41 research outputs found

    Computing Inferences for Large-Scale Continuous-Time Markov Chains by Combining Lumping with Imprecision

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    If the state space of a homogeneous continuous-time Markov chain is too large, making inferences - here limited to determining marginal or limit expectations - becomes computationally infeasible. Fortunately, the state space of such a chain is usually too detailed for the inferences we are interested in, in the sense that a less detailed - smaller - state space suffices to unambiguously formalise the inference. However, in general this so-called lumped state space inhibits computing exact inferences because the corresponding dynamics are unknown and/or intractable to obtain. We address this issue by considering an imprecise continuous-time Markov chain. In this way, we are able to provide guaranteed lower and upper bounds for the inferences of interest, without suffering from the curse of dimensionality.Comment: 9th International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics (SMPS 2018

    Computing inferences for large-scale continuous-time Markov chains by combining lumping with imprecision

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    If the state space of a homogeneous continuous-time Markov chain is too large, making inferences—here limited to determining marginal or limit expectations—becomes computationally infeasible. Fortunately, the state space of such a chain is usually too detailed for the inferences we are interested in, in the sense that a less detailed—smaller—state space suffices to unambiguously formalise the inference. However, in general this so-called lumped state space inhibits computing exact inferences because the corresponding dynamics are unknown and/or intractable to obtain. We address this issue by considering an imprecise continuous-time Markov chain. In this way, we are able to provide guaranteed lower and upper bounds for the inferences of interest, without suffering from the curse of dimensionality

    Bounding inferences for large-scale continuous-time Markov chains : a new approach based on lumping and imprecise Markov chains

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    If the state space of a homogeneous continuous-time Markov chain is too large, making inferences becomes computationally infeasible. Fortunately, the state space of such a chain is usually too detailed for the inferences we are interested in, in the sense that a less detailed—smaller—state space suffices to unambiguously formalise the inference. However, in general this so-called lumped state space inhibits computing exact inferences because the corresponding dynamics are unknown and/or intractable to obtain. We address this issue by considering an imprecise continuous-time Markov chain. In this way, we are able to provide guaranteed lower and upper bounds for the inferences of interest, without suffering from the curse of dimensionality

    Interval reliability inference for multi-component systems

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    This thesis is a collection of investigations on applications of imprecise probability theory to system reliability engineering with emphasis on using survival signatures for modelling complex systems. Survival signatures provide efficient representation of system structure and facilitate several reliability assessments by separating the computationally expensive combinatorial part from the subsequent evaluations submitted to only polynomial complexity. This proves useful for situations which also account for the statistical inference on system component lifetime distributions where Bayesian methods require repeated numerical propagation for the samples from the posterior distribution. Similarly, statistical methods involving imprecise probabilistic models composed of sets of precise probability distributions also benefit from the simplification by the signature representation. We will argue the pragmatic benefits of using statistical models based on imprecise probability models in reliability engineering from the perspective of inferential validity and provision of objective guarantees for the statistical procedures. Imprecise probability methods generally require solving an optimization problem to obtain bounds on the assessments of interest, but monotone system structures simplify them without much additional complexity. This simplification extends to survival signature models, therefore many reliability assessments with imprecise (interval) component lifetime models tend to be tractable as will be demonstrated on several examples

    Two-state imprecise Markov chains for statistical modelling of two-state non-Markovian processes.

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    This paper proposes a method for fitting a two-state imprecise Markov chain to time series data from a twostate non-Markovian process. Such non-Markovian processes are common in practical applications. We focus on how to fit modelling parameters based on data from a process where time to transition is not exponentially distributed, thereby violating the Markov assumption. We do so by first fitting a many-state (i.e. having more than two states) Markov chain to the data, through its associated phase-type distribution. Then, we lump the process to a two-state imprecise Markov chain. In practical applications, a two-state imprecise Markov chain might be more convenient than a many-state Markov chain, as we have closed analytic expressions for typical quantities of interest (including the lower and upper expectation of any function of the state at any point in time). A numerical example demonstrates how the entire inference process (fitting and prediction) can be done using Markov chain Monte Carlo, for a given set of prior distributions on the parameters. In particular, we numerically identify the set of posterior densities and posterior lower and upper expectations on all model parameters and predictive quantities. We compare our inferences under a range of sample sizes and model assumptions. Keywords: imprecise Markov chain, estimation, reliability, Markov assumption, MCM

    Approximating Euclidean by Imprecise Markov Decision Processes

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    Euclidean Markov decision processes are a powerful tool for modeling control problems under uncertainty over continuous domains. Finite state imprecise, Markov decision processes can be used to approximate the behavior of these infinite models. In this paper we address two questions: first, we investigate what kind of approximation guarantees are obtained when the Euclidean process is approximated by finite state approximations induced by increasingly fine partitions of the continuous state space. We show that for cost functions over finite time horizons the approximations become arbitrarily precise. Second, we use imprecise Markov decision process approximations as a tool to analyse and validate cost functions and strategies obtained by reinforcement learning. We find that, on the one hand, our new theoretical results validate basic design choices of a previously proposed reinforcement learning approach. On the other hand, the imprecise Markov decision process approximations reveal some inaccuracies in the learned cost functions

    Using Trees: Myrmecocystus Phylogeny and Character Evolution and New Methods for Investigating Trait Evolution and Species Delimitation (PhD Dissertation)

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    1) Rates of phenotypic evolution have changed throughout the history of life, producing variation in levels of morphological, functional, and ecological diversity among groups. Testing for the presence of these rate shifts is a key component of evaluating hypotheses about what causes them. General predictions regarding changes in phenotypic diversity as a function of evolutionary history and rates are developed, and tests are derived to evaluate rate changes. Simulations show that these tests are more powerful than existing tests using standardized contrasts. 
2) Species delimitation and species tree inference are difficult problems in the case of recent divergences, especially when different loci have different histories. I quantify the difficulty of the problem and introduce a non-parametric method for simultaneously dividing anonymous samples into different species and inferring a species tree, using individual gene trees as input. This heuristic method seeks to both minimize gene tree – species tree discordance and excess population structure within a species. Analyses suggest that the method may provide useful insights for systematists working at the species level with molecular data.
3) The phylogeny of Myrmecocystus ants is estimated using nine loci, finding that none of the three subgenera are monophyletic, implying repeated evolution of foraging times and particular morphologies. A new partitioned likelihood program, MrFisher, is created from MrBayes to aid analysis of multilocus datasets without assuming priors. Simulations show that using a partitioned likelihood approach in the presence of rate heterogeneity and missing data, as is common in supermatrix analyses, can recover correct branch lengths where non-partitioned likelihood gives predictably biased estimates of branch lengths but the correct topology.
4) Evolution of foraging time and coevolution of behavior and morphology in Myrmecocystus ants is examined. New models for reconstructing discrete states along branches of a tree and for examining continuous trait evolution and coevolution with discrete traits are developed and implemented. Foraging transitions between diurnal and nocturnal foraging evidently go through crepuscular intermediates. There is some evidence for increased rates of morphological character evolution associated with changes in foraging regime, but little evidence for particular optimum values for morphological traits associated with foraging

    Learning from samples using coherent lower previsions

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    Het hoofdonderwerp van dit werk is het afleiden, voorstellen en bestuderen van voorspellende en parametrische gevolgtrekkingsmodellen die gebaseerd zijn op de theorie van coherente onderprevisies. Een belangrijk nevenonderwerp is het vinden en bespreken van extreme onderwaarschijnlijkheden. In het hoofdstuk ‘Modeling uncertainty’ geef ik een inleidend overzicht van de theorie van coherente onderprevisies ─ ook wel theorie van imprecieze waarschijnlijkheden genoemd ─ en de ideeĂ«n waarop ze gestoeld is. Deze theorie stelt ons in staat onzekerheid expressiever ─ en voorzichtiger ─ te beschrijven. Dit overzicht is origineel in de zin dat ze meer dan andere inleidingen vertrekt van de intuitieve theorie van coherente verzamelingen van begeerlijke gokken. Ik toon in het hoofdstuk ‘Extreme lower probabilities’ hoe we de meest extreme vormen van onzekerheid kunnen vinden die gemodelleerd kunnen worden met onderwaarschijnlijkheden. Elke andere onzekerheidstoestand beschrijfbaar met onderwaarschijnlijkheden kan geformuleerd worden in termen van deze extreme modellen. Het belang van de door mij bekomen en uitgebreid besproken resultaten in dit domein is voorlopig voornamelijk theoretisch. Het hoofdstuk ‘Inference models’ behandelt leren uit monsters komende uit een eindige, categorische verzameling. De belangrijkste basisveronderstelling die ik maak is dat het bemonsteringsproces omwisselbaar is, waarvoor ik een nieuwe definitie geef in termen van begeerlijke gokken. Mijn onderzoek naar de gevolgen van deze veronderstelling leidt ons naar enkele belangrijke representatiestellingen: onzekerheid over (on)eindige rijen monsters kan gemodelleerd worden in termen van categorie-aantallen (-frequenties). Ik bouw hier op voort om voor twee populaire gevolgtrekkingsmodellen voor categorische data ─ het voorspellende imprecies Dirichlet-multinomiaalmodel en het parametrische imprecies Dirichletmodel ─ een verhelderende afleiding te geven, louter vertrekkende van enkele grondbeginselen; deze modellen pas ik toe op speltheorie en het leren van Markov-ketens. In het laatste hoofdstuk, ‘Inference models for exponential families’, verbreed ik de blik tot niet-categorische exponentiĂ«le-familie-bemonsteringsmodellen; voorbeelden zijn normale bemonstering en Poisson-bemonstering. Eerst onderwerp ik de exponentiĂ«le families en de aanverwante toegevoegde parametrische en voorspellende previsies aan een grondig onderzoek. Deze aanverwante previsies worden gebruikt in de klassieke Bayesiaanse gevolgtrekkingsmodellen gebaseerd op toegevoegd updaten. Ze dienen als grondslag voor de nieuwe, door mij voorgestelde imprecieze-waarschijnlijkheidsgevolgtrekkingsmodellen. In vergelijking met de klassieke Bayesiaanse aanpak, laat de mijne toe om voorzichtiger te zijn bij de beschrijving van onze kennis over het bemonsteringsmodel; deze voorzichtigheid wordt weerspiegeld door het op deze modellen gebaseerd gedrag (getrokken besluiten, gemaakte voorspellingen, genomen beslissingen). Ik toon ten slotte hoe de voorgestelde gevolgtrekkingsmodellen gebruikt kunnen worden voor classificatie door de naĂŻeve credale classificator.This thesis's main subject is deriving, proposing, and studying predictive and parametric inference models that are based on the theory of coherent lower previsions. One important side subject also appears: obtaining and discussing extreme lower probabilities. In the chapter ‘Modeling uncertainty’, I give an introductory overview of the theory of coherent lower previsions ─ also called the theory of imprecise probabilities ─ and its underlying ideas. This theory allows us to give a more expressive ─ and a more cautious ─ description of uncertainty. This overview is original in the sense that ─ more than other introductions ─ it is based on the intuitive theory of coherent sets of desirable gambles. I show in the chapter ‘Extreme lower probabilities’ how to obtain the most extreme forms of uncertainty that can be modeled using lower probabilities. Every other state of uncertainty describable by lower probabilities can be formulated in terms of these extreme ones. The importance of the results in this area obtained and extensively discussed by me is currently mostly theoretical. The chapter ‘Inference models’ treats learning from samples from a finite, categorical space. My most basic assumption about the sampling process is that it is exchangeable, for which I give a novel definition in terms of desirable gambles. My investigation of the consequences of this assumption leads us to some important representation theorems: uncertainty about (in)finite sample sequences can be modeled entirely in terms of category counts (frequencies). I build on this to give an elucidating derivation from first principles for two popular inference models for categorical data ─ the predictive imprecise Dirichlet-multinomial model and the parametric imprecise Dirichlet model; I apply these models to game theory and learning Markov chains. In the last chapter, ‘Inference models for exponential families’, I enlarge the scope to exponential family sampling models; examples are normal sampling and Poisson sampling. I first thoroughly investigate exponential families and the related conjugate parametric and predictive previsions used in classical Bayesian inference models based on conjugate updating. These previsions serve as a basis for the new imprecise-probabilistic inference models I propose. Compared to the classical Bayesian approach, mine allows to be much more cautious when trying to express what we know about the sampling model; this caution is reflected in behavior (conclusions drawn, predictions made, decisions made) based on these models. Lastly, I show how the proposed inference models can be used for classification with the naive credal classifier