of photons, positrons and charged pions. This represents a significant stepping stone toward a full neural network-based detector simulation that could save significant computing time and enable many analyses now and in the future.Comment: 14 pages, 4 tables, 13 figures; version accepted by Physical Review D (PRD

    DustKING - the story continues: dust attenuation in NGC628

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    Dust attenuation is a crucial but highly uncertain parameter that hampers the determination of intrinsic galaxy properties, such as stellar masses, star formation rates and star formation histories. The shape of the dust attenuation law is not expected to be uniform between galaxies, nor within a galaxy. Our DustKING project was introduced at the first BINA workshop in 2016 and aims to study the variations of dust attenuation curves in nearby galaxies. At the second BINA workshop in 2018, I presented the results of our pilot study for the spiral galaxy NGC628. We find that the average attenuation law of this galaxy is characterised by a MW-like bump and a steep UV slope. Furthermore, we observe intriguing variations within the galaxy, with regions of high AVA_V exhibiting a shallower attenuation curve. Finally, we discuss how our work might benefit from data taken with the UVIT from the Indian AstroSat mission.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Proceedings paper of the second Belgo-Indian Network for Astronomy & astrophysics (BINA) workshop, accepted for publication in the Bulletin de la Soci\'et\'e Royale des Sciences de Li\`eg

    DustKING, the story continues : dust attenuation in NGC 628

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    Dust attenuation is a crucial but highly uncertain parameter that hampers the determination of in- trinsic galaxy properties, such as stellar masses, star formation rates and star formation histories. The shape of the dust attenuation law is not expected to be uniform between galaxies, nor within a galaxy. Our DustKING project was introduced at the first BINA workshop in 2016 and aims to study the variations of dust attenuation curves in nearby galaxies. At the second BINA workshop in 2018, I presented the results of our pilot study for the spiral galaxy NGC 628. We find that the average attenuation law of this galaxy is characterised by a MW-like bump and a steep UV slope. Furthermore, we observe intriguing variations within the galaxy, with regions of high AV exhibiting a shallower attenuation curve. Finally, we discuss how our work might benefit from data taken with the UVIT from the Indian AstroSat mission
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