4,004 research outputs found

    A database management capability for Ada

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    The data requirements of mission critical defense systems have been increasing dramatically. Command and control, intelligence, logistics, and even weapons systems are being required to integrate, process, and share ever increasing volumes of information. To meet this need, systems are now being specified that incorporate data base management subsystems for handling storage and retrieval of information. It is expected that a large number of the next generation of mission critical systems will contain embedded data base management systems. Since the use of Ada has been mandated for most of these systems, it is important to address the issues of providing data base management capabilities that can be closely coupled with Ada. A comprehensive distributed data base management project has been investigated. The key deliverables of this project are three closely related prototype systems implemented in Ada. These three systems are discussed

    Schema architecture and their relationships to transaction processing in distributed database systems

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    We discuss the different types of schema architectures which could be supported by distributed database systems, making a clear distinction between logical, physical, and federated distribution. We elaborate on the additional mapping information required in architecture based on logical distribution in order to support retrieval as well as update operations. We illustrate the problems in schema integration and data integration in multidatabase systems and discuss their impact on query processing. Finally, we discuss different issues relevant to the cooperation (or noncooperation) of local database systems in a heterogeneous multidatabase system and their relationship to the schema architecture and transaction processing

    Compensation methods to support cooperative applications: A case study in automated verification of schema requirements for an advanced transaction model

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    Compensation plays an important role in advanced transaction models, cooperative work and workflow systems. A schema designer is typically required to supply for each transaction another transaction to semantically undo the effects of . Little attention has been paid to the verification of the desirable properties of such operations, however. This paper demonstrates the use of a higher-order logic theorem prover for verifying that compensating transactions return a database to its original state. It is shown how an OODB schema is translated to the language of the theorem prover so that proofs can be performed on the compensating transactions

    Federation views as a basis for querying and updating database federations

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    This paper addresses the problem of how to query and update so-called database federations. A database federation provides for tight coupling of a collection of heterogeneous component databases into a global integrated system. This problem of querying and updating a database federation is tackled by describing a logical architecture and a general semantic framework for precise specification of such database federations, with the aim to provide a basis for implementing a federation by means of relational database views. Our approach to database federations is based on the UML/OCL data model, and aims at the integration of the underlying database schemas of the component legacy systems to a separate, newly defined integrated database schema. One of the central notions in database modelling and in constraint specifications is the notion of a database view, which closely corresponds to the notion of derived class in UML. We will employ OCL (version 2.0) and the notion of derived class as a means to treat (inter-)database constraints and database views in a federated context. Our approach to coupling component databases into a global, integrated system is based on mediation. The first objective of our paper is to demonstrate that our particular mediating system integrates component schemas without loss of constraint information. The second objective is to show that the concept of relational database view provides a sound basis for actual implementation of database federations, both for querying and updating purposes.

    Compensation methods to support generic graph editing: A case study in automated verification of schema requirements for an advanced transaction model

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    Compensation plays an important role in advanced transaction models, cooperative work, and workflow systems. However, compensation operations are often simply written as a^−1 in transaction model literature. This notation ignores any operation parameters, results, and side effects. A schema designer intending to use an advanced transaction model is expected (required) to write correct method code. However, in the days of cut-and-paste, this is much easier said than done. In this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility of using an off-the-shelf theorem prover (also called a proof assistant) to perform automated verification of compensation requirements for an OODB schema. We report on the results of a case study in verification for a particular advanced transaction model that supports cooperative applications. The case study is based on an OODB schema that provides generic graph editing functionality for the creation, insertion, and manipulation of nodes and links

    Dynamic Action Scheduling in a Parallel Database System

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    This paper describes a scheduling technique for parallel database systems to obtain high performance, both in terms of response time and throughput. The technique enables both intra- and inter-transaction parallelism while controlling concurrency between transactions correctly. Scheduling is performed dynamically at transaction execution time, taking into account dynamic aspects of the execution and allowing parallelism between the scheduling and transaction execution processes. The technique has a solid conceptual background, based on a simple graph-based approach. The usability and effectiveness of the technique are demonstrated by implementation in and measurements on the parallel PRISMA database system

    The necessity for check-on-commit in the protection of the integrity of a database

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    The value of the data in a database can be increased by specifying and enforcing integrity constraints on the data. There are several methods for the implementation of integrity constraints. The used method in a particular situation depends on the features offered by the used Database Management System (DBMS) However, not all these methods offer the same certainty that the constraints are really enforced. There are also important differences in the methods regarding programming effort and maintainability. In this article integrity constraints and their implementation will have our attention. It will be explained why it is necessary for the protection of the integrity of the data in the database to be able to check integrity on the commit time of a transaction. The report is partially based on an article of the author on transactions [van der Made-Potuijt 1989] and the contribution of the author to an article on constraints [de Brock, Gersteling, Krijger & van der Made-Potuijt 1989]. The different methods used by the vendors of DBMS's for implementing constraints have been investigated by a group of independent dutch database experts (IDT-Holland, which stands for Independent Database Team Holland) The author is the chairman of IDT-Holland. This article offers the theoretical framework for the understanding of the results of the investigation. Certain parts of this report are of tutorial nature

    Design and Implementation of a Distributed Middleware for Parallel Execution of Legacy Enterprise Applications

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    A typical enterprise uses a local area network of computers to perform its business. During the off-working hours, the computational capacities of these networked computers are underused or unused. In order to utilize this computational capacity an application has to be recoded to exploit concurrency inherent in a computation which is clearly not possible for legacy applications without any source code. This thesis presents the design an implementation of a distributed middleware which can automatically execute a legacy application on multiple networked computers by parallelizing it. This middleware runs multiple copies of the binary executable code in parallel on different hosts in the network. It wraps up the binary executable code of the legacy application in order to capture the kernel level data access system calls and perform them distributively over multiple computers in a safe and conflict free manner. The middleware also incorporates a dynamic scheduling technique to execute the target application in minimum time by scavenging the available CPU cycles of the hosts in the network. This dynamic scheduling also supports the CPU availability of the hosts to change over time and properly reschedule the replicas performing the computation to minimize the execution time. A prototype implementation of this middleware has been developed as a proof of concept of the design. This implementation has been evaluated with a few typical case studies and the test results confirm that the middleware works as expected