2,555 research outputs found

    Minimal generating sets of non-modular invariant rings of finite groups

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    It is a classical problem to compute a minimal set of invariant polynomial generating the invariant ring of a finite group as an algebra. We present here an algorithm for the computation of minimal generating sets in the non-modular case. Apart from very few explicit computations of Groebner bases, the algorithm only involves very basic operations, and is thus rather fast. As a test bed for comparative benchmarks, we use transitive permutation groups on 7 and 8 variables. In most examples, our algorithm implemented in Singular works much faster than the one used in Magma, namely by factors between 50 and 1000. We also compute some further examples on more than 8 variables, including a minimal generating set for the natural action of the cyclic group of order 11 in characteristic 0 and of order 15 in characteristic 2. We also apply our algorithm to the computation of irreducible secondary invariants.Comment: 14 pages v3: Timings updated. One example adde

    Effective Invariant Theory of Permutation Groups using Representation Theory

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    Using the theory of representations of the symmetric group, we propose an algorithm to compute the invariant ring of a permutation group. Our approach have the goal to reduce the amount of linear algebra computations and exploit a thinner combinatorial description of the invariant ring.Comment: Draft version, the corrected full version is available at http://www.springer.com

    Some relational structures with polynomial growth and their associated algebras II: Finite generation

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    The profile of a relational structure RR is the function φR\varphi_R which counts for every integer nn the number, possibly infinite, φR(n)\varphi_R(n) of substructures of RR induced on the nn-element subsets, isomorphic substructures being identified. If φR\varphi_R takes only finite values, this is the Hilbert function of a graded algebra associated with RR, the age algebra A(R)A(R), introduced by P.~J.~Cameron. In a previous paper, we studied the relationship between the properties of a relational structure and those of their algebra, particularly when the relational structure RR admits a finite monomorphic decomposition. This setting still encompasses well-studied graded commutative algebras like invariant rings of finite permutation groups, or the rings of quasi-symmetric polynomials. In this paper, we investigate how far the well know algebraic properties of those rings extend to age algebras. The main result is a combinatorial characterization of when the age algebra is finitely generated. In the special case of tournaments, we show that the age algebra is finitely generated if and only if the profile is bounded. We explore the Cohen-Macaulay property in the special case of invariants of permutation groupoids. Finally, we exhibit sufficient conditions on the relational structure that make naturally the age algebra into a Hopf algebra.Comment: 27 pages; submitte

    Operator bases, SS-matrices, and their partition functions

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    Relativistic quantum systems that admit scattering experiments are quantitatively described by effective field theories, where SS-matrix kinematics and symmetry considerations are encoded in the operator spectrum of the EFT. In this paper we use the SS-matrix to derive the structure of the EFT operator basis, providing complementary descriptions in (i) position space utilizing the conformal algebra and cohomology and (ii) momentum space via an algebraic formulation in terms of a ring of momenta with kinematics implemented as an ideal. These frameworks systematically handle redundancies associated with equations of motion (on-shell) and integration by parts (momentum conservation). We introduce a partition function, termed the Hilbert series, to enumerate the operator basis--correspondingly, the SS-matrix--and derive a matrix integral expression to compute the Hilbert series. The expression is general, easily applied in any spacetime dimension, with arbitrary field content and (linearly realized) symmetries. In addition to counting, we discuss construction of the basis. Simple algorithms follow from the algebraic formulation in momentum space. We explicitly compute the basis for operators involving up to n=5n=5 scalar fields. This construction universally applies to fields with spin, since the operator basis for scalars encodes the momentum dependence of nn-point amplitudes. We discuss in detail the operator basis for non-linearly realized symmetries. In the presence of massless particles, there is freedom to impose additional structure on the SS-matrix in the form of soft limits. The most na\"ive implementation for massless scalars leads to the operator basis for pions, which we confirm using the standard CCWZ formulation for non-linear realizations.Comment: 75 pages plus appendice
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