1,762,674 research outputs found

    Bureaucrats, politicians and reform in Whitehall: analysing the bureau-shaping model

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    Dunleavy's bureau-shaping model has breathed new life into existing debates about the behaviour of senior bureaucrats. This article assesses the utility of this model as an explanation of the development of Next Step agencies in the last decade in Britain, using data drawn from a series of extensive interviews with senior civil servants. Our conclusion is that, although the bureau-shaping model represents a significant advance on previous models of bureaucratic behaviour that stress budget maximization, it is flawed. In particular, we argue that: it pays insufficient attention to the broader political context within which civil servants operate; mis-specifies bureaucrats' preferences; and oversimplifies the distinction between managerial and policy advice work. More specifically, we suggest that any explanation of the development of Next Steps agencies needs to recognize that: politicians rather that civil servants played the major role in their creation; the strategic calculations of bureaucrats were significantly more sophisticated than the model assumes; and the consequence of the reforms has been that senior civil servants have played a greater, rather than a more limited, management role

    Labor Rights and Labor Standards in International Trade

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    [Excerpt] This Article seeks to […] articulate a defense of enforceable international labor rights and labor standards as part of a trade, investment and development strategy that will benefit whole societies, not just their wealthy sectors. Part I of this Article lays out consensus labor rights and standards drawn from various sources, with examples reflecting concrete concerns that have arisen with the new era in global trade. Part II reviews the forums in which international labor rights claims can be made, with a discussion of the different oversight or enforcement mechanisms provided in these forums. The conclusion suggests next steps for labor rights advocates in the various forums, and recommends a new commitment to international labor rights and fair labor standards by employers, governments and trade unions caught up in the new global economy

    Metadata Capital via a linked data HIVE

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    This paper explores medatada capital via linked open metadata vocabularies, specifically via the HIVE (Helping Interdisciplinary Vocabulary Engineering) initiative in the U.S. DataNet Federation Consortium (DFC). Formulas representing 'Capital-sigma notation' and 'Succesive growth rates' are introduced as potential means for quanitifying metadata capital. A conclusion summarizes this paper and identitifies next steps

    Recap: why Brexit still faces extraordinary challenges

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    Three months since the UK voted to leave the EU and it is still unclear what form Brexit will take or what the next steps are. What we instead have to go by is Theresa May’s ambiguous ‘Brexit means Brexit’ assertion. Dennis Shen outlines some of the reasons why Brexit remains far from a foregone conclusion

    Veteran Employment: A Study into Barriers in Healthcare Industry Positions

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    Introduction: While there are many challenges veterans face while making the transition to the civilian lifestyle, undoubtedly one of the more frustrating factors is finding employment. While the veteran unemployment rate has dropped in recent years, it currently sits at ~3.4%. Therefore, an estimated 323, 000 veterans are currently unemployed. Given these statistics, what are the common barriers veterans face when seeking employment, specifically in healthcare industry positions? Methods: Two (30 minute) interviews will be conducted with individuals heavily involved in veteran employment at Jefferson Hospitals. The questions asked the interviewee’s opinions on factors that make veterans successful in gaining employment and conversely what they might be missing. The responses of these interviews will be analyzed for reoccurring themes regarding hiring veterans. Results: While the interviews have not yet been conducted, based on the existing literature, it is thought that the common hurdles highlighted in the interviews will include unpreparedness for civilian jobs, translation of military skills, unaddressed mental illness, stigma around hiring veterans, and cultural differences between the two work forces. Conclusion: Once the interviews are conducted, the data from them will elucidate the next steps. Should the factors listed above truly be the most common hurdles veterans face, the next step would be piloting a program that focuses on navigating employment and providing specific trainings as outlined by Jefferson hospital hiring managers

    Specific Issues of Urban Sprawl in Bulgaria

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    The first conclusion is, no doubt, that processes of urban sprawl have emerged in Bulgaria during the last couple of decades and already have changed the suburban patterns in the outskirts of Sofia. This is a simple, but critically important conclusion, because so far Bulgarian planners have underestimated this threat and, even, have failed to identify it. The main reasons for this omission were due to lack of experience with similar problems and, mainly, to specific traditions relating to comparatively high, though typical European densities and compact urban forms. Yet, due to its unplanned nature and scattered forms, sprawl always generates un- sustainable urban processes. All facts and findings of previous studies and the present one confirm the second main conclusion that, undoubtedly, Sofia suburbanisation pattern is of Western type, so it is characterized by a number of associated problems and issues like overconsumption of land, inefficient use of infrastructure and other resources. At the same time, Bulgarian sprawl in many aspects is shaped by local traditions established in the course of centuries and (especially, the 20th century) by the specific historical development – both socio-economic and urban. Sofia’s new suburbs are more compact than typical Western suburbs and they are characterized by higher densities and higher levels of social mix and mix of uses. Eventually, the third main conclusion is that suburbanisation around Sofia and around other big cities in the country is speeding up and, thus, Bulgarian sprawl turns closer to the Western patterns. This means that policy measures are already needed to avoid associated problems, especially in view of the insufficient land resources of Bulgaria. Apparently, all these issues should be subject to thorough and in depth studies as next steps of research in this area in order to elaborate efficient instruments of relevant policies

    Empowering Medical Professionals to Help Victims of Trafficking

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    Purpose: to provide commentary of two review articles that discuss the role of medical professionals in combating human trafficking: “Health Care Providers\u27 Training Needs Related to Human Trafficking: Maximizing the Opportunity to Effectively Screen and Intervene” by Isaac, Solak, and Giardino, and “Human Trafficking: What is the Role of the Health Care Provider?” by Crane and Moreno. Findings: Both articles provide a good introduction and explanation of the psychosocial and medical issues faced by many trafficking victims; however, they succeed only to varying degrees in describing all the gaps in the medical system and the vital next steps forward. Conclusion: The key next steps in the fight against human trafficking include: multidisciplinary teams need to improve coordination on all forms of human maltreatment; schools for all medical professions and social work need to significantly strengthen their curriculum on diagnosing and treating human maltreatment; and groups that provide training on human trafficking should partner with other agencies and organizations that provide training on child maltreatment and domestic violence

    Low Power Implementation of Non Power-of-Two FFTs on Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Architectures

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    The DRM standard for digital radio broadcast in the AM band requires integrated devices for radio receivers at very low power. A System on Chip (SoC) call DiMITRI was developed based on a dual ARM9 RISC core architecture. Analyses showed that most computation power is used in the Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (COFDM) demodulation to compute Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) and inverse transforms (IFFT) on complex samples. These FFTs have to be computed on non power-of-two numbers of samples, which is very uncommon in the signal processing world. The results obtained with this chip, lead to the objective to decrease the power dissipated by the COFDM demodulation part using a coarse-grain reconfigurable structure as a coprocessor. This paper introduces two different coarse-grain architectures: PACT XPP technology and the Montium, developed by the University of Twente, and presents the implementation of a\ud Fast Fourier Transform on 1920 complex samples. The implementation result on the Montium shows a saving of a factor 35 in terms of processing time, and 14 in terms of power consumption compared to the RISC implementation, and a\ud smaller area. Then, as a conclusion, the paper presents the next steps of the development and some development issues

    Facile fabrication of stretchable Ag nanowire/polyurethane electrodes using high intensity pulsed light

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    Silver nanowires (AgNWs) have emerged as a promising nanomaterial for next generation stretchable electronics. However, until now, the fabrication of AgNW-based components has been hampered by complex and time-consuming steps. Here, we introduce a facile, fast, and one-step methodology for the fabrication of highly conductive and stretchable AgNW/polyurethane (PU) composite electrodes based on a high-intensity pulsed light (HIPL) technique. HIPL simultaneously improved wire-wire junction conductivity and wire-substrate adhesion at room temperature and in air within 50 mu s, omitting the complex transfer-curing-implanting process. Owing to the localized deformation of PU at interfaces with AgNWs, embedding of the nanowires was rapidly carried out without substantial substrate damage. The resulting electrode retained a low sheet resistance (high electrical conductivity) of <10 Omega/sq even under 100% strain, or after 1,000 continuous stretching-relaxation cycles, with a peak strain of 60%. The fabricated electrode has found immediate application as a sensor for motion detection. Furthermore, based on our electrode, a light emitting diode (LED) driven by integrated stretchable AgNW conductors has been fabricated. In conclusion, our present fabrication approach is fast, simple, scalable, and cost-efficient, making it a good candidate for a future roll-to-roll process

    Breast Cancer Survivorship Rehabilitation Initiative: Community Report

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    The Breast Cancer Survivorship Rehabilitation Initiative (BCSRI) conducted an assessment of breast cancer survivorship services in the Greater Birmingham area, including Blount, Jefferson, Shelby, St. Clair, and Walker counties, over the course of four (4) months. Project staff disseminated surveys and conducted one-on-one interviews with self-identifying respondents. Following the conclusion of both the surveys and interviews, discussion groups were held. An Ad Hoc Committee was then formed from a group of community leaders and experts in the field of cancer survivorship to review the data and provide feedback. The BCSRI also conducted interviews with the directors of 12 cancer survivorship programs throughout the country. The aggregated data was presented in monthly meetings to a leadership team consisting of executive level hospital administrators in the Greater Birmingham area.This report will summarize the data and serve as a resource to develop programs throughout the community to provide breast cancer survivorship care and patient advocacy. Next steps include developing the infrastructure needed to build a survivorship program that will meet the needs of breast cancer survivors in the Greater Birmingham area, and potentially become a model that can be replicated for other cancer types and diseases or for breast cancer survivors in other communities