5 research outputs found

    IoT Enabled Agricultural Farms, an Efficient Solution for Farming

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is now the destiny of every field impacting everybody’s daily life by making maximum of things sensible. It is an interconnection of different equipment and gadgets which make a self-configuring network. The brand new traits of smart farming with the use of IoT, by day, is turning the face of conventional agriculture methods. The aim of this research work is to propose an environment that can generate messages on different systems to inform farmers. The proposed prototype will assist farmers through getting stay statistics (Temperature, humidity, soil moisture, UV index, Infra-Red sensors) from the farmland to take important steps to permit them to do efficient farming through also increasing their crop yields and saving resources (water, fertilizers). The research proposed in this paper uses ESP32s Node MCU, Breadboard, DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor, SI1145 Virtual UV Index / Infra-Red / Visible Mild Sensor, Jumper Wires, LEDs, and live records feed may be monitored on serial display and Blynk cellular. This could allow the farmer to manage their crop with the new age in farming

    Educational applications of augmented reality: A bibliometric study

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    [EN] Augmented Reality (AR) has been used successfully in several industries; one of these is education. A systematic understanding of how AR contributes to education still lacks studies about the content type and its effects on learning outcomes. This article systematically analyzes the AR state-of-the-art in education, determines productivity and publication indicators in this field, and identifies research works that have studied how content type affects the learning outcomes. The methodology was performed through a bibliometric analysis using the Scopus database, focusing on AR's educational uses. Engineering education is the primary research trend, followed by simulation, tracking, and virtual reality. Education and e-learning also have leading roles within this analysis, along with gamification and human-computer interaction, whose impacts are further explored. There is no preferred design methodology for creating AR content. In its absence, most of the works suggest a design based on the developers' and researchers' experience.The authors thank the editors and two anonymous reviewers for their highly constructive feedback. The authors also would like to acknowledge the technical support of Writing Lab, Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, in the production of this workHincapié, M.; Díaz, C.; Valencia, A.; Contero, M.; Güemes-Castorena, D. (2021). Educational applications of augmented reality: A bibliometric study. Computers & Electrical Engineering. 93:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2021.1072891119

    Putting Internet-of-Things at the service of sustainable agriculture. Case study: Sysagria

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    Continuous growth of global population requires a better management of food resources: increasing productivity, maximizing crop yields, reducing losses (water, energy, chemicals), protecting the environment, preventing plant disease, minimizing the manpower. Since the mid-1980s when precision agriculture has its roots, the new concept could rely on advancement in electronics, agriculture research and emerging technologies. Syswin Solutions has been focused on Internet-of-Things, since it seems to be more adequate compared to drones or satellite imagery because it offers much more complete data from sensors placed directly in the cultivated environment. Thus, was born SysAgria, a system that provides comprehensive, real-time environmental information and development conditions at various phenological stages of crops, fruit trees, vines and vegetables, on the basis of which proactive treatment, planned fertilization, sowing and harvesting can be achieved. The system monitors the vital parameters of soil, air and light and identifies prototypes through a series of intelligent algorithms that analyze the data obtained and correlates them with a relevant history of the culture. Built using very low power consumption circuits, the system is energetically independent since it uses solar power and optimized algorithms for communication. Data is available anywhere in the cloud, thus the farmer can act immediately if parameters change. Syswin Solutions has five systems under test in real operating conditions, in different places around Romania, in greenhouse and in field, for monitoring cereals and vegetables. The paper presents the SysAgria system and some eloquent results of the monitoring. Soil sensors placed at different depths revealed possible water absorbtion problems. The automation of the ventilation in the greenhouse has been shown to be beneficial for plant development

    Agri-Info: Cloud Based Autonomic System for Delivering Agriculture as a Service

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing paradigms offer enhanced services for agricultural applications to manage the data efficiently. To provide an effective and reliable agriculture as a service, there is a need to manage Quality of Service (QoS) parameters to efficiently monitor and measure the delivered services dynamically. This paper presents a QoS-aware cloud based autonomic information system called Agri-Info for delivering agriculture related information as a service through the use of latest Internet-based technologies such as cloud computing and IoT which manage various types of agriculture related data based on different domains of agricultural industry. Proposed system gathers information from various users through preconfigured IoT devices (mobiles, laptops or iPads). It further manages and delivers the required information to users and diagnoses the agriculture status automatically. We have developed the web and mobile-based application and evaluated the performance of the proposed system in cloud environment using CloudSim toolkit based small scale environment. Results demonstrate our system yields in a reduction on 12.46% cost, on 15.52% network bandwidth, on 10.18% execution time and 13.32% in latency. Furthermore, a case study of an Indian village is presented to identify the customer satisfaction of farmers

    Автономний сільськогосподарський робот для знищення бур’янів FLIBot 2.0

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    Досліджене питання використання автономної сільськогосподарської роботизованої техніки, зокрема для ефективної боротьби з бур'янами. Як наслідок розроблено концепцію системи та автономного сільськогосподарського робота для знищення бур'янів FLІBot 2.0, який складається з автономної платформи, системи моніторингу і розпізнавання бур'янів, системи керування пристроями обприскування й випалювання бур'янів, що в сукупності дозволяють використовувати в сучасному сільському господарстві, побудованому на основі технологій Farming 4.0. Для встановлення модулів системи “моніторингу-розпізнаваннянаведення” та обприскування/випалювання розроблені складові модулів та платформа, на якій може бути розміщена дана система. Створено алгоритми керування складовими та їх взаємодії, управління модулями робота-трактора, зокрема системи “моніторинг - розпізнавання - наведення” та обприскування або випалювання. Розроблено та виготовлено прототип платформи придатної для проведення досліджень з фізичною моделлю та роз’яснення алгоритму наведення на ціль та здійснення обприскування в різних умовах.The issue of using autonomous agricultural robotic equipment, in particular for effective weed control, has been studied. As a result, the concept of FLIBot 2.0 weed control system and autonomous agricultural robot was developed, which consists of an autonomous platform, weed monitoring and recognition system, control system for spraying and burning devices, which together allow use in modern agriculture, based on Farming 4.0 technology. To install the modules of the “monitoring-recognition-guidance” system and spraying / burning, the components of the modules and the platform on which this system can be placed have been developed. Algorithms for controlling components and their interactions, control of robot-tractor modules, in particular monitoringrecognition-guidance systems, and spraying or firing have been developed. A prototype of a platform suitable for conducting research with a physical model and explaining the algorithm for targeting and spraying in different conditions has been developed and manufactured