86 research outputs found

    Exploiting extensible background knowledge for clustering-based automatic keyphrase extraction

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    Keyphrases are single- or multi-word phrases that are used to describe the essential content of a document. Utilizing an external knowledge source such as WordNet is often used in keyphrase extraction methods to obtain relation information about terms and thus improves the result, but the drawback is that a sole knowledge source is often limited. This problem is identified as the coverage limitation problem. In this paper, we introduce SemCluster, a clustering-based unsupervised keyphrase extraction method that addresses the coverage limitation problem by using an extensible approach that integrates an internal ontology (i.e., WordNet) with other knowledge sources to gain a wider background knowledge. SemCluster is evaluated against three unsupervised methods, TextRank, ExpandRank, and KeyCluster, and under the F1-measure metric. The evaluation results demonstrate that SemCluster has better accuracy and computational efficiency and is more robust when dealing with documents from different domains

    Automatic keyphrase extraction on Amazon reviews

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    People are facing severe challenges posed by big data. As an important type of the online text, product reviews have evoked much research interest because of their commercial potential. This thesis takes Amazon camera reviews as the research focus and implements an automatic keyphrase extraction system. The system consists of three modules, including the Crawler module, the Extraction module, and the Web module. The Crawler module is responsible for capturing Amazon product reviews. The Web module is responsible for obtaining user input and displaying the final results. The Extraction module is the core processing module of the system, which analyzes product reviews according to the following sequence: (1) Pre-processing of review data, including removal of stop words and segmentation. ( 2) Candidate keyphrase extraction. Through the Spacy part-of speech tagger and Dependency parser, the dependency relationships of each review sentence are obtained, and then the feature and opinion words are extracted based on several predefined dependency rules. (3) Candidate keyphrase clustering. By using a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model, the candidate keyphrases are clustered according to their topics . ( 4) Candidate keyphrase ranking. Two different algorithms, LDA-TFIDF and LDA-MT, are applied to rank the keyphrases in different clusters to get the representative keyphrases. The experimental results show that the system performs well in the task of keyphrase extraction

    Recent Advances in Social Data and Artificial Intelligence 2019

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    The importance and usefulness of subjects and topics involving social data and artificial intelligence are becoming widely recognized. This book contains invited review, expository, and original research articles dealing with, and presenting state-of-the-art accounts pf, the recent advances in the subjects of social data and artificial intelligence, and potentially their links to Cyberspace

    Tf*Idf and Random Walk For Term Candidate Selection On Automatic Subject Indexing

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    Subject indexing is the act of describing or classifying a document by index terms or other symbols in order to indicate what the document is about, to summarize its content or to increase its findability. The selection of term candidate on automatic subject indexing is very important, because it can influence the result of topic extraction on document. Recently on the automatic subject indexing especially in the term candidate selection only consider terms in the document collection. In contrast, indexer prefers to choose general term on manual subject indexing for selection of term candidate. In this paper, we proposed a new strategy for selecting term candidate on automatic subject indexing for extraction the main topic from the document. The proposed method uses a combination of Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TF*IDF) and Random Walk on the structure of thesaurus. Experimental results show that the proposed method can select the terms candidate that relevant to the topic of the document with F-Measure of 0.24

    Topic extraction for ontology learning

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    This chapter addresses the issue of topic extraction from text corpora for ontology learning. The first part provides an overview of some of the most significant solutions present today in the literature. These solutions deal mainly with the inferior layers of the Ontology Learning Layer Cake. They are related to the challenges of the Terms and Synonyms layers. The second part shows how these pieces can be bound together into an integrated system for extracting meaningful topics. While the extracted topics are not proper concepts as yet, they constitute a convincing approach towards concept building and therefore ontology learning. This chapter concludes by discussing the research undertaken for filling the gap between topics and concepts as well as perspectives that emerge today in the area of topic extraction. © 2011, IGI Global

    Terminology-based Text Embedding for Computing Document Similarities on Technical Content

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    We propose in this paper a new, hybrid document embedding approach in order to address the problem of document similarities with respect to the technical content. To do so, we employ a state-of-the-art graph techniques to first extract the keyphrases (composite keywords) of documents and, then, use them to score the sentences. Using the ranked sentences, we propose two approaches to embed documents and show their performances with respect to two baselines. With domain expert annotations, we illustrate that the proposed methods can find more relevant documents and outperform the baselines up to 27% in terms of NDCG

    Distributed Document Clustering and Cluster Summarization in Peer-to-Peer Environments

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    This thesis addresses difficult challenges in distributed document clustering and cluster summarization. Mining large document collections poses many challenges, one of which is the extraction of topics or summaries from documents for the purpose of interpretation of clustering results. Another important challenge, which is caused by new trends in distributed repositories and peer-to-peer computing, is that document data is becoming more distributed. We introduce a solution for interpreting document clusters using keyphrase extraction from multiple documents simultaneously. We also introduce two solutions for the problem of distributed document clustering in peer-to-peer environments, each satisfying a different goal: maximizing local clustering quality through collaboration, and maximizing global clustering quality through cooperation. The keyphrase extraction algorithm efficiently extracts and scores candidate keyphrases from a document cluster. The algorithm is called CorePhrase and is based on modeling document collections as a graph upon which we can leverage graph mining to extract frequent and significant phrases, which are used to label the clusters. Results show that CorePhrase can extract keyphrases relevant to documents in a cluster with very high accuracy. Although this algorithm can be used to summarize centralized clusters, it is specifically employed within distributed clustering to both boost distributed clustering accuracy, and to provide summaries for distributed clusters. The first method for distributed document clustering is called collaborative peer-to-peer document clustering, which models nodes in a peer-to-peer network as collaborative nodes with the goal of improving the quality of individual local clustering solutions. This is achieved through the exchange of local cluster summaries between peers, followed by recommendation of documents to be merged into remote clusters. Results on large sets of distributed document collections show that: (i) such collaboration technique achieves significant improvement in the final clustering of individual nodes; (ii) networks with larger number of nodes generally achieve greater improvements in clustering after collaboration relative to the initial clustering before collaboration, while on the other hand they tend to achieve lower absolute clustering quality than networks with fewer number of nodes; and (iii) as more overlap of the data is introduced across the nodes, collaboration tends to have little effect on improving clustering quality. The second method for distributed document clustering is called hierarchically-distributed document clustering. Unlike the collaborative model, this model aims at producing one clustering solution across the whole network. It specifically addresses scalability of network size, and consequently the distributed clustering complexity, by modeling the distributed clustering problem as a hierarchy of node neighborhoods. Summarization of the global distributed clusters is achieved through a distributed version of the CorePhrase algorithm. Results on large document sets show that: (i) distributed clustering accuracy is not affected by increasing the number of nodes for networks of single level; (ii) we can achieve decent speedup by making the hierarchy taller, but on the expense of clustering quality which degrades as we go up the hierarchy; (iii) in networks that grow arbitrarily, data gets more fragmented across neighborhoods causing poor centroid generation, thus suggesting we should not increase the number of nodes in the network beyond a certain level without increasing the data set size; and (iv) distributed cluster summarization can produce accurate summaries similar to those produced by centralized summarization. The proposed algorithms offer high degree of flexibility, scalability, and interpretability of large distributed document collections. Achieving the same results using current methodologies require centralization of the data first, which is sometimes not feasible