72,140 research outputs found

    Hybrid fuzzy sliding mode control for motorised space tether spin-up when coupled with axial and torsional oscillation

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    A specialised hybrid controller is applied to the control of a motorised space tether spin-up space coupled with an axial and a torsional oscillation phenomenon. A seven-degree-of-freedom (7-DOF) dynamic model of a motorised momentum exchange tether is used as the basis for interplanetary payload exchange in the context of control. The tether comprises a symmetrical double payload configuration, with an outrigger counter inertia and massive central facility. It is shown that including axial and torsional elasticity permits an enhanced level of performance prediction accuracy and a useful departure from the usual rigid body representations, particularly for accurate payload positioning at strategic points. A simulation with given initial condition data has been devised in a connecting programme between control code written in MATLAB and dynamics simulation code constructed within MATHEMATICA. It is shown that there is an enhanced level of spin-up control for the 7-DOF motorised momentum exchange tether system using the specialised hybrid controller. hybrid controller

    Hybrid sliding mode control for motorised space tether spin-up when coupled with axial oscillation

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    A specialised hybrid controller is applied for the control of motorised space tether spin-up coupled with an axial oscillation phenomenon. A six degree of freedom dynamic model of a motorised momentum exchange tether is used as the basis for interplanetary payload exchange in the context of control. The tether comprises a symmetrical double payload configuration, with an outrigger counter inertia and massive central facility. It is shown that including axial elasticity permits an enhanced level of performance prediction accuracy and a useful departure from the usual rigid body representations, particularly for accurate payload positioning at strategic points. A simulation with a given initial condition data has been devised in a connecting programme between control code written in MATLAB and dynamics simulation code constructed within MATHEMATICA. It is shown that there is an enhanced level of spin-up control for the six degree of freedom motorised momentum exchange tether system using the specialised hybrid controller

    Reusable Knowledge-based Components for Building Software Applications: A Knowledge Modelling Approach

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    In computer science, different types of reusable components for building software applications were proposed as a direct consequence of the emergence of new software programming paradigms. The success of these components for building applications depends on factors such as the flexibility in their combination or the facility for their selection in centralised or distributed environments such as internet. In this article, we propose a general type of reusable component, called primitive of representation, inspired by a knowledge-based approach that can promote reusability. The proposal can be understood as a generalisation of existing partial solutions that is applicable to both software and knowledge engineering for the development of hybrid applications that integrate conventional and knowledge based techniques. The article presents the structure and use of the component and describes our recent experience in the development of real-world applications based on this approach

    Hybrid fuzzy and sliding-mode control for motorised tether spin-up when coupled with axial vibration

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    A hybrid fuzzy sliding mode controller is applied to the control of motorised tether spin-up coupled with an axial oscillation phenomenon. A six degree of freedom dynamic model of a motorised momentum exchange tether is used as a basis for interplanetary payload exchange. The tether comprises a symmetrical double payload configuration, with an outrigger counter inertia and massive central facility. It is shown that including axial elasticity permits an enhanced level of performance prediction accuracy and a useful departure from the usual rigid body representations, particularly for accurate payload positioning at strategic points. A special simulation program has been devised in MATLAB and MATHEMATICA for a given initial condition data case

    On the foundations of cancer modelling: selected topics, speculations, & perspectives

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    This paper presents a critical review of selected topics related to the modelling of cancer onset, evolution and growth, with the aim of illustrating, to a wide applied mathematical readership, some of the novel mathematical problems in the field. This review attempts to capture, from the appropriate literature, the main issues involved in the modelling of phenomena related to cancer dynamics at all scales which characterise this highly complex system: from the molecular scale up to that of tissue. The last part of the paper discusses the challenge of developing a mathematical biological theory of tumour onset and evolution

    Discrete Simulation of Behavioural Hybrid Process Calculus

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    Hybrid systems combine continuous-time and discrete behaviours. Simulation is one of the tools to obtain insight in dynamical systems behaviour. Simulation results provide information on performance of system and are helpful in detecting potential weaknesses and errors. Moreover, the results are handy in choosing adequate control strategies and parameters. In our contribution we report a work in progress, a technique for simulation of Behavioural Hybrid Process Calculus, an extension of process algebra that is suitable for the modelling and analysis of hybrid systems

    The Construction of Verification Models for Embedded Systems

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    The usefulness of verification hinges on the quality of the verification model. Verification is useful if it increases our confidence that an artefact bahaves as expected. As modelling inherently contains non-formal elements, the qualityof models cannot be captured by purely formal means. Still, we argue that modelling is not an act of irrationalism and unpredictable geniality, but follows rational arguments, that often remain implicit. In this paper we try to identify the tacit rationalism in the model construction as performed by most people doing modelling for verification. By explicating the different phases, arguments, and design decisions in the model construction, we try to develop guidelines that help to improve the process of model construction and the quality of models