1,103 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence for Automated Design of Elevator Systems

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    Configuration and design of complex products represents a challenge in many application fields. The designer must take into account many different aspects and make decisions typically driven by experience while taking into account performance constraints and costs. Methods and tools for design automation represents a viable solution to such complex decision problems, giving also the possibility to optimize the performance of the final product on particular context-driven aspects. Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms can help in dealing with complexity and enhance the current tools by supplying solutions in feasible time. My research is concerned with the development and testing of different artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to automate the design of elevators. Elevator design is a problem with many interesting aspects like the need to deal with a hybrid search state space (continuous and discrete variables) constrained by design requirements and safety regulations. The study, design and integration of AI techniques in this particular application field can provide the end user with design automation tools that output feasible solutions within acceptable computation times. My research considered AI techniques such as special-purpose heuristic search, genetic algorithms and constraint satisfaction to solve elevator configuration problems. I tested them considering different setups and parts of the whole design process. I have also implemented a tool L IFT C REATE , available as a web application. L IFT C REATE leverages the findings of my research to automate the design of elevators and, to the best of my knowledge, there is currently no similar tool publicly available from either academia or industry that provides the same level of design automation

    Automated Design of Elevator Systems: Experimenting with Constraint-Based Approaches

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    System configuration and design is a well-established topic in AI. While many successful applications exists, there are still areas of manufacturing where AI techniques find little or no application. We focus on one such area, namely building and installation of elevator systems, for which we are developing an automated design and configuration tool. The questions that we address in this paper are: (i) What are the best ways to encode some subtasks of elevator design into constraint-based representations? (ii) What are the best tools available to solve the encodings? We contribute an empirical analysis to address these questions in our domain of interest, as well as the complete set of benchmarks to foster further researc

    Experimenting with Constraint Programming Techniques in Artificial Intelligence: Automated System Design and Verification of Neural Networks

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    This thesis focuses on the application of Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization techniques in two Artificial Intelligence (AI) domains: automated design of elevator systems and verification of Neural Networks (NNs). The three main areas of interest for my work are (i) the languages for defining the constraints for the systems, (ii) the algorithms and encodings that enable solving the problems considered and (iii) the tools that implement such algorithms. Given the expressivity of the domain description languages and the availability of effective tools, several problems in diverse application fields have been solved successfully using constraint satisfaction techniques. The two case studies herewith presented are no exception, even if they entail different challenges in the adoption of such techniques. Automated design of elevator systems not only requires encoding of feasibility (hard) constraints, but should also take into account design preferences, which can be expressed in terms of cost functions whose optimal or near-optimal value characterizes “good” design choices versus “poor” ones. Verification of NNs (and other machine-learned implements) requires solving large-scale constraint problems which may become the main bottlenecks in the overall verification procedure. This thesis proposes some ideas for tackling such challenges, including encoding techniques for automated design problems and new algorithms for handling the optimization problems arising from verification of NNs. The proposed algorithms and techniques are evaluated experimentally by developing tools that are made available to the research community for further evaluation and improvement

    Essays On Perioperative Services Problems In Healthcare

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    One of the critical challenges in healthcare operations management is to efficiently utilize the expensive resources needed while maintaining the quality of care provided. Simulation and optimization methods can be effectively used to provide better healthcare services. This can be achieved by developing models to minimize patient waiting times, minimize healthcare supply chain and logistics costs, and maximize access. In this proposal, we study some of the important problems in healthcare operations management. More specifically, we focus on perioperative services and study scheduling of operating rooms (ORs) and management of necessary resources such as staff, equipment, and surgical instruments. We develop optimization and simulation methods to coordinate material handling decisions, inventory management, and OR scheduling. In Chapter 1 of this dissertation, we investigate material handling services to improve the flow of surgical materials in hospitals. The ORs require timely supply of surgical materials such as surgical instruments, linen, and other additional equipment required to perform the surgeries. The availability of surgical instruments at the right location is crucial to both patient safety and cost reduction in hospitals. Similarly, soiled material must also be disposed of appropriately and quickly. Hospitals use automated material handling systems to perform these daily tasks, minimize workforce requirements, reduce risk of contamination, and reduce workplace injuries. Most of the literature related to AGV systems focuses on improving their performance in manufacturing settings. In the last 20 years, several articles have addressed issues relevant to healthcare systems. This literature mainly focuses on improving the design and management of AGV systems to handle the specific challenges faced in hospitals, such as interactions with patients, staff, and elevators; adhering to safety standards and hygiene, etc. In Chapter 1, we focus on optimizing the delivery of surgical instrument case carts from material departments to ORs through automated guided vehicles (AGV). We propose a framework that integrates data analysis with system simulation and optimization. We test the performance of the proposed framework through a case study developed using data from a partnering hospital, Greenville Memorial Hospital (GMH) in South Carolina. Through an extensive set of simulation experiments, we investigate whether performance measures, such as travel time and task completion time, improve after a redesign of AGV pathways. We also study the impact of fleet size on these performance measures and use simulation-optimization to evaluate the performance of the system for different fleet sizes. A pilot study was conducted at GMH to validate the results of our analysis. We further evaluated different policies for scheduling the material handling activities to assess their impact on delays and the level of inventory required. Reducing the inventory level of an instrument may negatively impact the flexibility in scheduling surgeries, cause delays, and therefore, reduce the service level provided. On the other hand, increasing inventory levels may not necessarily eliminate the delays since some delays occur because of inefficiencies in the material handling processes. Hospitals tend to maintain large inventories to ensure that the required instruments are available for scheduled surgery. Typically, the inventory level of surgical instruments is determined by the total number of surgeries scheduled in a day, the daily schedule of surgeries that use the same instrument, the processing capacity of the central sterile storage division (CSSD), and the schedule of material handling activities. Using simulation-optimization tools, we demonstrate that integrating decisions of material handling activities with inventory management has the potential to reduce the cost of the system. In Chapter 2 we focus on coordinating OR scheduling decisions with efficient management of surgical instruments. Hospitals pay more attention to OR scheduling. This is because a large portion of hospitals\u27 income is due to surgical procedures. Inventory management of decisions follows the OR schedules. Previous work points to the cost savings and benefits of optimizing the OR scheduling process. However, based on our review of the literature, only a few articles discuss the inclusion of instrument inventory-related decisions in OR schedules. Surgical instruments are classified as (1) owned by the hospital and (2) borrowed from other hospitals or vendors. Borrowed instruments incur rental costs that can be up to 12-25\% of the listed price of the surgical instrument. A daily schedule of ORs determines how many rental instruments would be required to perform all surgeries in a timely manner. A simple strategy used in most hospitals is to first schedule the ORs, followed by determining the instrument assignments. However, such a strategy may result in low utilization of surgical instruments owned by hospitals. Furthermore, creating an OR schedule that efficiently uses available surgical instruments is a challenging problem. The problem becomes even more challenging in the presence of material handling delays, stochastic demand, and uncertain surgery duration. In this study, we propose an alternative scheduling strategy in which the OR scheduling and inventory management decisions are coordinated. More specifically, we propose a mixed-integer programming model that integrates instrument assignment decisions with OR scheduling to minimize costs. This model determines how many ORs to open, determines the schedule of ORs, and also identifies the instrument assignments for each surgery. If the level of instrument inventory cannot meet the surgical requirements, our model allows instruments to be rented at a higher cost. We introduce and evaluate the solution methods for this problem. We propose a Lagrangean decomposition-based heuristic, which is an iterative procedure. This heuristic separates the scheduling problem from the inventory assignment problem. These subproblems are computationally easier to solve and provide a lower bound on the optimal cost of the integrated OR scheduling problem. The solution of the scheduling subproblem is used to generate feasible solutions in every iteration. We propose two alternatives to find feasible solutions to our problem. These alternatives provide an upper bound on the cost of the integrated scheduling problem. We conducted a thorough sensitivity analysis to evaluate the impact of different parameters, such as the length of the scheduling horizon, the number of ORs that can be used in parallel, the number of surgeries, and various cost parameters on the running time and quality of the solution. Using a case study developed at GMH, we demonstrate that integrating OR scheduling decisions with inventory management has the potential to reduce the cost of the system. The objective of Chapter 3 is to develop quick and efficient algorithms to solve the integrated OR scheduling and inventory management problem, and generate optimal/near-optimal solutions that increase the efficiency of GMH operations. In Chapter 2, we introduced the integrated OR scheduling problem which is a combinatorial optimization problem. As such, the problem is challenging to solve. We faced these challenges when trying to solve the problem directly using the Gurobi solver. The solutions obtained via construction heuristics were much farther from optimality while the Lagrangean decomposition-based heuristics take several hours to find good solutions for large-sized problems. In addition, those methods are iterative procedures and computationally expensive. These challenges have motivated the development of metaheuristics to solve OR scheduling problems, which have been shown to be very effective in solving other combinatorial problems in general and scheduling problems in particular. In Chapter 3, we adopt a metaheuristic, Tabu search, which is a versatile heuristic that is used to solve many different types of scheduling problems. We propose an improved construction heuristic to generate an initial solution. This heuristic identifies the number if ORs to be used and then the assignment of surgeries to ORs. In the second step, this heuristic identifies instrument-surgery assignments based on a first-come, first-serve basis. The proposed Tabu search method improves upon this initial solution. To explore different areas of the feasible region, we propose three neighborhoods that are searched one after the other. For each neighborhood, we create a preferred attribute candidate list which contains solutions that have attributes of good solutions. The solutions on this list are evaluated first before examining other solutions in the neighborhood. The solutions obtained with Tabu search are compared with the lower and upper bounds obtained in Chapter \ref{Ch2}. Using a case study developed at GMH, we demonstrate that high-quality solutions can be obtained by using very little computational time

    Robotized Warehouse Systems: Developments and Research Opportunities

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    Robotized handling systems are increasingly applied in distribution centers. They require little space, provide flexibility in managing varying demand requirements, and are able to work 24/7. This makes them particularly fit for e-commerce operations. This paper reviews new categories of robotized handling systems, such as the shuttle-based storage and retrieval systems, shuttle-based compact storage systems, and robotic mobile fulfillment systems. For each system, we categorize the literature in three groups: system analysis, design optimization, and operations planning and control. Our focus is to identify the research issue and OR modeling methodology adopted to analyze the problem. We find that many new robotic systems and applications have hardly been studied in academic literature, despite their increasing use in practice. Due to unique system features (such as autonomous control, networked and dynamic operation), new models and methods are needed to address the design and operational control challenges for such systems, in particular, for the integration of subsystems. Integrated robotized warehouse systems will form the next category of warehouses. All vital warehouse design, planning and control logic such as methods to design layout, storage and order picking system selection, storage slotting, order batching, picker routing, and picker to order assignment will have to be revisited for new robotized warehouses

    Uses and applications of artificial intelligence in manufacturing

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    The purpose of the THESIS is to provide engineers and personnels with a overview of the concepts that underline Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. Artificial Intelligence is concerned with the developments of theories and techniques required to provide a computational engine with the abilities to perceive, think and act, in an intelligent manner in a complex environment. Expert system is branch of Artificial Intelligence where the methods of reasoning emulate those of human experts. Artificial Intelligence derives it\u27s power from its ability to represent complex forms of knowledge, some of it common sense, heuristic and symbolic, and the ability to apply the knowledge in searching for solutions. The Thesis will review : The components of an intelligent system, The basics of knowledge representation, Search based problem solving methods, Expert system technologies, Uses and applications of AI in various manufacturing areas like Design, Process Planning, Production Management, Energy Management, Quality Assurance, Manufacturing Simulation, Robotics, Machine Vision etc. Prime objectives of the Thesis are to understand the basic concepts underlying Artificial Intelligence and be able to identify where the technology may be applied in the field of Manufacturing Engineering

    Design and Implementation of High QoS 3D-NoC using Modified Double Particle Swarm Optimization on FPGA

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    One technique to overcome the exponential growth bottleneck is to increase the number of cores on a processor, although having too many cores might cause issues including chip overheating and communication blockage. The problem of the communication bottleneck on the chip is presently effectively resolved by networks-on-chip (NoC). A 3D stack of chips is now possible, thanks to recent developments in IC manufacturing techniques, enabling to reduce of chip area while increasing chip throughput and reducing power consumption. The automated process associated with mapping applications to form three-dimensional NoC architectures is a significant new path in 3D NoC research. This work proposes a 3D NoC partitioning approach that can identify the 3D NoC region that has to be mapped. A double particle swarm optimization (DPSO) inspired algorithmic technique, which may combine the characteristics having neighbourhood search and genetic architectures, also addresses the challenge of a particle swarm algorithm descending into local optimal solutions. Experimental evidence supports the claim that this hybrid optimization algorithm based on Double Particle Swarm Optimisation outperforms the conventional heuristic technique in terms of output rate and loss in energy. The findings demonstrate that in a network of the same size, the newly introduced router delivers the lowest loss on the longest path.  Three factors, namely energy, latency or delay, and throughput, are compared between the suggested 3D mesh ONoC and its 2D version. When comparing power consumption between 3D ONoC and its electronic and 2D equivalents, which both have 512 IP cores, it may save roughly 79.9% of the energy used by the electronic counterpart and 24.3% of the energy used by the latter. The network efficiency of the 3D mesh ONoC is simulated by DPSO in a variety of configurations. The outcomes also demonstrate an increase in performance over the 2D ONoC. As a flexible communication solution, Network-On-Chips (NoCs) have been frequently employed in the development of multiprocessor system-on-chips (MPSoCs). By outsourcing their communication activities, NoCs permit on-chip Intellectual Property (IP) cores to communicate with one another and function at a better level. The important components in assigning application duties, distributing the work to the IPs, and coordinating communication among them are mapping and scheduling methods. This study aims to present an entirely advanced form of research in the area of 3D NoC mapping and scheduling applications, grouping the results according to various parameters and offering several suggestions for further research
