605 research outputs found

    Geometric approach to sampling and communication

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    Relationships that exist between the classical, Shannon-type, and geometric-based approaches to sampling are investigated. Some aspects of coding and communication through a Gaussian channel are considered. In particular, a constructive method to determine the quantizing dimension in Zador's theorem is provided. A geometric version of Shannon's Second Theorem is introduced. Applications to Pulse Code Modulation and Vector Quantization of Images are addressed.Comment: 19 pages, submitted for publicatio

    On the origin of Phase Transitions in the absence of Symmetry-Breaking

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    In this paper we investigate the Hamiltonian dynamics of a lattice gauge model in three spatial dimension. Our model Hamiltonian is defined on the basis of a continuum version of a duality transformation of a three dimensional Ising model. The system so obtained undergoes a thermodynamic phase transition in the absence of symmetry-breaking. Besides the well known use of quantities like the Wilson loop we show how else the phase transition in such a kind of models can be detected. It is found that the first order phase transition undergone by this model is characterised according to an Ehrenfest-like classification of phase transitions applied to the configurational entropy. On the basis of the topological theory of phase transitions, it is discussed why the seemingly divergent behaviour of the third derivative of configurational entropy can be considered as the "shadow" of some suitable topological transition of certain submanifolds of configuration space.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure

    Application of DEO Method to Solving Fuzzy Multiobjective Optimal Control Problem

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    In the present paper a problem of optimal control for a single-product dynamical macroeconomic model is considered. In this model gross domestic product is divided into productive consumption, gross investment, and nonproductive consumption. The model is described by a fuzzy differential equation (FDE) to take into account imprecision inherent in the dynamics that may be naturally conditioned by influence of various external factors, unforeseen contingencies of future, and so forth. The considered problems are characterized by four criteria and by several important aspects. On one hand, the problem is complicated by the presence of fuzzy uncertainty as a result of a natural imprecision inherent in information about dynamics of real-world systems. On the other hand, the number of the criteria is not small and most of them are integral criteria. Due to the above mentioned aspects, solving the considered problem by using convolution of criteria into one criterion would lead to loss of information and also would be counterintuitive and complex. We applied DEO (differential evolution optimization) method to solve the considered problem

    The Dirac theory of constraints, the Gotay-Nester theory and Poisson geometry

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    The Dirac theory of constraints has been widely studied and applied very successfully by physicists since the original works by Dirac and by Bergmann. From a mathematical standpoint, several aspects of the theory have been exposed rigorously afterwards by many authors. However, many questions related to, for instance, singular or infinite dimensional cases remain open. The work of Gotay and Nester presents a mathematical generalization in terms of presymplectic geometry, which introduces a dual point of view. We present a study of the Dirac theory of constraints emphasizing the duality between the Poisson-algebraic and the geometric points of view, related respectively to the work of Dirac and of Gotay and Nester, under strong regularity conditions. We deal with some questions insufficiently treated in the literature: a study of uniqueness of solution; avoiding almost completely the use of coordinates; the role of the Pontryagin bundle. We also show how one can globalize some results usually treated locally in the literature. For instance, we introduce the globalnotion of second class submanifoldas being tangent to a second class subbundle. A general study of global results for Dirac and Gotay-Nester theories remains an open question in this theory.La Teoría de ligaduras deDirac, lateoría de Gotay-Nester y geometría dePoissin. La teoría de Dirac ha sido ampliamente estudiada y aplicada muy exitosamente por los físicos desde los trabajos originales de Dirac y de Bergmann. Desde un punto de vista matemático, varios aspectos de la teoría han sido expuestos rigurosamente por varios autores. Sin embargo, aún quedan abiertas varias preguntas relacionadas, por ejemplo, con casos singulares o infinito-dimensionales. El trabajo de Gotay y Nester presenta una generalización matemática en términos de la geometría presimpléctica, lo cual introduce un punto de vista dual. Presentamos un estudio de la teoría de ligaduras de Dirac enfatizando la dualidad entre los puntos de vista de las álgebras de Poisson y de la geometría presimpléctica, relacionados respectivamente con los trabajos de Dirac y de Gotay-Nester, bajo condiciones de regularidad fuertes. Abordamos algunas cuestiones insuficientemente tratadas en la literatura: un estudio de la unicidad de solución; evitar casi completamente el uso de coordenadas; el rol del fibrado de Pontryagin. También mostramos cómo se pueden globalizar algunos resultados usualmente tratados localmente en la literatura. Por ejemplo, introducimos la noción globalde subvariedad de segunda clasecomo variedad tangente a un subfibrado de segunda clase. Un estudio general de resultados globales para las teorías de Dirac y de Gotay-Nester sigue siendo una pregunta abierta en esta teoría.Fil: Cendra, Hernan. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Etchechoury, María del Rosario. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Ferraro, Sebastián José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca; Argentin

    Numerically accurate linear response-properties in the configuration-interaction singles (CIS) approximation

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    In the present work, we report an efficient implementation of configuration interaction singles (CIS) excitation energies and oscillator strengths using the multi-resolution analysis (MRA) framework to address the basis-set convergence of excited state computations. In MRA (ground-state) orbitals, excited states are constructed adaptively guaranteeing an overall precision. Thus not only valence but also, in particular, low-lying Rydberg states can be computed with consistent quality at the basis set limit a priori, or without special treatments, which is demonstrated using a small test set of organic molecules, basis sets, and states. We find that the new implementation of MRA-CIS excitation energy calculations is competitive with conventional LCAO calculations when the basis-set limit of medium-sized molecules is sought, which requires large, diffuse basis sets. This becomes particularly important if accurate calculations of molecular electronic absorption spectra with respect to basis-set incompleteness are required, in which both valence as well as Rydberg excitations can contribute to the molecule's UV/VIS fingerprint

    Spiker+: a framework for the generation of efficient Spiking Neural Networks FPGA accelerators for inference at the edge

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    Including Artificial Neural Networks in embedded systems at the edge allows applications to exploit Artificial Intelligence capabilities directly within devices operating at the network periphery. This paper introduces Spiker+, a comprehensive framework for generating efficient, low-power, and low-area customized Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) accelerators on FPGA for inference at the edge. Spiker+ presents a configurable multi-layer hardware SNN, a library of highly efficient neuron architectures, and a design framework, enabling the development of complex neural network accelerators with few lines of Python code. Spiker+ is tested on two benchmark datasets, the MNIST and the Spiking Heidelberg Digits (SHD). On the MNIST, it demonstrates competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art SNN accelerators. It outperforms them in terms of resource allocation, with a requirement of 7,612 logic cells and 18 Block RAMs (BRAMs), which makes it fit in very small FPGA, and power consumption, draining only 180mW for a complete inference on an input image. The latency is comparable to the ones observed in the state-of-the-art, with 780us/img. To the authors' knowledge, Spiker+ is the first SNN accelerator tested on the SHD. In this case, the accelerator requires 18,268 logic cells and 51 BRAM, with an overall power consumption of 430mW and a latency of 54 us for a complete inference on input data. This underscores the significance of Spiker+ in the hardware-accelerated SNN landscape, making it an excellent solution to deploy configurable and tunable SNN architectures in resource and power-constrained edge applications
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