51 research outputs found

    Dinamika Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa terhadap Empat Metode Pembelajaran

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    Abstract—Academic achievement is a number which is an index of learning achievement for one semester. Academic achievement can act as a benchmark for university students’ academic success. One of the things that could affect academic achievement is the use of appropriate learning methods by students. The purpose of this study is to determine fluctuations in academic achievement based on learning methods experienced by students in the Faculty of Creative Industries class of 2019, with a total of 69 students who had never experienced temporary study stops. This research method uses a quantitative longitudinal study that examines the development of the subject from time to time. The data to be analyzed is secondary data in the form of the Semester Achievement Index for students of the Faculty of Creative Industries class of 2019. The results of the analysis in this study found that there were significant differences in the average GPA between learning methods. Except for the comparison of blended and online learning methods¸ blended with hybrid, and online with hybrid. Overall, the hybrid method is proven to have the highest average GPA in this research. In conclusion, students need to start relying on technology as a means to attain better education and freedom during the learning process. Keywords: academic achievement, learning methods, creative industries students   Abstrak—Prestasi akademik merupakan suatu angka yang merupakan indeks hasil pencapaian belajar selama satu semester. Prestasi akademik dapat menjadi tolok ukur kesuksesan belajar pada mahasiswa. Salah satu hal yang memengaruhi prestasi akademik yaitu penerapan metode pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui fluktuasi prestasi akademik berdasarkan metode pembelajaran yang dialami pada mahasiswa Fakultas Industri Kreatif angkatan 2019 dengan jumlah 69 mahasiswa yang tidak pernah mengalami berhenti studi sementara (BSS). Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kuantitatif longitudinal study yang meneliti perkembangan subjek dari waktu ke waktu. Data yang akan dianalisis merupakan data sekunder berupa Indeks Prestasi Semester (IPS) mahasiswa Fakultas Industri Kreatif angkatan 2019. Hasil analisis penelitian ini ditemukan adanya perbedaan rata-rata IPS yang signifikan antar metode pembelajaran. Terkecuali pada perbandingan metode pembelajaran blended dengan online¸ blended dengan hybrid, dan online dengan hybrid. Secara keseluruhan, metode pembelajaran yang memiliki rata-rata IPS tertinggi saat penggunaan metode hybrid. Maka untuk mencapai pendidikan yang lebih baik diusulkan kepada mahasiswa untuk semakin berani mengandalkan teknologi agar mencapai kebebasan dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Kata kunci: prestasi akademik, metode pembelajaran, mahasiswa fakultas industri kreati


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    Selecting appropriate colours poses great challenge for expert fashion designers and users. At times, different coloured fabrics and textiles have to be manually placed side by side to see how well they combine. In this paper, a model was developed for fashion colour combination visualization for ladies using concepts in genetic algorithm to achieve a display of colour variations. This research involved 26 users to suggest rules that guide choosing fashion colour combination for ladies in the initial stage. Analysis of the questionnaire was carried out in an online survey site. Two of the suggestions made by the users were considered. These are light colours on dark colours and stripped colours on plain colours. The system was implemented using C# programming language and XAML. It was found to be a useful tool to users and fashion designers for the visualization of fashion colour combination for ladies.


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    Стаття присвячена обґрунтуванню сфери застосування мультимедійних технологій навчання при вивченні САПР Грація на прикладі блузки з рукавом «летюча миша». Встановлено, що мультимедійні технології навчання становлять сукупність технічних і програмних засобів, що дають можливість користувачеві одночасно використовувати символьну, графічну, звукову, анімаційну й відеоінформацію. Обґрунтовано зміст навчання учнів 11 класу комп’ютерного проектування базової конструкції плечового виробу

    From Many-Valued Consequence to Many-Valued Connectives

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    Given a consequence relation in many-valued logic, what connectives can be defined? For instance, does there always exist a conditional operator internalizing the consequence relation, and which form should it take? In this paper, we pose this question in a multi-premise multi-conclusion setting for the class of so-called intersective mixed consequence relations, which extends the class of Tarskian relations. Using computer-aided methods, we answer extensively for 3-valued and 4-valued logics, focusing not only on conditional operators, but on what we call Gentzen-regular connectives (including negation, conjunction, and disjunction). For arbitrary N-valued logics, we state necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of such connectives in a multi-premise multi-conclusion setting. The results show that mixed consequence relations admit all classical connectives, and among them pure consequence relations are those that admit no other Gentzen-regular connectives. Conditionals can also be found for a broader class of intersective mixed consequence relations, but with the exclusion of order-theoretic consequence relations.Comment: Updated version [corrections of an incorrect claim in first version; two bib entries added

    Points of hue

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    My intent in this thesis is to display the visual capabilities of the computer as a tool to assist fabric designers, interior designers and consumers in a growing and demanding market. These ideas evolved out of my own personal interest in two seemingly different yet historically related fields, computers and textiles, and my feeling that there might be an obvious solution to the somewhat complex problem of visualizing surface pattern, texture and color in relation to the environment


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    Стаття присвячена обґрунтуванню технічного та методичного забезпечення комп’ютерного планування розкроювання плечового виробу засобами САПР Грація на прикладі блузки з рукавом «летюча миша». Встановлено, що для введення даних в систему автоматизованого проектування одягу застосовують обладнання: фотокамера, сканер, дигітайзер, бодісканер, графічний планшет. Обгрунтовано, що для засвоєння комп’ютерного проектування розкроювання швейного виробу учням необхідно опанувати підсистеми «Конструювання і моделювання» та «Розкладка» САПР Грація.

    Digital image watermarking: its formal model, fundamental properties and possible attacks

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    While formal definitions and security proofs are well established in some fields like cryptography and steganography, they are not as evident in digital watermarking research. A systematic development of watermarking schemes is desirable, but at present their development is usually informal, ad hoc, and omits the complete realization of application scenarios. This practice not only hinders the choice and use of a suitable scheme for a watermarking application, but also leads to debate about the state-of-the-art for different watermarking applications. With a view to the systematic development of watermarking schemes, we present a formal generic model for digital image watermarking. Considering possible inputs, outputs, and component functions, the initial construction of a basic watermarking model is developed further to incorporate the use of keys. On the basis of our proposed model, fundamental watermarking properties are defined and their importance exemplified for different image applications. We also define a set of possible attacks using our model showing different winning scenarios depending on the adversary capabilities. It is envisaged that with a proper consideration of watermarking properties and adversary actions in different image applications, use of the proposed model would allow a unified treatment of all practically meaningful variants of watermarking schemes

    Brand spillover effects within a sponsor portfolio: the interaction of image congruence and portfolio size

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    A sponsor portfolio exists where multiple brands sponsor a single activity or property, such as a sporting event, team, league, or a charity simultaneously. While sponsor portfolios are common in practice, little is known about how the brand perceptions of several concurrent sponsors spill over to influence each individual sponsor’s brand. This paper summarizes two experiments that investigate sponsor portfolios to determine how spillover effects influence consumers’ perceptions of a particular sponsor’s brand within the portfolio. In Study 1, empirical evidence substantiates a brand spillover effect between multiple sponsors of a single sport property. In Study 2, the influences of image congruence and portfolio size on this spillover effect are empirically assessed. Results demonstrate an interaction effect whereby brands incongruent to the sponsored property enjoy a more favorable brand perception when included in either a small portfolio inclusive of another incongruent co-sponsor, or a larger portfolio of otherwise congruent sponsors

    Цифровые технологии проектирования и отделки швейных изделий

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    В статье систематизирована информация по использованию информационных технологий на подготовительном и отделочном участках швейного предприятия, а также обобщен опыт использования цифровых технологий при разработке учебных проектов студентами ЦДПУ им. В. Винниченко