81 research outputs found

    Fast Frechet Distance Between Curves With Long Edges

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    Computing the Fr\'echet distance between two polygonal curves takes roughly quadratic time. In this paper, we show that for a special class of curves the Fr\'echet distance computations become easier. Let PP and QQ be two polygonal curves in Rd\mathbb{R}^d with nn and mm vertices, respectively. We prove four results for the case when all edges of both curves are long compared to the Fr\'echet distance between them: (1) a linear-time algorithm for deciding the Fr\'echet distance between two curves, (2) an algorithm that computes the Fr\'echet distance in O((n+m)log(n+m))O((n+m)\log (n+m)) time, (3) a linear-time d\sqrt{d}-approximation algorithm, and (4) a data structure that supports O(mlog2n)O(m\log^2 n)-time decision queries, where mm is the number of vertices of the query curve and nn the number of vertices of the preprocessed curve

    A fast implementation of near neighbors queries for Fr\'echet distance (GIS Cup)

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    This paper describes an implementation of fast near-neighbours queries (also known as range searching) with respect to the Fr\'echet distance. The algorithm is designed to be efficient on practical data such as GPS trajectories. Our approach is to use a quadtree data structure to enumerate all curves in the database that have similar start and endpoints as the query curve. On these curves we run positive and negative filters to narrow the set of potential results. Only for those trajectories where these heuristics fail, we compute the Fr\'echet distance exactly, by running a novel recursive variant of the classic free-space diagram algorithm. Our implementation won the ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS Cup 2017.Comment: ACM SIGSPATIAL'17 invited paper. 9 page

    Computing the Similarity Between Moving Curves

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    In this paper we study similarity measures for moving curves which can, for example, model changing coastlines or retreating glacier termini. Points on a moving curve have two parameters, namely the position along the curve as well as time. We therefore focus on similarity measures for surfaces, specifically the Fr\'echet distance between surfaces. While the Fr\'echet distance between surfaces is not even known to be computable, we show for variants arising in the context of moving curves that they are polynomial-time solvable or NP-complete depending on the restrictions imposed on how the moving curves are matched. We achieve the polynomial-time solutions by a novel approach for computing a surface in the so-called free-space diagram based on max-flow min-cut duality