41,467 research outputs found

    Constrained structure of ancient Chinese poetry facilitates speech content grouping

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    Ancient Chinese poetry is constituted by structured language that deviates from ordinary language usage [1, 2]; its poetic genres impose unique combinatory constraints on linguistic elements [3]. How does the constrained poetic structure facilitate speech segmentation when common linguistic [4, 5, 6, 7, 8] and statistical cues [5, 9] are unreliable to listeners in poems? We generated artificial Jueju, which arguably has the most constrained structure in ancient Chinese poetry, and presented each poem twice as an isochronous sequence of syllables to native Mandarin speakers while conducting magnetoencephalography (MEG) recording. We found that listeners deployed their prior knowledge of Jueju to build the line structure and to establish the conceptual flow of Jueju. Unprecedentedly, we found a phase precession phenomenon indicating predictive processes of speech segmentation—the neural phase advanced faster after listeners acquired knowledge of incoming speech. The statistical co-occurrence of monosyllabic words in Jueju negatively correlated with speech segmentation, which provides an alternative perspective on how statistical cues facilitate speech segmentation. Our findings suggest that constrained poetic structures serve as a temporal map for listeners to group speech contents and to predict incoming speech signals. Listeners can parse speech streams by using not only grammatical and statistical cues but also their prior knowledge of the form of language

    Txt2vz: a new tool for generating graph clouds

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    We present txt2vz (txt2vz.appspot.com), a new tool for automatically generating a visual summary of unstructured text data found in documents or web sites. The main purpose of the tool is to give the user information about the text so that they can quickly get a good idea about the topics covered. Txt2vz is able to identify important concepts from unstructured text data and to reveal relationships between those concepts. We discuss other approaches to generating diagrams from text and highlight the differences between tag clouds, word clouds, tree clouds and graph clouds

    Designing a training tool for imaging mental models

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    The training process can be conceptualized as the student acquiring an evolutionary sequence of classification-problem solving mental models. For example a physician learns (1) classification systems for patient symptoms, diagnostic procedures, diseases, and therapeutic interventions and (2) interrelationships among these classifications (e.g., how to use diagnostic procedures to collect data about a patient's symptoms in order to identify the disease so that therapeutic measures can be taken. This project developed functional specifications for a computer-based tool, Mental Link, that allows the evaluative imaging of such mental models. The fundamental design approach underlying this representational medium is traversal of virtual cognition space. Typically intangible cognitive entities and links among them are visible as a three-dimensional web that represents a knowledge structure. The tool has a high degree of flexibility and customizability to allow extension to other types of uses, such a front-end to an intelligent tutoring system, knowledge base, hypermedia system, or semantic network

    Semantic spaces

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    Any natural language can be considered as a tool for producing large databases (consisting of texts, written, or discursive). This tool for its description in turn requires other large databases (dictionaries, grammars etc.). Nowadays, the notion of database is associated with computer processing and computer memory. However, a natural language resides also in human brains and functions in human communication, from interpersonal to intergenerational one. We discuss in this survey/research paper mathematical, in particular geometric, constructions, which help to bridge these two worlds. In particular, in this paper we consider the Vector Space Model of semantics based on frequency matrices, as used in Natural Language Processing. We investigate underlying geometries, formulated in terms of Grassmannians, projective spaces, and flag varieties. We formulate the relation between vector space models and semantic spaces based on semic axes in terms of projectability of subvarieties in Grassmannians and projective spaces. We interpret Latent Semantics as a geometric flow on Grassmannians. We also discuss how to formulate G\"ardenfors' notion of "meeting of minds" in our geometric setting.Comment: 32 pages, TeX, 1 eps figur

    Structural Stability of Lexical Semantic Spaces: Nouns in Chinese and French

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    Many studies in the neurosciences have dealt with the semantic processing of words or categories, but few have looked into the semantic organization of the lexicon thought as a system. The present study was designed to try to move towards this goal, using both electrophysiological and corpus-based data, and to compare two languages from different families: French and Mandarin Chinese. We conducted an EEG-based semantic-decision experiment using 240 words from eight categories (clothing, parts of a house, tools, vehicles, fruits/vegetables, animals, body parts, and people) as the material. A data-analysis method (correspondence analysis) commonly used in computational linguistics was applied to the electrophysiological signals. The present cross-language comparison indicated stability for the following aspects of the languages' lexical semantic organizations: (1) the living/nonliving distinction, which showed up as a main factor for both languages; (2) greater dispersion of the living categories as compared to the nonliving ones; (3) prototypicality of the \emph{animals} category within the living categories, and with respect to the living/nonliving distinction; and (4) the existence of a person-centered reference gradient. Our electrophysiological analysis indicated stability of the networks at play in each of these processes. Stability was also observed in the data taken from word usage in the languages (synonyms and associated words obtained from textual corpora).Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Learning Language from a Large (Unannotated) Corpus

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    A novel approach to the fully automated, unsupervised extraction of dependency grammars and associated syntax-to-semantic-relationship mappings from large text corpora is described. The suggested approach builds on the authors' prior work with the Link Grammar, RelEx and OpenCog systems, as well as on a number of prior papers and approaches from the statistical language learning literature. If successful, this approach would enable the mining of all the information needed to power a natural language comprehension and generation system, directly from a large, unannotated corpus.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, research proposa
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