8 research outputs found

    Computational Complexity of Computing a Quasi-Proper Equilibrium

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    We study the computational complexity of computing or approximating a quasi-proper equilibrium for a given finite extensive form game of perfect recall. We show that the task of computing a symbolic quasi-proper equilibrium is PPAD\mathrm{PPAD}-complete for two-player games. For the case of zero-sum games we obtain a polynomial time algorithm based on Linear Programming. For general nn-player games we show that computing an approximation of a quasi-proper equilibrium is FIXPa\mathrm{FIXP}_a-complete.Comment: Full version of paper to appear at the 23rd International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT 2021

    The Complexity of Approximating a Trembling Hand Perfect Equilibrium of a Multi-player Game in Strategic Form

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    We consider the task of computing an approximation of a trembling hand perfect equilibrium for an n-player game in strategic form, n >= 3. We show that this task is complete for the complexity class FIXP_a. In particular, the task is polynomial time equivalent to the task of computing an approximation of a Nash equilibrium in strategic form games with three (or more) players.Comment: conference version to appear at SAGT'1

    Competitive Allocation of a Mixed Manna

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    We study the fair division problem of allocating a mixed manna under additively separable piecewise linear concave (SPLC) utilities. A mixed manna contains goods that everyone likes and bads that everyone dislikes, as well as items that some like and others dislike. The seminal work of Bogomolnaia et al. [Econometrica'17] argue why allocating a mixed manna is genuinely more complicated than a good or a bad manna, and why competitive equilibrium is the best mechanism. They also provide the existence of equilibrium and establish its peculiar properties (e.g., non-convex and disconnected set of equilibria even under linear utilities), but leave the problem of computing an equilibrium open. This problem remained unresolved even for only bad manna under linear utilities. Our main result is a simplex-like algorithm based on Lemke's scheme for computing a competitive allocation of a mixed manna under SPLC utilities, a strict generalization of linear. Experimental results on randomly generated instances suggest that our algorithm will be fast in practice. The problem is known to be PPAD-hard for the case of good manna, and we also show a similar result for the case of bad manna. Given these PPAD-hardness results, designing such an algorithm is the only non-brute-force (non-enumerative) option known, e.g., the classic Lemke-Howson algorithm (1964) for computing a Nash equilibrium in a 2-player game is still one of the most widely used algorithms in practice. Our algorithm also yields several new structural properties as simple corollaries. We obtain a (constructive) proof of existence for a far more general setting, membership of the problem in PPAD, rational-valued solution, and odd number of solutions property. The last property also settles the conjecture of Bogomolnaia et al. in the affirmative

    The complexity of computing a (quasi-)perfect equilibrium for an n-player extensive form game of perfect recall.

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    We study the complexity of computing or approximating refinements of Nash equilibrium for a given finite n-player extensive form game of perfect recall (EFGPR), where n >= 3. Our results apply to a number of well-studied refinements, including sequential (SE), extensive-form perfect (PE), and quasi-perfect equilibrium (QPE). These refine Nash and subgame-perfect equilibrium. Of these, the most refined notions are PE and QPE. By classic results, all these equilibria exist in any EFGPR. We show that, for all these notions of equilibrium, approximating an equilibrium for a given EFGPR, to within a given desired precision, is FIXP_a-complete. We also consider the complexity of corresponding "almost" equilibrium notions, and show that they are PPAD-complete. In particular, we define "delta-almost epsilon-(quasi-)perfect" equilibrium, and show computing one is PPAD-complete. We show these notions refine "delta-almost subgame-perfect equilibrium" for EFGPRs, which is PPAD-complete. Thus, approximating one such (delta-almost) equilibrium for n-player EFGPRs, n >= 3, is P-time equivalent to approximating a (delta-almost) NE for a normal form game (NFG) with 3 or more players. NFGs are trivially encodable as EFGPRs without blowup in size. Thus our results extend the celebrated complexity results for NFGs to refinements of equilibrium in the more general setting of EFGPRs. For 2-player EFGPRs, analogous complexity results follow from the algorithms of Koller, Megiddo, and von Stengel (1996), von Stengel, van den Elzen, and Talman (2002), and Miltersen and Soerensen (2010). For n-player EFGPRs, an analogous result for Nash and subgame-perfect equilibrium was given by Daskalakis, Fabrikant, and Papadimitriou (2006). However, no analogous results were known for the more refined notions of equilibrium for EFGPRs with 3 or more players

    Essays on Economics and Computer Science

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    146 pagesThis dissertation considers a number of problems in pure and applied game theory. The first chapter considers the problem of how the introduction of fines and monitoring affects welfare in a routing game. I characterize equilibria of the game and discuss network topologies in which the introduction of fines can harm those agents which are not subject to them. The second, and primary, chapter considers the computational aspects of tenable strategy sets. I characterize these set-valued solution concepts using the more familiar framework of perturbed strategies, introduce strong alternatives to the problems of verifying whether a strategy block satisfies the conditions of tenability, and provide some hardness results regarding the verification of fine tenability. Additionally, I show an inclusion relation between the concept of coarse tenability and the notion of stability introduced by Kohlberg and Mertens (1986). Finally, I show how the methods developed for tenability provide an alternative characterization for proper equilibria in bimatrix games. This characterization gives a bound on the perturbations required in the definition of proper equilibria, though such bounds cannot be computed efficiently in general. The third, and final, chapter develops a model of contracting for content creation in an oligopolistic environment of attention intermediaries. I characterize symmetric equilibria in single-homing (exclusive) and multi-homing regimes. The focus is on the trade-off between reductions in incentives offered by intermediaries and the benefits of access to additional content for consumers. I show that when the extent of multi-homing is exogenous in the absence of exclusivity clauses, consumer surplus is always higher with multi-homing than under exclusivity, despite weaker incentives offered by platforms to content creators