593,791 research outputs found

    Concept Learning with Energy-Based Models

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    Many hallmarks of human intelligence, such as generalizing from limited experience, abstract reasoning and planning, analogical reasoning, creative problem solving, and capacity for language require the ability to consolidate experience into concepts, which act as basic building blocks of understanding and reasoning. We present a framework that defines a concept by an energy function over events in the environment, as well as an attention mask over entities participating in the event. Given few demonstration events, our method uses inference-time optimization procedure to generate events involving similar concepts or identify entities involved in the concept. We evaluate our framework on learning visual, quantitative, relational, temporal concepts from demonstration events in an unsupervised manner. Our approach is able to successfully generate and identify concepts in a few-shot setting and resulting learned concepts can be reused across environments. Example videos of our results are available at sites.google.com/site/energyconceptmodel

    Perangkat Pembelajaran Usaha dan Energi Berbasis STEM Terintegrasi Kearifan Lokal Timba Laor di Desa Allang Kabupaten Maluku Tengah

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    21st-century learning should include STEM to grow interested in the Indonesian nation to love and master science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. They are included in it for physics learning. STEM is a practical learning approach because it combines knowledge, mathematics, technology, and techniques. This aim to make students as problem-solvers, inventors, have innovation, independent logical thinking, technological literacy, connect their culture and history with education, and apply their knowledge in real life. Thus, it is necessary to implement STEM-based learning integrated lokal wisdom /culture of the community in which the learners are located. One of the lokal wisdom of coastal communities in Maluku is Timba Laor. This research aims to develop a High School Physics Learning Tool business concept, and STEM-based Energy integrated lokal wisdom Timba Laor in the village of Allang Central Maluku district, a valid, practical, and effective Plomp model. The stages of mining carried out in this research activity are the development of high school physics learning tools business concept and STEM-based Energy integrated lokal wisdom Timba Laor in the village of Allang Central Maluku District. Test models by providing surveys of physics teachers to empirically validate the learning devices that have been compiled, analyzed, and revised. The resulting product is a learning device physics high school concept business, and energy-based STEM integrated lokal wisdom. Keywords : Business and Energy, Learning Tools, STEM, Timba Laor &nbsp

    Energy-Based Concept Bottleneck Models: Unifying Prediction, Concept Intervention, and Probabilistic Interpretations

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    Existing methods, such as concept bottleneck models (CBMs), have been successful in providing concept-based interpretations for black-box deep learning models. They typically work by predicting concepts given the input and then predicting the final class label given the predicted concepts. However, (1) they often fail to capture the high-order, nonlinear interaction between concepts, e.g., correcting a predicted concept (e.g., "yellow breast") does not help correct highly correlated concepts (e.g., "yellow belly"), leading to suboptimal final accuracy; (2) they cannot naturally quantify the complex conditional dependencies between different concepts and class labels (e.g., for an image with the class label "Kentucky Warbler" and a concept "black bill", what is the probability that the model correctly predicts another concept "black crown"), therefore failing to provide deeper insight into how a black-box model works. In response to these limitations, we propose Energy-based Concept Bottleneck Models (ECBMs). Our ECBMs use a set of neural networks to define the joint energy of candidate (input, concept, class) tuples. With such a unified interface, prediction, concept correction, and conditional dependency quantification are then represented as conditional probabilities, which are generated by composing different energy functions. Our ECBMs address both limitations of existing CBMs, providing higher accuracy and richer concept interpretations. Empirical results show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art on real-world datasets.Comment: Accepted by ICLR 202

    Generative Marginalization Models

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    We introduce marginalization models (MaMs), a new family of generative models for high-dimensional discrete data. They offer scalable and flexible generative modeling with tractable likelihoods by explicitly modeling all induced marginal distributions. Marginalization models enable fast evaluation of arbitrary marginal probabilities with a single forward pass of the neural network, which overcomes a major limitation of methods with exact marginal inference, such as autoregressive models (ARMs). We propose scalable methods for learning the marginals, grounded in the concept of "marginalization self-consistency". Unlike previous methods, MaMs support scalable training of any-order generative models for high-dimensional problems under the setting of energy-based training, where the goal is to match the learned distribution to a given desired probability (specified by an unnormalized (log) probability function such as energy function or reward function). We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model on a variety of discrete data distributions, including binary images, language, physical systems, and molecules, for maximum likelihood and energy-based training settings. MaMs achieve orders of magnitude speedup in evaluating the marginal probabilities on both settings. For energy-based training tasks, MaMs enable any-order generative modeling of high-dimensional problems beyond the capability of previous methods. Code is at https://github.com/PrincetonLIPS/MaM

    Distributed learning of energy contracts negotiation strategies with collaborative reinforcement learning

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    The evolution of electricity markets towards local energy trading models, including peer-to-peer transactions, is bringing by multiple challenges for the involved players. In particular, small consumers, prosumers and generators, with no experience on participating in competitive energy markets, are not prepared for facing such an environment. This paper addresses this problem by proposing a decision support solution for small players negotiations in local transactions. The collaborative reinforcement learning concept is applied to combine different learning processes and reached an enhanced final decision for players actions in bilateral negotiations. The reinforcement learning process is based on the application of the Q-Learning algorithm; and the continuous combination of the different learning results applies and compares several collaborative learning algorithms, namely BEST-Q, Average (AVE)-Q; Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-Q, and Weighted Strategy Sharing (WSS)-Q and uses a model to aggregate these results. Results show that the collaborative learning process enables players' to correctly identify the negotiation strategy to apply in each moment, context and against each opponent.DOMINOES - Smart Distribution Grid: a Market Driven Approach for the Next Generation of Advanced Operation Models and Services (771066)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    GINNs:Graph-Informed Neural Networks for Multiscale Physics

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    We introduce the concept of a Graph-Informed Neural Network (GINN), a hybrid approach combining deep learning with probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) that acts as a surrogate for physics-based representations of multiscale and multiphysics systems. GINNs address the twin challenges of removing intrinsic computational bottlenecks in physics-based models and generating large data sets for estimating probability distributions of quantities of interest (QoIs) with a high degree of confidence. Both the selection of the complex physics learned by the NN and its supervised learning/prediction are informed by the PGM, which includes the formulation of structured priors for tunable control variables (CVs) to account for their mutual correlations and ensure physically sound CV and QoI distributions. GINNs accelerate the prediction of QoIs essential for simulation-based decision-making where generating sufficient sample data using physics-based models alone is often prohibitively expensive. Using a real-world application grounded in supercapacitor-based energy storage, we describe the construction of GINNs from a Bayesian network-embedded homogenized model for supercapacitor dynamics, and demonstrate their ability to produce kernel density estimates of relevant non-Gaussian, skewed QoIs with tight confidence intervals.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Internet of things (IoT) based adaptive energy management system for smart homes

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    PhD ThesisInternet of things enhances the flexibility of measurements under different environments, the development of advanced wireless sensors and communication networks on the smart grid infrastructure would be essential for energy efficiency systems. It makes deployment of a smart home concept easy and realistic. The smart home concept allows residents to control, monitor and manage their energy consumption with minimal wastage. The scheduling of energy usage enables forecasting techniques to be essential for smart homes. This thesis presents a self-learning home management system based on machine learning techniques and energy management system for smart homes. Home energy management system, demand side management system, supply side management system, and power notification system are the major components of the proposed self-learning home management system. The proposed system has various functions including price forecasting, price clustering, power forecasting alert, power consumption alert, and smart energy theft system to enhance the capabilities of the self-learning home management system. These functions were developed and implemented through the use of computational and machine learning technologies. In order to validate the proposed system, real-time power consumption data were collected from a Singapore smart home and a realistic experimental case study was carried out. The case study had proven that the developed system performing well and increased energy awareness to the residents. This proposed system also showcases its customizable ability according to different types of environments as compared to traditional smart home models. Forecasting systems for the electricity market generation have become one of the foremost research topics in the power industry. It is essential to have a forecasting system that can accurately predict electricity generation for planning and operation in the electricity market. This thesis also proposed a novel system called multi prediction system and it is developed based on long short term memory and gated recurrent unit models. This proposed system is able to predict the electricity market generation with high accuracy. Multi Prediction System is based on four stages which include a data collecting and pre-processing module, a multi-input feature model, multi forecast model and mean absolute percentage error. The data collecting and pre-processing module preprocess the real-time data using a window method. Multi-input feature model uses single input feeding method, double input feeding method and multiple feeding method for features input to the multi forecast model. Multi forecast model integrates long short term memory and gated recurrent unit variations such as regression model, regression with time steps model, memory between batches model and stacked model to predict the future generation of electricity. The mean absolute percentage error calculation was utilized to evaluate the accuracy of the prediction. The proposed system achieved high accuracy results to demonstrate its performance