186,459 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Hasil pembelajaran dari setiap individu dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor dari dalam dan dari luar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur pengaruh fasilitas laboratorium akuntansi, computer knowledge, computer anxiety dan computer attitude terhadap hasil belajar komputer akuntansi siswa kelas XI kompetensi keahlian akuntansi di SMKN 10 Surabaya. Penelitian ini berjenis kuantitatif ex-post facto dengan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda berbantuan SPSS versi 25. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan dan secara parsial fasilitas laboratorium akuntansi, computer knowledge, computer anxiety dan computer attitude mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar komputer akuntansi siswa kelas XI kompetensi keahlian akuntansi di SMKN 10 Surabaya. Kata Kunci : Fasilitas Laboratorium Akuntansi , Computer Knowledge, Computer Anxiety, Computer Attitude, Hasil Belajar Komputer Akuntansi Abstract Lessons from individuals influenced by many factors from inside and outside. the purpose of this research to measure the impact laboratory accounting, computer knowledge, computer anxiety and computer attitude of the results of the study accounting computer graders xi skills accounting in SMKN 10 surabaya.This research quantitative down ex-post facto capital to technique regression analysis multiple linear aided spss version 25.According to the research shows that simultaneously and the partial laboratory accounting, computer knowledge, computer anxiety and computer attitude have an significantly to study results accounting computer graders XI skills accounting in SMKN 10 surabaya. Keywords : Laboratory Accounting , Computer Knowledge , Computer Anxiety , Computer Attitude , Learning Outcomes Computer Accounting

    Model of the Increase of Accurate Computer Learning Achievement on Islamic Banking and Accounting Students Program

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    The result of preliminary study in SMK N 1 Kudus, indicates that there is 35,26% of twelfth graders of Islamic Banking and Accounting students who have not completed final exam of the semester. In addition, the results of the students final exam of the semester decreased by 16,67 % when compared with the results of midterms. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of computer anxiety, computer knowledge, computer attitude, and self efficacy in improving Accurate computer learning achievement. This study is a quantitative study. The population and sample of the study are 156 twelfth graders of Islamic Banking and Accounting students program SMK N 1 Kudus. The methods used to collect data were documentation and questionnare. Data in this research is analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and path analysis with AMOS 22. The result showed that computer knowledge and self efficacy have no effect on computer Accurate learning achievement. Computer anxiety has negative effect on self efficacy 34,6%. While the computer attitude has positive effect on self efficacy 30,1%. However, computer knowledge has no effect on self efficacy. Computer anxiety has negative effect on computer knowledge 32,6% and computer attitude 30,2%. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that self efficacy is influenced by computer anxiety and computer attitude. Computer anxiety have negatif effect on computer knowledge and computer attitude. Suggestion given in this research is the students can increase computer anticipation in order to reduce the level of computer anxiety by improving practice both at school and training institute.     Keywords: Computer Anxiety, Computer Knowledge, Attitude Computer, Self Efficacy, Accurate Computer Learning Achievement

    The Relative Importance of Computer anxiety and Attitude toward Computer in predicting University students' Computer achievement

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    This study aimed at investigating the relationship between computer achievement and computer anxiety and attitude toward computer for university students. Also this study aimed at investigating the relative importance for each of these variables in predicting students' computer achievement. The sample consisted of (162) males and (138) females. The results indicated significant correlations between computer achievement and independent variables (computer anxiety and attitude toward computer). The results also indicated that the computer attitude explained most of the variance in all samples of the study and it worked differently for males and females, for Males this variable explained (36%) of the variance and explained only (25%) for females. Key words: Computer Anxiety, Attitude towards computer, Achievement in computer course, Relative importance

    Predictors of Attitude of College Students Towards use of Computers

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    The study focused on exploring predictors of attitude of college students towards use of computers. t he data were collected from 300 government and private degree college students of s angrur district of p unjab. t he results of correlation analysis revealed negative and significant relationship of attitude of college students towards use of computers with computer related anxiety. t he results revealed significant and positive relationship of attitude of college students towards use of computers with computer related self-efficacy. Further, negative and significant relationship between computer related anxiety and computer related self-efficacy among college students was reported. Computer related anxiety emerged as the most significant predictor of attitude of college students towards use of computers. t hese results of the study have implications for counsellors, teachers and parents

    Computer Anxiety and Computer Attitude towards Computer Self Efficacy (CSE) Polsri Telecommunication Engineering Student on Writing the Final Report

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    Various attitudes emerged and shown byindividuals for the presence of computer. Although manybenefits are felt by the computer, but there are some peoplewho feel anxious with the computer (computer anxiety).Computer attitude showed no reaction or behave the computerby pleasure or displeasure against the computer. Thephenomenon that arises is computer anxiety and computerattitude can affect a person's expertise in the use or operate thecomputer. This study aims to examine how the effect ofcomputer anxiety and computer attitude towards computer selfefficacy on the 6th semester student telecommunicationsengineering POLSRI. Samples taken in this study were allstudents of telecommunication engineering 6th semesterPOLSRI totaling 89 people. The results showed computeranxiety and computer attitude not affect the computer selfefficacy6th semester student of telecommunicationsengineering POLSRI. This is due because the 6th semesterstudent of telecommunications engineering POLSRI havepositive feelings to learn the computer either by themselves orthrough a learning courses.They also realize that the computerprovides many benefits. With the computer, the informationcan be obtained more quickly and efficiently. Computer is anecessity, can enhance human life, and was instrumental ineducation and employment


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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to analyze the internal factors of users of accounting information systems including user satisfaction of accounting information systems, computer anxiety, computer attitude, technology acceptance, computer self-efficacy on the performance of employees at PT. Kemoening Agro Lestari partial. This study uses an explanatory quantitative approach and uses primary data collection methods by distributing questionnaires. The population in this study employees at PT. Kemoening Agro Lestari and its subsidiaries that use accounting information systems (SIA) in the administration of 40 people. The sampling technique used is a saturated sample which means that all populations are sampled. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that partially the user satisfaction of accounting, technology acceptance, and computer self-efficacy information systems had a significant effect on employee performance while computer anxiety and computer attitude variables did not affect employee performance. Keywords : computer anxiety, computer attitude, computer self-efficacy, user satisfactionSIA, employee performance, technology acceptance

    Standardised instruments for measuring computer attitude and computer anxiety are not necessarily standardised

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    Computer attitude and computer anxiety are two determining constructs of success with computer related work. In order to enhance the learning process, improve performance, reduce computer resistance, and ensure job satisfaction computer attitude should be improved and computer anxiety minimised. Several instruments for measuring these constructs are available in the literature but not all of them are necessarily applicable to people with a different mother tongue and educational profile than that of the original survey group. Negatively worded items can specifically be responsible for inconsistent findings. Two standardised instruments from literature were applied to a group of labourers with below-average education and an indigenous African language as mother tongue. It was found that, although an instrument can still appear to be internally consistent, it may have a different factor structure than originally intended by the compilers. Recommendations are made of aspects to keep in mind when instruments for measuring computer attitude and computer anxiety are developed for people with a different profile

    Relationship between Library Anxiety and Attitudes toward Computer based on an Integrated Model of ATC and BELCAT of Public Libraries’ Users

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    Abstract Purpose: the present study evaluated the relationship between library anxiety and attitude toward computer based on as integrated model of ATC and BELCAT of public libraries’ user. Methodology: the study was conducted using the analytic survey. A sample of 370 participants was randomly selected out of 10757 users of public libraries in Dezful city, Khouzestan, Iran. To collect data for library anxiety, Bostick questionnaire and for computer attitude a questionnaire based on ATC and BELCAT models were used. Findings: the results showed that the most important factor of distress based on the scale of Bostick was the comfort with library (mean = 4.41) regarding the attitudes towards computer components of “computer appreciation (mean ranks = 6.95) was reported as the most important factor. In addition, users\u27 library anxiety and attitudes toward computer in terms of age and educational level were examined using one-way ANOVA; and Gender was also tested using the independent t-test, but no significant statistical difference was observed among these factors. The results indicated a significant relationship between library anxiety and user’s attitude toward computer (r=0.157) (p\u3c 0.01). Also, it was found that attitudes toward computer can serve as an indicator of library anxiety

    Relationship between Library Anxiety and Attitudes toward Computer based on an Integrated Model of ATC and BELCAT of Public Libraries’ Users

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    Abstract Purpose: the present study evaluated the relationship between library anxiety and attitude toward computer based on as integrated model of ATC and BELCAT of public libraries’ user. Methodology: the study was conducted using the analytic survey. A sample of 370 participants was randomly selected out of 10757 users of public libraries in Dezful city, Khouzestan, Iran. To collect data for library anxiety, Bostick questionnaire and for computer attitude a questionnaire based on ATC and BELCAT models were used. Findings: the results showed that the most important factor of distress based on the scale of Bostick was the comfort with library (mean = 4.41) regarding the attitudes towards computer components of “computer appreciation (mean ranks = 6.95) was reported as the most important factor. In addition, users\u27 library anxiety and attitudes toward computer in terms of age and educational level were examined using one-way ANOVA; and Gender was also tested using the independent t-test, but no significant statistical difference was observed among these factors. The results indicated a significant relationship between library anxiety and user’s attitude toward computer (r=0.157) (p\u3c 0.01). Also, it was found that attitudes toward computer can serve as an indicator of library anxiety

    An examination of the correlation between computer anxiety and tool anxiety

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    The purposes of this study were to investigate the relationship between computer anxiety and tool anxiety, to examine if persons with different academic choices differ on the anxiety toward computers or tools and to identify the possible variables which contribute to the prediction of computer anxiety or tool anxiety;A paper and pencil form of questionnaire consisted of 80 items was used for collecting the data. Factor analysis adjusted for sex and major was performed to verify the underlying structure of the instrument. Six orthogonal factors were extracted from the analysis. The six factors were: (1) computer anxiety, (2) math anxiety, (3) tool anxiety, (4) computer attitude, (5) trait anxiety, and (6) tool attitude. Six factor scores which were the sum of the item scores loaded on the factor were used in the analysis of the hypotheses;Four hypotheses were formulated and tested in this study. It was found that the correlation between computer anxiety and tool anxiety was significantly different from 0 for male subjects majoring in Physics, Engineering, Psychology, Sociology, and Industrial Education and Technology. However, this difference did not exist for the female subjects in this study. Results of the study also indicated that subjects with different academic majors differed with reference to computer anxiety, while males and females differed with reference to the tool anxiety;When examining the possible variables which contributed to the prediction of computer anxiety or tool anxiety, it was found that the mother\u27s education level was the most common predictor variable for computer anxiety and tool anxiety. For computer anxiety, the number of courses taken using computers entered into the regression model first. For tool anxiety, the number of courses taken using tools or machines was the first predictor variable entered into the regression model
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