26,628 research outputs found

    Computing the Power Distribution in the IMF

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    The International Monetary Fund is one of the largest international organizations using a weighted voting system. The weights of its 188 members are determined by a fixed amount of basic votes plus some extra votes for so-called Special Drawing Rights (SDR). On January 26, 2016, the conditions for the SDRs were increased at the 14th General Quota Review, which drastically changed the corresponding voting weights. However, since the share of voting weights in general is not equal to the influence, of a committee member on the committees overall decision, so-called power indices were introduced. So far the power distribution of the IMF was only computed by either approximation procedures or smaller games than then entire Board of Governors consisting of 188 members. We improve existing algorithms, based on dynamic programming, for the computation of power indices and provide the exact results for the IMF Board of Governors before and after the increase of voting weights. Tuned low-level details of the algorithms allow the repeated routine with sparse computational resources and can of course be applied to other large voting bodies. It turned out that the Banzhaf power shares are rather sensitive to changes of the quota.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, 13 table

    Power relations in the International Monetary Fund: a study of the political economy of a priori voting power using the Theory of Simple Games

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    In general in organisations whose system of governance involves weighted majority voting, power and voting weight differ. Power indices are a value concept for majority voting games which provide a means of analysing this difference. This paper provides new algorithms for computing the two classical power indices (the Banzhaf index and the Shapley-Shubik index) and applies them to the voting distribution in the two governing bodies of the IMF in each year since its foundation. The focus is both substantive, being an analysis of the political economy of the IMF, and methodological, as a study of the use of the power indices. Power relations are studied with respect to two types of decisions: ordinary decisions requiring a simple majority and decisions requiring a special majority of 80% or 85%. Clear cut results are obtained for the former: among the G5 countries discrepancies between power and voting weight have declined over time with the exception of the United States which continues to have much more power than its weight even though that weight has declined. In the nineteen forties the United Kingdom’s power was considerably below its relatively large nominal voting power, similarly to some extent for France. Both power indices give results which are qualitatively comparable. For decisions requiring special majorities, however, few general results emerge because of conflict between the indices. We examine the effect of the size of the majority requirement on the power of the leading members and find that the power of the US declines as the majority requirement increases. This result confirms the warnings of Keynes that the US insistence on retaining a national veto for itself might be counterproductive. We conclude that the special majority requirement creates a distortion in the voting system which can be regarded as a serious lack of transparency. We also examine the effect of the EU countries voting as a block rather than individually and show that it would be dominant and the US power would fall considerably. We conclude that it is not possible to make a clear choice between the two power indices used but that there is some indication that the Banzhaf index may be more plausible

    The Initial Mass Function of the Inner Galaxy Measured From OGLE-III Microlensing Timescales

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    We use the timescale distribution of ~3000 microlensing events measured by the OGLE-III survey, together with accurate new made-to-measure dynamical models of the Galactic bulge/bar region, to measure the IMF in the inner Milky Way. The timescale of each event depends on the mass of the lensing object, together with the relative distances and velocities of the lens and source. The dynamical model provides statistically these distances and velocities allowing us to constrain the lens mass function, and from this to infer the IMF. Parameterising the IMF as a broken power-law, we find slopes in the main sequence αms=1.31±0.10∣stat±0.10∣sys\alpha_{\rm ms}=1.31\pm0.10|_{\rm stat}\pm0.10|_{\rm sys} and brown dwarf region αbd=−0.7±0.9∣stat±0.8∣sys\alpha_{\rm bd}=-0.7\pm0.9|_{\rm stat}\pm0.8|_{\rm sys} where we use a fiducial 50% binary fraction, and the systematic uncertainty covers the range of binary fractions 0-100%. Similarly for a log-normal IMF we conclude Mc=(0.17±0.02∣stat±0.01∣sys)M⊙M_c=(0.17\pm0.02|_{\rm stat}\pm0.01|_{\rm sys})M_\odot and σm=0.49±0.07∣stat±0.06∣sys\sigma_m=0.49\pm0.07|_{\rm stat}\pm0.06|_{\rm sys}. These values are very similar to a Kroupa or Chabrier IMF respectively, showing that the IMF in the bulge is indistinguishable from that measured locally, despite the lenses lying in the inner Milky Way where the stars are mostly ~10Gyr old and formed on a fast α\alpha-element enhanced timescale. This therefore constrains models of IMF variation that depend on the properties of the collapsing gas cloud.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Accepted by ApJ

    The initial mass function modeled by a left truncated beta distribution

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    The initial mass function (IMF) for the stars is usually fitted by three straight lines, which means seven parameters. The presence of brown dwarfs (BD) increases to four the straight lines and to nine the parameters. Another common fitting function is the lognormal distribution, which is characterized by two parameters. This paper is devoted to demonstrating the advantage of introducing a left truncated beta probability density function, which is characterized by four parameters. The constant of normalization, the mean, the mode and the distribution function are calculated for the left truncated beta distribution. The normal-beta (NB) distribution which results from convolving independent normally distributed and beta distributed components is also derived. The chi-square test and the K-S test are performed on a first sample of stars and BDs which belongs to the massive young cluster NGC 6611 and on a second sample which represents the star's masses of the cluster NGC 2362.Comment: 21 pages 5 figure

    MOA-II Galactic Microlensing Constraints: The Inner Milky Way has a Low Dark Matter Fraction and a Near Maximal Disk

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    Microlensing provides a unique tool to break the stellar to dark matter degeneracy in the inner Milky Way. We combine N-body dynamical models fitted to the Milky Way's Boxy/Peanut bulge with exponential disk models outside this, and compute the microlensing properties. Considering the range of models consistent with the revised MOA-II data, we find low dark matter fractions in the inner Galaxy: at the peak of their stellar rotation curve a fraction fv=(0.88±0.07)f_v=(0.88\pm0.07) of the circular velocity is baryonic (at 1σ1\sigma, fv>0.72f_v > 0.72 at 2σ2\sigma). These results are in agreement with constraints from the EROS-II microlensing survey of brighter resolved stars, where we find fv=(0.9±0.1)f_v=(0.9\pm0.1) at 1σ1\sigma. Our fiducial model of a disk with scale length 2.6kpc, and a bulge with a low dark matter fraction of 12%, agrees with both the revised MOA-II and EROS-II microlensing data. The required baryonic fractions, and the resultant low contribution from dark matter, are consistent with the NFW profiles produced by dissipationless cosmological simulations in Milky Way mass galaxies. They are also consistent with recent prescriptions for the mild adiabatic contraction of Milky Way mass haloes without the need for strong feedback, but there is some tension with recent measurements of the local dark matter density. Microlensing optical depths from the larger OGLE-III sample could improve these constraints further when available.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, submitted to MNRA

    The "Mysterious" Origin of Brown Dwarfs

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    Hundreds of brown dwarfs (BDs) have been discovered in the last few years in stellar clusters and among field stars. BDs are almost as numerous as hydrogen burning stars and so a theory of star formation should also explain their origin. The ``mystery'' of the origin of BDs is that their mass is two orders of magnitude smaller than the average Jeans' mass in star--forming clouds, and yet they are so common. In this work we investigate the possibility that gravitationally unstable protostellar cores of BD mass are formed directly by the process of turbulent fragmentation. Supersonic turbulence in molecular clouds generates a complex density field with a very large density contrast. As a result, a fraction of BD mass cores formed by the turbulent flow are dense enough to be gravitationally unstable. We find that with density, temperature and rms Mach number typical of cluster--forming regions, turbulent fragmentation can account for the observed BD abundance.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, ApJ submitted Error in equation 1 has been corrected. Improved figure

    Using EMD-FrFT filtering to mitigate high power interference in chirp tracking radars

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    This letter presents a new signal processing subsystem for conventional monopulse tracking radars that offers an improved solution to the problem of dealing with manmade high power interference (jamming). It is based on the hybrid use of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and fractional Fourier transform (FrFT). EMD-FrFT filtering is carried out for complex noisy radar chirp signals to decrease the signal's noisy components. An improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of up to 18 dB for different target SNRs is achieved using the proposed EMD-FrFT algorithm
