173 research outputs found

    Future trends for smart tourism sestinations: case of Antalya

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    Uluslararası Turizmde Yeni Jenerasyonlar ve Yeni Trendler Kongresi (1. : 2018 : Sapanca, TĂŒrkiye)Smart Tourism Destinations (STD) concept has taken serious attention as a result of the developments in Smart Cities. Technology connects all organizations, entities, activities, and elements. Tourism is a multidimensional service system covering different actors and organizations. When a tourism destination gets smarter, the tourists’ needs and demands are expected to be fulfilled more efficiently to create a better tourist experience. This paper aims at examining the content of Future Trends for Smart Tourism Destinations considering Antalya as a caseNo sponso


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    Hotel visitor data processing is currently felt to be increasingly needed for processing tourist information, especially if it will be used as information to make policies for local governments who want to advance the tourism sector in their regions. Local governments must be able to determine strategic and tactical policies in promoting the objectives of the tourism sector in question. The problem is that not all local governments have and are aware of the importance of hotel visitor data as supporting information for the advancement of the tourism sector in their area. For this reason, it is necessary to make and determine indicators based on the final data needed as a data mining tool that can be used as a database for local governments in analyzing hotel visitors. Indicators of visitor data include: visitor name, religion, occupation, purpose of stay, origin of visitors, age range, payment procedure, length of stay, type of room type they generally order. Data from these indicators will be important information for the local government of Bangka Belitung to determine policies to accelerate the increase in tourists in the Bangka Belitung archipelago. Mining data from the intended indicator uses the Snowflake model in data mining, so as to reduce storage space and data that is easily updated. The research method uses applied research because the results of the research are expected to be directly used for practical purposes, namely the development of policies in the tourism sector, in addition, applied research makes it possible to modify indicators from hotels and related services to find new indicators and combinations of these indicators.  Pengolahan data pengunjung hotel pada saat ini dirasa semakin dibutuhkanuntuk pengolahan informasi wisatawan, terutama bila itu akan digunakan sebagai informasi untuk membuat kebijakan bagi Pemerintah daerah yang ingin memajukan sektor pariwisata di daerahnya. Pemerintah daerah harus mampu menentukan kebijakan strategis dan taktis dalam mengangkat tujuan dari sektor pariwisata yang dimaksud.Yang jadi masalah adalah bahwa tidak semua pemerintah daerah memiliki dan menyadari pentingnya data pengunjung hotel sebagai informasi penunjang  bagi kemajuan sektor pariwisata didaerahnya. Untuk itu dirasa perlu membuat dan menetukan indikator berdasarkan data pengujung yang dibutuhkan sebagai alat penambangan data yang dapat digunakan sebagai basisdata bagi pemerintah daerah dalam melakukan analisis terhadap pengunjung hotel. Indikator data pengunjung tersebut antara lain terkait dengan : nama pengunjung, agama, pekerjaan, tujuan menginap, asal pengunjung, kisaranumur, tatacara pembayaran, lama menginap ,tipe jenis kamar apa yang umumnya mereka pesan. Data dari indikator tersebut akan menjadi sebuah informasi penting bagi Pemerintah daerah Bangka belitung untuk menentukan kebijakan dalam melakukan percepatan peningkatan wisatawan di wilayah kepulauan Bangka belitung. Penambangan data dari indikator yang dimaksud menggunakan model Snowflake dalam datamining, sehingga mampu memperkecil ruang penyimpanan dan data yang ada mudah di update . Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian terapan karena hasil dari penelitian diharapkan akan langsung dapat digunakan untuk keperluan praktis yaitu pengembangan kebijakan dibidang pariwisata, disamping itu penelitian terapan memungkinkan untuk melakukan modifikasi indikator dari hotel dan dinas terkait untuk menemukan beberapa indikator baru maupun kombinasi dari beberapa indikator tersebut. &nbsp

    Touristification, smartization, and social sustainability in European regions

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    Touristification and smartization processes are commonly associated with economic growth strategies. Here we emphasize and demonstrate the need to consider the implication of these processes on social sustainability. Initial results imply that: (1) regions not specialized in tourism are associated with a lower share of population in poverty; and (2) regions’ ‘smartness’ level is negatively associated with the share of poverty. However, in regions highly specialized in tourism, smartization demonstrated an opposite association of increased intra-regional poverty. As residents’ quality of life is becoming a key policy consideration, understanding the effect of these socio-economic processes on socially sustainable growth has timely implications for regional planning, including for post-COVID-19 recovery strategies.This research has been funded by the H2020 programme, SMARTDEST project under grant agreement no. 870753

    Opportunities for development of Varna as a smart tourism destination (based on an expert survey among representatives of the tourism industry in Varna)

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    The main purpose of the publication is to present the opportunities for the development of Varna as a smart tourism destination based on a survey among tourism experts in the destination. The paper presents the theoretical framework of the smart tourism destination and a summary of the results of the survey conducted among representatives of the tourism industry in Varna. The expert’s vision for the necessary changes and measures is presented. In conclusion, the main directions for the development of Varna as a smart tourism destination are outlined
