18 research outputs found

    Queueing networks: solutions and applications

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    During the pasttwo decades queueing network models have proven to be a versatile tool for computer system and computer communication system performance evaluation. This chapter provides a survey of th field with a particular emphasis on applications. We start with a brief historical retrospective which also servesto introduce the majr issues and application areas. Formal results for product form queuenig networks are reviewed with particular emphasis on the implications for computer systems modeling. Computation algorithms, sensitivity analysis and optimization techniques are among the topics covered. Many of the important applicationsof queueing networks are not amenableto exact analysis and an (often confusing) array of approximation methods have been developed over the years. A taxonomy of approximation methods is given and used as the basis for for surveing the major approximation methods that have been studied. The application of queueing network to a number of areas is surveyed, including computer system cpacity planning, packet switching networks, parallel processing, database systems and availability modeling.Durante as últimas duas décadas modelos de redes de filas provaram ser uma ferramenta versátil para avaliação de desempenho de sistemas de computação e sistemas de comunicação. Este capítulo faz um apanhado geral da área, com ênfase em aplicações. Começamos com uma breve retrospectiva histórica que serve também para introduzir os pontos mais importantes e as áreas de aplicação. Resultados formais para redes de filas em forma de produto são revisados com ênfase na modelagem de sistemas de computação. Algoritmos de computação, análise de sensibilidade e técnicas de otimização estão entre os tópicos revistos. Muitas dentre importantes aplicações de redes de filas não são tratáveis por análise exata e uma série (frequentemente confusa) de métodos de aproximação tem sido desenvolvida. Uma taxonomia de métodos de aproximação é dada e usada como base para revisão dos mais importantes métodos de aproximação propostos. Uma revisão das aplicações de redes de filas em um número de áreas é feita, incluindo planejamento de capacidade de sistemas de computação, redes de comunicação por chaveamento de pacotes, processamento paralelo, sistemas de bancos de dados e modelagem de confiabilidade

    Maximizing Patient Satisfaction in Systems with Time-Varying Arrival Rates

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    Time-Varying Little’s Law (TVLL) can be regarded as part of the theory of Infinite Servers (IS) models, for the abstract system can be considered as a general IS model if waiting time is considered as service time. Moreover, the time-varying arrival rate does not affect the waiting time distribution, when there are adequate time-varying servers in the system. In this study, we estimate the average number of entities in the system over a sub-interval and the arrival rate function, and apply TVLL combined with time-varying staffing to estimate the unknown mean wait times. When the arrival rate function is approximated by a linear (quadratic) function, the average waiting time satisfies a quadratic (cubic) equation. The estimation of average waiting time based on TVLL is a positive real root of the average waiting time equation. If, the arrival rate function is neither approximately linear nor approximately quadratic, it must be approximated by a polynomial function of higher degree. In this study, we investigate systems with arrival rate function of degree 3, and find the estimation of average waiting time which is the root of a polynomial of degree 4. Also, we study queues with time-varying arrival rate to obtain optimal visit time leading to maximum satisfaction of patients in walk-in clinics. If there is adequate time-varying staffing, then customers receive service upon arrival and waiting times tend to be approximately as equal as the service times though the arrival rates are time-varying. However, in the systems with limited servers, some customers must wait in the waiting room and when there is no room in the area, the new arriving customers are refused. Rejection of customers may lead to their dissatisfaction. If we decrease the average service time, less customers will be refused, but shorter service time decreases happiness of admitted customers. Another issue is the revenue of walk-in clinics. Walk-in clinics work on a fee-for-service model, so they benefit from the number of patients they serve. As the number of patients increases, more revenue is gained. Hence, it may be in interest of some walk-in clinics to reduce visit times to increase profit. As mentioned, short visit time sacrifices the quality of service and leads to the dissatisfaction of patients. Patients want to be heard carefully and be asked directly why they have come to the clinic. The problem gets worse in rush hours when the number of arrivals increases but the number of servers could not be increased due to limitation in the number of doctors. We obtain optimal value for visit time considering satisfaction of customers and revenue of walk-in clinics simultaneously

    Bits of Internet traffic control

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    In this work, we consider four problems in the context of Internet traffic control. The first problem is to understand when and why a sender that implements an equation-based rate control would be TCP-friendly, or not—a sender is said to be TCP-friendly if, under the same operating conditions, its long-term average send rate does not exceed that of a TCP sender. It is an established axiom that some senders in the Internet would need to be TCP-friendly. An equation-based rate control sender plugs-in some on-line estimates of the loss-event rate and an expected round-trip time in a TCP throughput formula, and then at some points in time sets its send rate to such computed values. Conventional wisdom held that if a sender adjusts its send rate as just described, then it would be TCP-friendly. We show exact analysis that tells us when we should expect an equation-based rate control to be TCP-friendly, and in some cases excessively so. We show experimental evidence and identify the causes that, in a realistic scenario, make an equation-based rate control grossly non-TCP-friendly. Our second problem is to understand the throughput achieved by another family of send rate controls—we termed these "increase-decrease controls," with additive-increase/multiplicative-decrease as a special case. One issue that we consider is the allocation of long-term average send rates among senders that adjust their send rates by an additive-increase/multiplicative-decrease control, in a network of links with arbitrary fixed routes, and arbitrary round-trip times. We show what the resulting send rate allocation is. This result advances the state-of-the-art in understanding the fairness of the rate allocation in presence of arbitrary round-trip times. We also consider the design of an increase-decrease control to achieve a given target loss-throughput function. We show that if we design some increase-decrease controls under a commonly used reference loss process—a sequence of constant inter-loss event times—then we know that these controls would overshoot their target loss-throughput function, for some more general loss processes. A reason to study the design problem is to construct an increase-decrease control that would be friendly to some other control, TCP, for instance. The third problem that we consider is how to obtain probabilistic bounds on performance for nodes that conform to the per-hop-behavior of Expedited Forwarding, a service of differentiated services Internet. Under the assumption that the arrival process to a node consists of flows that are individually regulated (as it is commonplace with Expedited Forwarding) and the flows are stochastically independent, we obtained probabilistic bounds on backlog, delay, and loss. We apply our single-node performance bounds to a network of nodes. Having good probabilistic bounds on the performance of nodes that conform to the per-hop-behavior of Expedited Forwarding, would enable a dimensioning of those networks more effectively, than by using some deterministic worst-case performance bounds. Our last problem is on the latency of an input-queued switch that implements a decomposition-based scheduler. With decomposition-based schedulers, we are given a rate demand matrix to be offered by a switch in the long-term between the switch input/output port pairs. A given rate demand matrix is, by some standard techniques, decomposed into a set of permutation matrices that define the connectivity of the input/output port pairs. The problem is how to construct a schedule of the permutation matrices such that the schedule offers a small latency for each input/output port pair of the switch. We obtain bounds on the latency for some schedulers that are in many situations smaller than a best-known bound. It is important to be able to design switches with bounds on their latencies in order to provide guarantees on delay-jitter

    Optimal control of queueing systems with multiple heterogeneous facilities

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    This thesis discusses queueing systems in which decisions are made when customers arrive, either by individual customers themselves or by a central controller. Decisions are made concerning whether or not customers should be admitted to the system (admission control) and, if they are to be admitted, where they should go to receive service (routing control). An important objective is to compare the effects of "selfish" decision-making, in which customers make decisions aimed solely at optimising their own outcomes, with those of "socially optimal" control policies, which optimise the economic performance of the system as a whole. The problems considered are intended to be quite general in nature, and the resulting findings are therefore broad in scope. Initially, M/M/1 queueing systems are considered, and the results presented establish novel connections between two distinct areas of the literature. Subsequently, a more complicated problem is considered, involving routing control in a system which consists of heterogeneous, multiple-server facilities arranged in parallel. It is shown that the multiple-facility system can be formulated mathematically as a Markov Decision Process (MDP), and this enables a fundamental relationship to be proved between individually optimal and socially optimal policies which is of great theoretical and practical importance. Structural properties of socially optimal policies are analysed rigorously, and it is found that 'simple' characterisations of socially optimal policies are usually unattainable in systems with heterogeneous facilities. Finally, the feasibility of finding 'near-optimal' policies for large scale systems by using heuristics and simulation-based methods is considered

    Control of multiclass queueing systems with abandonments and adversarial customers

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    This thesis considers the defensive surveillance of multiple public areas which are the open, exposed targets of adversarial attacks. We address the operational problem of identifying a real time decision-making rule for a security team in order to minimise the damage an adversary can inflict within the public areas. We model the surveillance scenario as a multiclass queueing system with customer abandonments, wherein the operational problem translates into developing service policies for a server in order to minimise the expected damage an adversarial customer can inflict on the system. We consider three different surveillance scenarios which may occur in realworld security operations. In each scenario it is only possible to calculate optimal policies in small systems or in special cases, hence we focus on developing heuristic policies which can be computed and demonstrate their effectiveness in numerical experiments. In the random adversary scenario, the adversary attacks the system according to a probability distribution known to the server. This problem is a special case of a more general stochastic scheduling problem. We develop new results which complement the existing literature based on priority policies and an effective approximate policy improvement algorithm. We also consider the scenario of a strategic adversary who chooses where to attack. We model the interaction of the server and adversary as a two-person zero-sum game. We develop an effective heuristic based on an iterative algorithm which populates a small set of service policies to be randomised over. Finally, we consider the scenario of a strategic adversary who chooses both where and when to attack and formulate it as a robust optimisation problem. In this case, we demonstrate the optimality of the last-come first-served policy in single queue systems. In systems with multiple queues, we develop effective heuristic policies based on the last-come first-served policy which incorporates randomisation both within service policies and across service policies