1,511 research outputs found

    Computing small pivot-minors.

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    A graph G contains a graph H as a pivot-minor if H can be obtained from G by applying a sequence of vertex deletions and edge pivots. Pivot-minors play an important role in the study of rank-width. However, so far, pivot-minors have only been studied from a structural perspective. We initiate a systematic study into their complexity aspects. We first prove that the PIVOT-MINOR problem, which asks if a given graph G contains a given graph H as a pivot-minor, is NP-complete. If H is not part of the input, we denote the problem by H-PIVOT-MINOR. We give a certifying polynomial-time algorithm for H -PIVOT-MINOR for every graph H with |V(H)|≤4|V(H)|≤4 except when H∈{K4,C3+P1,4P1}H∈{K4,C3+P1,4P1}, via a structural characterization of H-pivot-minor-free graphs in terms of a set FHFH of minimal forbidden induced subgraphs

    On the complete pivoting conjecture for Hadamard matrices of small orders

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    In this paper we study explicitly the pivot structure of Hadamard matrices of small orders 16, 20 and 32. An algorithm computing the (n — j) x (n — j) minors of Hadamard matrices is presented and its implementation for n = 12 is described. Analytical tables summarizing the pivot patterns attained are given

    Formalized linear algebra over Elementary Divisor Rings in Coq

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    This paper presents a Coq formalization of linear algebra over elementary divisor rings, that is, rings where every matrix is equivalent to a matrix in Smith normal form. The main results are the formalization that these rings support essential operations of linear algebra, the classification theorem of finitely presented modules over such rings and the uniqueness of the Smith normal form up to multiplication by units. We present formally verified algorithms computing this normal form on a variety of coefficient structures including Euclidean domains and constructive principal ideal domains. We also study different ways to extend B\'ezout domains in order to be able to compute the Smith normal form of matrices. The extensions we consider are: adequacy (i.e. the existence of a gdco operation), Krull dimension 1\leq 1 and well-founded strict divisibility

    Graphs of Small Rank-width are Pivot-minors of Graphs of Small Tree-width

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    We prove that every graph of rank-width kk is a pivot-minor of a graph of tree-width at most 2k2k. We also prove that graphs of rank-width at most 1, equivalently distance-hereditary graphs, are exactly vertex-minors of trees, and graphs of linear rank-width at most 1 are precisely vertex-minors of paths. In addition, we show that bipartite graphs of rank-width at most 1 are exactly pivot-minors of trees and bipartite graphs of linear rank-width at most 1 are precisely pivot-minors of paths.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Positroid Stratification of Orthogonal Grassmannian and ABJM Amplitudes

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    A novel understanding of scattering amplitudes in terms of on-shell diagrams and positive Grassmannian has been recently established for four dimensional Yang-Mills theories and three dimensional Chern-Simons theories of ABJM type. We give a detailed construction of the positroid stratification of orthogonal Grassmannian relevant for ABJM amplitudes. On-shell diagrams are classified by pairing of external particles. We introduce a combinatorial aid called `OG tableaux' and map each equivalence class of on-shell diagrams to a unique tableau. The on-shell diagrams related to each other through BCFW bridging are naturally grouped by the OG tableaux. Introducing suitably ordered BCFW bridges and positive coordinates, we construct the complete coordinate charts to cover the entire positive orthogonal Grassmannian for arbitrary number of external particles. The graded counting of OG tableaux suggests that the positive orthogonal Grassmannian constitutes a combinatorial polytope.Comment: 32 pages, 23 figures; v2. minor corrections; v3. several clarifications and minor improvement

    Fast and accurate con-eigenvalue algorithm for optimal rational approximations

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    The need to compute small con-eigenvalues and the associated con-eigenvectors of positive-definite Cauchy matrices naturally arises when constructing rational approximations with a (near) optimally small LL^{\infty} error. Specifically, given a rational function with nn poles in the unit disk, a rational approximation with mnm\ll n poles in the unit disk may be obtained from the mmth con-eigenvector of an n×nn\times n Cauchy matrix, where the associated con-eigenvalue λm>0\lambda_{m}>0 gives the approximation error in the LL^{\infty} norm. Unfortunately, standard algorithms do not accurately compute small con-eigenvalues (and the associated con-eigenvectors) and, in particular, yield few or no correct digits for con-eigenvalues smaller than the machine roundoff. We develop a fast and accurate algorithm for computing con-eigenvalues and con-eigenvectors of positive-definite Cauchy matrices, yielding even the tiniest con-eigenvalues with high relative accuracy. The algorithm computes the mmth con-eigenvalue in O(m2n)\mathcal{O}(m^{2}n) operations and, since the con-eigenvalues of positive-definite Cauchy matrices decay exponentially fast, we obtain (near) optimal rational approximations in O(n(logδ1)2)\mathcal{O}(n(\log\delta^{-1})^{2}) operations, where δ\delta is the approximation error in the LL^{\infty} norm. We derive error bounds demonstrating high relative accuracy of the computed con-eigenvalues and the high accuracy of the unit con-eigenvectors. We also provide examples of using the algorithm to compute (near) optimal rational approximations of functions with singularities and sharp transitions, where approximation errors close to machine precision are obtained. Finally, we present numerical tests on random (complex-valued) Cauchy matrices to show that the algorithm computes all the con-eigenvalues and con-eigenvectors with nearly full precision