96 research outputs found

    WIRED: World Wide Web Interactive Remote Event Display

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    WIRED is a framework, written in Java, to build High Energy Physics event displays that can be used across the network. To guarantee portability across all platforms, WIRED is implemented in the Java language and uses the Swing user interface component set. It can be used as a stand-alone application or as an applet inside a WWW browser. The graphical user interface allows for multiple views and for multiple controls acting on those views. A detector tree control is available to toggle the visibility of parts of the events and detector geometry. XML (Extensible Markup Language), RMI (Remote Method Invocation) and CORBA loaders can be used to load event data as well as geometry data, and to connect to FORTRAN, C, C++ and Java reconstruction programs. Non-linear and non-Cartesian projections (e.g. fish-eye, rho-phi, rho-Z, phi-Z) provide special views to get a better understanding of events. WIRED has grown to be a framework in use and under development in several HEP experiments (ATLAS, CHORUS, DELPHI, LHCb, BaBar, D0 and ZEUS). WIRED event displays have also proven to be useful to explain High Energy Physics to the general public. Both CERN, in its travelling exhibition and MicroCosm, and RAL, during its open days, have displays set up

    Partitioning Regular Polygons into Circular Pieces I: Convex Partitions

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    We explore an instance of the question of partitioning a polygon into pieces, each of which is as ``circular'' as possible, in the sense of having an aspect ratio close to 1. The aspect ratio of a polygon is the ratio of the diameters of the smallest circumscribing circle to the largest inscribed disk. The problem is rich even for partitioning regular polygons into convex pieces, the focus of this paper. We show that the optimal (most circular) partition for an equilateral triangle has an infinite number of pieces, with the lower bound approachable to any accuracy desired by a particular finite partition. For pentagons and all regular k-gons, k > 5, the unpartitioned polygon is already optimal. The square presents an interesting intermediate case. Here the one-piece partition is not optimal, but nor is the trivial lower bound approachable. We narrow the optimal ratio to an aspect-ratio gap of 0.01082 with several somewhat intricate partitions.Comment: 21 pages, 25 figure

    Algorithms for sketching surfaces

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    CISRG discussion paper ; 1

    Looking into the Credibility of Appearance: Exploring the Role of Color in Interface Aesthetics and How it Affects our Perception on System’s Credibility

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    Dalam penelitian ini dikaji hasil tiga eksperimen sebagai kelanjutan studi yang pernah dilakukan oleh Kurosu-Kashimura [1] dan Noam Tractinsky [2] tentang relasi antara persepsi pengguna dengan kualitas estetik dan usability tampilan interface. Berdasar dua premis utama yaitu bahwa persepsi estetik dipengaruhi latar belakang kultural serta tampilan yang atraktif dapat mempengaruhi persepsi kehandalan sebuah produk., Dalam penelitian ini dievaluasi bagaimana persepsi pengguna migran (:orang Indonesia yang berada di Jepang) terhadap relasi antara tampilan estetik dan apparent usability pada sebuah interface produk. Dalam eksperimen dilakukan investigasi efek tampilan warna pada sebuah interface produk terhadap persepsi trustworthy (tingkat kepercayaan) dan credibility (tingkat kredibilitas) produk secara umum. Sebagai stimulus, digunakan tampilan layout-utama (hasil modifikasi) layar ATM bank di Jepang. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa nilai estetik tampilan interface mempengaruhi persepsi user atas credibility (tingkat kredibilitas) dan trustworthy (tingkat kepercayaan) sebuah objek. Latar belakang budaya pengguna tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap persepsi estetik tampilan interface apabila pengguna telah melakukan adaptasi eksperiential atau memiliki pengalaman interaksi dengan produk dengan komposisi layout sejenis. Lebih lanjut hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa warna memiliki pengaruh penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas ke-atraktif-an, persepsi kredibiltas (credibility), dan tingkat penerimaan (acceptability) pengguna (user). Eksperimen lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dan seperti apa sebuah kombinasi warna pada sebuah tampilan interface, dapat memiliki pengaruh yang bermakna pada keterpakaian sebuah produk

    Computing and Displaying Isosurfaces in R

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    This paper presents R utilities for computing and displaying isosurfaces, or three-dimensional contour surfaces, from a three-dimensional array of function values. A version of the marching cubes algorithm that takes into account face and internal ambiguities is used to compute the isosurfaces. Vectorization is used to ensure adequate performance using only R code. Examples are presented showing contours of theoretical densities, density estimates, and medical imaging data. Rendering can use the rgl package or standard or grid graphics, and a set of tools for representing and rendering surfaces using standard or grid graphics is presented.

    A real-time virtual sculpting application with a haptic device

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    In this paper, a 3D virtual sculpting application is developed for 3D virtual models with removing or adding materials by using Boolean operations. Virtual sculpting simulation reads 3D virtual models in a variety of file formats such as raw and stl consisting of a triangle poligon mesh and voxelizes its outer surface and interiror volüme to generate its volumetric dataset. We used octree and hashing techniques to reduce the memory requirement needed for volumetric dataset. The surface is locally reconstructed using Marching Cubes algorithm known as the most popular isosurface extraction algorithm after removing or adding material to the 3D virtual model. The user interacts with the model by using a haptic device to give the force-feedback like real-life sculpting.Publisher's Versio

    Is it possible to design in full scale?

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    This project developed a Virtual Architectural Design Tool (VADeT) executed in the C2 Virtual Reality (VR) space. C2 is a synthetic CAVE environment providing a full-scale setting for image projection and perception. Applying this tool for design offers four advantages over other CAD systems. First, it enables navigation performing in full scale to create the sense of immersion and reflection of the seeing-as. Second, it allows the creation, modification, and editing of three-dimensional objects in a virtual space. Third, designs can be modified and viewed simultaneously inside or outside of the generated model to obtain the best design products. Fourth, the entire design process can be recorded and played back. Collectively, this tool serves the purposes of: (1) a three-dimensional sketching tool for manipulating 3-D objects, (2) a design study tool for transparently displaying the design processes, and (3) a design teaching tool to demonstrate the processes by which designers do design. Thus, design in a full-scale representation not only is possible but also is a new and unconventional mode that will heavily influence design thinking

    Líneas de investigación en computer imagery

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    En la actualidad los gráficos se han convertido en uno de los medios de comunicación más naturales que existen. Esto se debe a la habilidad inherente de las personas de reconocer patrones en 2D y 3D que les permite percibir y procesar información de datos gráficos en forma rápida y eficiente. Paralelamente el uso de las computadoras ha crecido de manera que permite la creación, almacenamiento y manipulación de modelos e imágenes de objetos. Estos modelos provienen de una diversidad de campos tales como la física, matemática, ingeniería, arquitectura, fenómenos naturales, etc. En este contexto, las imágenes son potenciales herramientas para la toma de decisiones dado que permiten aumentar la información transmitida. Sin embargo, el crear y reproducir imágenes presenta problemas específicos a la manera en que estas pretenden utilizarse. El área de los gráficos por computadora (computer imagery) puede dividirse en tres grandes campos que interactúan entre sí: la computación gráfica, el procesamiento de imágenes y la visión por computadora. La computación gráfica se ocupa de la síntesis gráfica de objetos reales e imaginarios obtenidos a partir de modelos generados computacionalmente. El procesamiento de imágenes trata el análisis y manipulación de imágenes ya existentes; donde la nueva imagen generada es de alguna manera diferente a la imagen original. En particular, el análisis de imágenes es importante para áreas tales como la biomedicina, imágenes de reconocimiento aéreo, scan de cromosomas, etc. Esta rama posee sub-areas tales como: realce (enhancement) de imágenes, detección y reconocimiento de patrones, análisis de escenas, etc. Por último, el campo de visión por computadora se relaciona con la extracción de información a partir de una imagen (imágenes capturadas desde el 'ojo' de robots) para la reconstrucción de escenas en 3D a partir de modelos de 2D, intentando emular el sistema visual humano.Eje: Visualización - Computación GráficaRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI
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