81 research outputs found

    Concurrent Specification and Timing Analysis of Digital Hardware using SDL (extended version)

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    Digital hardware is treated as a collection of interacting parallel components. This permits the use of a standard formal technique for specification and analysis of circuit designs. The ANISEED method (Analysis In SDL Enhancing Electronic Design) is presented for specifying and analysing timing characteristics of hardware designs using SDL (Specification and Description Language). A signal carries a binary value and an optional time-stamp. Components and circuit designs are instances of block types in library packages. The library contains specifications of typical components in single/multi-bit and untimed/timed forms. Timing may be specified at an abstract, behavioural or structural level. Timing properties are investigated using an SDL simulator or validator. Consistency of temporal and functional aspects may be assessed between designs at different levels of detail. Timing characteristics of a design may also be inferred from validator traces. A variety of examples is used, ranging from a simple gate specification to realistic examples drawn from a standard hardware verification benchmark

    Two-level pipelined systolic array graphics engine

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    The authors report a VLSI design of an advanced systolic array graphics (SAG) engine built from pipelined functional units which can generate realistic images interactively for high-resolution displays. They introduce a structured frame store system as an environment for the advanced SAG engine and present the principles and architecture of the advanced SAG engine. They introduce pipelined functional units into this SAG engine to meet the performance requirements. This is done by a formal approach where the original systolic array is represented at bit level by a finite, vertex-weighted, edge-weighted, directed graph. Two architectures built from pipelined functional units are described. A prototype containing nine processing elements was fabricated in a 1.6-Âżm CMOS technolog

    Optimisation and parallelism in synchronous digital circuit simulators

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    Digital circuit simulation often requires a large amount of computation, resulting in long run times. We consider several techniques for optimising a brute force synchronous circuit simulator: an algorithm using an event queue that avoids recalculating quiescent parts of the circuit, a marking algorithm that is similar to the event queue but that avoids a central data structure, and a lazy algorithm that avoids calculating signals whose values are not needed. Two target architectures for the simulator are used: a sequential CPU, and a parallel GPGPU. The interactions between the different optimisations are discussed, and the performance is measured while the algorithms are simulating a simple but realistic scalable circuit

    Overview of Hydra: a concurrent language for synchronous digital circuit design

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    Hydra is a computer hardware description language that integrates several kinds of software tool (simulation, netlist generation and timing analysis) within a single circuit specification. The design language is inherently concurrent, and it offers black box abstraction and general design patterns that simplify the design of circuits with regular structure. Hydra specifications are concise, allowing the complete design of a computer system as a digital circuit within a few pages. This paper discusses the motivations behind Hydra, and illustrates the system with a significant portion of the design of a basic RISC processor

    DILL: Specifying digital logic in LOTOS

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    As a relatively new application area for LOTOS (Language Of Temporal Ordering Specification), the specification of digital logic is investigated. A specification approach is evolved and justified, illustrated with basic logic gates and the larger example of a keyboard controller. The construction and validation of the digital component library are discussed, along with a retrieval tool that allows access to the library

    From process-oriented functional specifications to efficient asynchronous circuits

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    technical reportA methodology for high-level synthesis and performance optimization of asynchronous circuits is described. A specification language called hopCP which is based on a simple extension to classical flow graphs is introduced. The extension involves the addition of expression actions to a flow graph, to model computational aspects of hardware behavior in a purely functional framework. Control and Communication aspects are modeled explicitly just as in Hoare's CSP. A systematic methodology to synthesize asynchronous circuits from hopCP based on the notion of a self-timed block is presented. The compilation methodology based on self-timed blocks coupled with the functional flavor of hop CP gives us the ability to exploit several optimizations like quick return, intra-loop pipelining and speculative evaluation of conditional expressions. The specification language hopCP, the synthesis procedure and the optimizations are illustrated in design of an asynchronous iterative multiplier

    Proving sequential consistency by model checking

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    Sequential consistency is a multiprocessor memory model of both practical and theoretical importance. Unfortunately, the general problem of verifying that a finitestate protocol implements sequential consistency is undecidable, and in practice, validating that a real-world, finitestate protocol implements sequential consistency is very time-consuming and costly. In this work, we show that for memory protocols that occur in practice, a small amount of manual effort can reduce the problem of verifying sequential consistency into a verification task that can be discharged automatically via model checking. Furthermore, we present experimental results on a substantial, directorybased cache coherence protocol, which demonstrate the practicality of our approach.

    Functional HDLs : a historical overview

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    When designing hardware systems, a variety of models and languages are available whose aim is to manage complexity by allowing specification of such systems at different abstraction levels. Languages such as Verilog and VHDL where designed with simulation in mind rather than synthesis and lack features such as parametrised complex circuit definitions, a must for the design of generic complex systems. A more modern approach is the use of functional languages for hardware description that take advantage of the inherent abstraction in this paradigm, resulting in a more concise and manageable description of the system. This paper gives an overview of different functional language implementations for hardware description, highlighting their historical significance in terms of their capabilities and design approach. We will compare and contrast different ways that certain features, such as circuit sharing, have been implemented in these.peer-reviewe

    Formal reasoning with Verilog HDL

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    Most hardware verification techniques tend to fall under one of two broad, yet separate caps: simulation or formal verification. This paper briefly presents a framework in which formal verification plays a crucial role within the standard approach currently used by the hardware industry. As a basis for this, the formal semantics of Verilog HDL are dened, and properties about synchronization and mutual exclusion algorithms are proved.peer-reviewe
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