1,077 research outputs found

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 171

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    This bibliography lists 186 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in August 1977

    Automatic Detection of Dementia and related Affective Disorders through Processing of Speech and Language

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    In 2019, dementia is has become a trillion dollar disorder. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a type of dementia in which the main observable symptom is a decline in cognitive functions, notably memory, as well as language and problem-solving. Experts agree that early detection is crucial to effectively develop and apply interventions and treatments, underlining the need for effective and pervasive assessment and screening tools. The goal of this thesis is to explores how computational techniques can be used to process speech and language samples produced by patients suffering from dementia or related affective disorders, to the end of automatically detecting them in large populations us- ing machine learning models. A strong focus is laid on the detection of early stage dementia (MCI), as most clinical trials today focus on intervention at this level. To this end, novel automatic and semi-automatic analysis schemes for a speech-based cogni- tive task, i.e., verbal fluency, are explored and evaluated to be an appropriate screening task. Due to a lack of available patient data in most languages, world-first multilingual approaches to detecting dementia are introduced in this thesis. Results are encouraging and clear benefits on a small French dataset become visible. Lastly, the task of detecting these people with dementia who also suffer from an affective disorder called apathy is explored. Since they are more likely to convert into later stage of dementia faster, it is crucial to identify them. These are the fist experiments that consider this task us- ing solely speech and language as inputs. Results are again encouraging, both using only speech or language data elicited using emotional questions. Overall, strong results encourage further research in establishing speech-based biomarkers for early detection and monitoring of these disorders to better patients’ lives.Im Jahr 2019 ist Demenz zu einer Billionen-Dollar-Krankheit geworden. Die Alzheimer- Krankheit (AD) ist eine Form der Demenz, bei der das Hauptsymptom eine Abnahme der kognitiven Funktionen ist, insbesondere des Gedächtnisses sowie der Sprache und des Problemlösungsvermögens. Experten sind sich einig, dass eine frühzeitige Erkennung entscheidend für die effektive Entwicklung und Anwendung von Interventionen und Behandlungen ist, was den Bedarf an effektiven und durchgängigen Bewertungsund Screening-Tools unterstreicht. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es zu erforschen, wie computergest ützte Techniken eingesetzt werden können, um Sprach- und Sprechproben von Patienten, die an Demenz oder verwandten affektiven Störungen leiden, zu verarbeiten, mit dem Ziel, diese in großen Populationen mit Hilfe von maschinellen Lernmodellen automatisch zu erkennen. Ein starker Fokus liegt auf der Erkennung von Demenz im Frühstadium (MCI), da sich die meisten klinischen Studien heute auf eine Intervention auf dieser Ebene konzentrieren. Zu diesem Zweck werden neuartige automatische und halbautomatische Analyseschemata für eine sprachbasierte kognitive Aufgabe, d.h. die verbale Geläufigkeit, erforscht und als geeignete Screening-Aufgabe bewertet. Aufgrund des Mangels an verfügbaren Patientendaten in den meisten Sprachen werden in dieser Arbeit weltweit erstmalig mehrsprachige Ansätze zur Erkennung von Demenz vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse sind ermutigend und es werden deutliche Vorteile an einem kleinen französischen Datensatz sichtbar. Schließlich wird die Aufgabe untersucht, jene Menschen mit Demenz zu erkennen, die auch an einer affektiven Störung namens Apathie leiden. Da sie mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit schneller in ein späteres Stadium der Demenz übergehen, ist es entscheidend, sie zu identifizieren. Dies sind die ersten Experimente, die diese Aufgabe unter ausschließlicher Verwendung von Sprache und Sprache als Input betrachten. Die Ergebnisse sind wieder ermutigend, sowohl bei der Verwendung von reiner Sprache als auch bei der Verwendung von Sprachdaten, die durch emotionale Fragen ausgelöst werden. Insgesamt sind die Ergebnisse sehr ermutigend und ermutigen zu weiterer Forschung, um sprachbasierte Biomarker für die Früherkennung und Überwachung dieser Erkrankungen zu etablieren und so das Leben der Patienten zu verbessern

    Genetic influences in emotional dysfunction and alcoholism-related brain damage

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    Alcoholism is a complex, multifactorial disorder involving problematic ethanol ingestion; it results from the interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Personality, likewise, is formed from a combination of inherited and acquired influences. Because selected dimensions of emotional temperament are associated with distinct neurochemical substrates contributing to specific personality phenotypes, certain aspects of abnormal emotional traits in alcoholics may be inherited. Emotions involve complex subjective experiences engaging multiple brain regions, most notably the cortex, limbic system, and cerebellum. Results of in vivo magnetic resonance imaging and post-mortem neuropathological studies of alcoholics indicate that the greatest cortical loss occurs in the frontal lobes, with concurrent thinning of the corpus callosum. Additional damage has been documented for the amygdala and hippocampus, as well as in the white matter of the cerebellum. All of the critical areas of alcoholism-related brain damage are important for normal emotional functioning. When changes occur in these brain regions, either as a consequence of chronic ethanol abuse or from a genetic anomaly affecting temperament and/or a vulnerability to alcoholism, corresponding changes in emotional functions are to be expected. In alcoholics, such changes have been observed in their perception and evaluation of emotional facial expressions, interpretation of emotional intonations in vocal utterances, and appreciation of the meaning of emotional materials

    Do informal caregivers of people with dementia mirror the cognitive deficits of their demented patients?:A pilot study

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    Recent research suggests that informal caregivers of people with dementia (ICs) experience more cognitive deficits than noncaregivers. The reason for this is not yet clear. Objective: to test the hypothesis that ICs ‘mirror' the cognitive deficits of the demented people they care for. Participants and methods: 105 adult ICs were asked to complete three neuropsychological tests: letter fluency, category fluency, and the logical memory test from the WMS-III. The ICs were grouped according to the diagnosis of their demented patients. One-sample ttests were conducted to investigate if the standardized mean scores (t-scores) of the ICs were different from normative data. A Bonferroni correction was used to correct for multiple comparisons. Results: 82 ICs cared for people with Alzheimer's dementia and 23 ICs cared for people with vascular dementia. Mean letter fluency score of the ICs of people with Alzheimer's dementia was significantly lower than the normative mean letter fluency score, p = .002. The other tests yielded no significant results. Conclusion: our data shows that ICs of Alzheimer patients have cognitive deficits on the letter fluency test. This test primarily measures executive functioning and it has been found to be sensitive to mild cognitive impairment in recent research. Our data tentatively suggests that ICs who care for Alzheimer patients also show signs of cognitive impairment but that it is too early to tell if this is cause for concern or not

    New frontiers in neuropsychology. The Padua Rehabilitation Tool: a new software for rehabilitation using touch-screen technology

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    Recently, the advancement and the development of new technologies is shaping and establishing new frontiers in neuropsychological rehabilitation. In particular, the use of touchscreen technology, together with the use of mobile devices, is giving new opportunities for the development of innovative programs of rehabilitation tailored to the specific needs of patients The overview of software for rehabilitation today is wide, but the poor availability of such software for Italian population and specifically designed for people with cognitive impairments, some years ago, led me to the development of the first mobile devices’ software for cognitive rehabilitation. The aim of this dissertation is to describe the development process and the efficacy evaluation of this software, the Padua Rehabilitation Tool (PRT). Initially will be described and analyzed the base for every cognitive intervention: the plasticity of brain. In Section1 I will report a study for understanding the relationship between performance in computerized exercises and the performance in standardized tests. None before investigated the relationship between this two different measures of outcome. The perceived relationship is not necessarily automatically provided, thus, it is important to examine how exercises and standardized tests are related: if improvement in therapy exercises mirrors improvement in standardized test. In Section 2, I will describe the development of the PRT and the use of this software in population with different etiologies. Originally, the PRT was designed for people with dementia and thus the most important study of efficacy was conducted on this population. Lastly, given the flexibility and the variety of exercises and cognitive domains engaged by the PRT it was possible to deliver a cognitive rehabilitation to people with acquired brain injury. I will describe the effects of a cognitive rehabilitation with PRT in several single cases including patients after stroke, with a history of traumatic brain injury and an early post-coma rehabilitation

    Text analysis and computers

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    Content: Erhard Mergenthaler: Computer-assisted content analysis (3-32); Udo Kelle: Computer-aided qualitative data analysis: an overview (33-63); Christian Mair: Machine-readable text corpora and the linguistic description of danguages (64-75); Jürgen Krause: Principles of content analysis for information retrieval systems (76-99); Conference Abstracts (100-131)

    Heritability of neuropsychological measures in Schizophrenia and non-psychiatric populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Schizophrenia is characterized by neuropsychological deficits across many cognitive domains. Cognitive phenotypes with high heritability and genetic overlap with schizophrenia liability can help elucidate the mechanisms leading from genes to psychopathology. We performed a meta-analysis of 170 published twin and family heritability studies of >800 000 nonpsychiatric and schizophrenia subjects to accurately estimate heritability across many neuropsychological tests and cognitive domains. The proportion of total variance of each phenotype due to additive genetic effects (A), shared environment (C), and unshared environment and error (E), was calculated by averaging A, C, and E estimates across studies and weighting by sample size. Heritability ranged across phenotypes, likely due to differences in genetic and environmental effects, with the highest heritability for General Cognitive Ability (32%– 67%), Verbal Ability (43%–72%), Visuospatial Ability (20%–80%), and Attention/Processing Speed (28%–74%), while the lowest heritability was observed for Executive Function (20%–40%). These results confirm that many cognitive phenotypes are under strong genetic influences. Heritability estimates were comparable in nonpsychiatric and schizophrenia samples, suggesting that environmental factors and illness-related moderators (eg, medication) do not substantially decrease heritability in schizophrenia samples, and that genetic studies in schizophrenia samples are informative for elucidating the genetic basis of cognitive deficits. Substantial genetic overlap between cognitive phenotypes and schizophrenia liability (average rg = −.58) in twin studies supports partially shared genetic etiology. It will be important to conduct comparative studies in well-powered samples to determine whether the same or different genes and genetic variants influence cognition in schizophrenia patients and the general population