144 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study for 2D and 3D Computer-aided Diagnosis Methods for Solitary Pulmonary Nodules

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    Many computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) methods, including 2D and 3D approaches, have been proposed for solitary pulmonary nodules (SPNs). However, the detection and diagnosis of SPNs remain challenging in many clinical circumstances. One goal of this work is to investigate the relative diagnostic accuracy of 2D and 3D methods. An additional goal is to develop a two-stage approach that combines the simplicity of 2D and the accuracy of 3D methods. The experimental results show statistically significant differences between the diagnostic accuracy of 2D and 3D methods. The results also show that with a very minor drop in diagnostic performance the two-stage approach can significantly reduce the number of nodules needed to be processed by the 3D method, streamlining the computational demand

    Computational methods for the analysis of functional 4D-CT chest images.

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    Medical imaging is an important emerging technology that has been intensively used in the last few decades for disease diagnosis and monitoring as well as for the assessment of treatment effectiveness. Medical images provide a very large amount of valuable information that is too huge to be exploited by radiologists and physicians. Therefore, the design of computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) system, which can be used as an assistive tool for the medical community, is of a great importance. This dissertation deals with the development of a complete CAD system for lung cancer patients, which remains the leading cause of cancer-related death in the USA. In 2014, there were approximately 224,210 new cases of lung cancer and 159,260 related deaths. The process begins with the detection of lung cancer which is detected through the diagnosis of lung nodules (a manifestation of lung cancer). These nodules are approximately spherical regions of primarily high density tissue that are visible in computed tomography (CT) images of the lung. The treatment of these lung cancer nodules is complex, nearly 70% of lung cancer patients require radiation therapy as part of their treatment. Radiation-induced lung injury is a limiting toxicity that may decrease cure rates and increase morbidity and mortality treatment. By finding ways to accurately detect, at early stage, and hence prevent lung injury, it will have significant positive consequences for lung cancer patients. The ultimate goal of this dissertation is to develop a clinically usable CAD system that can improve the sensitivity and specificity of early detection of radiation-induced lung injury based on the hypotheses that radiated lung tissues may get affected and suffer decrease of their functionality as a side effect of radiation therapy treatment. These hypotheses have been validated by demonstrating that automatic segmentation of the lung regions and registration of consecutive respiratory phases to estimate their elasticity, ventilation, and texture features to provide discriminatory descriptors that can be used for early detection of radiation-induced lung injury. The proposed methodologies will lead to novel indexes for distinguishing normal/healthy and injured lung tissues in clinical decision-making. To achieve this goal, a CAD system for accurate detection of radiation-induced lung injury that requires three basic components has been developed. These components are the lung fields segmentation, lung registration, and features extraction and tissue classification. This dissertation starts with an exploration of the available medical imaging modalities to present the importance of medical imaging in today’s clinical applications. Secondly, the methodologies, challenges, and limitations of recent CAD systems for lung cancer detection are covered. This is followed by introducing an accurate segmentation methodology of the lung parenchyma with the focus of pathological lungs to extract the volume of interest (VOI) to be analyzed for potential existence of lung injuries stemmed from the radiation therapy. After the segmentation of the VOI, a lung registration framework is introduced to perform a crucial and important step that ensures the co-alignment of the intra-patient scans. This step eliminates the effects of orientation differences, motion, breathing, heart beats, and differences in scanning parameters to be able to accurately extract the functionality features for the lung fields. The developed registration framework also helps in the evaluation and gated control of the radiotherapy through the motion estimation analysis before and after the therapy dose. Finally, the radiation-induced lung injury is introduced, which combines the previous two medical image processing and analysis steps with the features estimation and classification step. This framework estimates and combines both texture and functional features. The texture features are modeled using the novel 7th-order Markov Gibbs random field (MGRF) model that has the ability to accurately models the texture of healthy and injured lung tissues through simultaneously accounting for both vertical and horizontal relative dependencies between voxel-wise signals. While the functionality features calculations are based on the calculated deformation fields, obtained from the 4D-CT lung registration, that maps lung voxels between successive CT scans in the respiratory cycle. These functionality features describe the ventilation, the air flow rate, of the lung tissues using the Jacobian of the deformation field and the tissues’ elasticity using the strain components calculated from the gradient of the deformation field. Finally, these features are combined in the classification model to detect the injured parts of the lung at an early stage and enables an earlier intervention

    Co-Segmentation Methods for Improving Tumor Target Delineation in PET-CT Images

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    Positron emission tomography (PET)-Computed tomography (CT) plays an important role in cancer management. As a multi-modal imaging technique it provides both functional and anatomical information of tumor spread. Such information improves cancer treatment in many ways. One important usage of PET-CT in cancer treatment is to facilitate radiotherapy planning, for the information it provides helps radiation oncologists to better target the tumor region. However, currently most tumor delineations in radiotherapy planning are performed by manual segmentation, which consumes a lot of time and work. Most computer-aided algorithms need a knowledgeable user to locate roughly the tumor area as a starting point. This is because, in PET-CT imaging, some tissues like heart and kidney may also exhibit a high level of activity similar to that of a tumor region. In order to address this issue, a novel co-segmentation method is proposed in this work to enhance the accuracy of tumor segmentation using PET-CT, and a localization algorithm is developed to differentiate and segment tumor regions from normal regions. On a combined dataset containing 29 patients with lung tumor, the combined method shows good segmentation results as well as good tumor recognition rate

    Quantification of tumour heterogenity in MRI

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    Cancer is the leading cause of death that touches us all, either directly or indirectly. It is estimated that the number of newly diagnosed cases in the Netherlands will increase to 123,000 by the year 2020. General Dutch statistics are similar to those in the UK, i.e. over the last ten years, the age-standardised incidence rate1 has stabilised at around 355 females and 415 males per 100,000. Figure 1 shows the cancer incidence per gender. In the UK, the rise in lifetime risk of cancer is more than one in three and depends on many factors, including age, lifestyle and genetic makeup

    Computer-aided Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules in Thoracic Computed Tomography.

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    Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States. The five-year survival rate is 15% because most patients present with advanced disease. If lung cancer is detected and treated at its earliest stage, the five-year survival rate has been reported as high as 92%. Computed tomography (CT) has been shown to be more sensitive than chest radiography in detecting abnormal lung lesions (nodules), especially when they are small. However, each thin-slice thoracic CT scan can contain hundreds of images. Large amounts of image data, radiologist fatigue, and diagnostic uncertainty may lead to missed cancers or unnecessary biopsies. We address these issues by developing a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system that would serve as a second reader for radiologists by analyzing nodules and providing a malignancy estimate using computer vision and machine learning techniques. To segment the nodules, we extended the active contour (AC) model to 3D by adding new energy terms. The classification accuracy, quantified by the area (Az) under the receiver operating characteristic curve, was used as the figure-of-merit to guide segmentation parameter optimization. The effect of CT acquisition parameters on 3DAC segmentation was systematically studied by imaging simulated nodules in chest phantoms. We conducted simulation studies to compare the relative performance of feature selection and classification methods and to examine the bias and variance introduced due to limited training sample sizes. We also designed new feature descriptors to describe the nodule surface, which were combined with texture and morphological features extracted from the nodule volume and the surrounding tissue to characterize the nodule. Stepwise feature selection was used to search for the subset of most effective features to be used in the linear discriminant analysis classifier. The CAD system achieved a test Az of 0.86±0.02 in a leave-one-case-out resampling scheme for 256 nodules from 152 patients. We conducted an observer study with six thoracic radiologists and found that their average Az in assessing nodule malignancy increased significantly (p<0.05) from 0.83±0.03 without CAD to 0.85±0.04 with CAD. These results indicate the potential usefulness of CAD as a second reader for radiologists in characterizing lung nodules.Ph.D.Biomedical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/60814/1/tway_1.pd

    Classification of Pulmonary Nodules by Using Hybrid Features

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    Early detection of pulmonary nodules is extremely important for the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. In this study, a new classification approach for pulmonary nodules from CT imagery is presented by using hybrid features. Four different methods are introduced for the proposed system. The overall detection performance is evaluated using various classifiers. The results are compared to similar techniques in the literature by using standard measures. The proposed approach with the hybrid features results in 90.7% classification accuracy (89.6% sensitivity and 87.5% specificity)
