729 research outputs found

    Characterization and pattern recognition of color images of dermatological ulcers: a pilot study

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    We present color image processing methods for the char\-ac\-te\-ri\-za\-tion of images of dermatological lesions for the purpose of content-based image retrieval (CBIR) and computer-aided di\-ag\-no\-sis. The intended application is to segment the images and perform classification and analysis of the tissue composition of skin lesions or ulcers, in terms of granulation (red), fibrin (yel\-low), necrotic (black), callous (white), and mixed tissue composition. The images were analyzed and classified by an expert dermatologist following the red-yellow-black-white model. Automatic segmentation was performed by means of clustering using Gauss\-ian mixture modeling, and its performance was evaluated by deriving the Jaccard coefficient between the automatically and manually segmented images. Statistical texture features were derived from cooccurrence matrices of RGB, HSI, L∗^*a∗^*b∗^*, and L∗^*u∗^*v∗^* color components. A retrieval engine was implemented using the k-nearest-neighbor classifier and the Euclidean, Man\-hat\-tan, and Chebyshev distance metrics. Classification was performed by means of a metaclassifier using logistic regression. The average Jaccard coefficient after the segmentation step between the automatically and manually segmented images was 0.560, with a standard deviation of 0.220. The performance in CBIR was mea\-sured in terms of precision of retrieval, with average values of up to 0.617 obtained with the Chebyshev distance. The metaclassifier yielded an average area under the receiver operating char\-ac\-ter\-is\-tic curve of 0.772

    A Review of Skin Melanoma Detection Based on Machine Learning

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    Dermatological malignancies, such as skin cancer, are the most extensively known kinds of human malignancies in people with fair skin. Despite the fact that malignant melanoma is the type of skin cancer that is associated with the highest mortality rate, the non-melanoma skin tumors are unquestionably normal. The frequency of both melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers is increasing, and the number of cases being studied is increasing at a reasonably regular period, according to the National Cancer Institute. Early detection of skin cancer can help patient’s live longer lives by reducing their mortality rate. In this research, we will look at various approaches for initiating period melanoma skin cancer detection and compare them. Pathologists use biopsies to diagnose skin lesions, and they base their decisions on cell life systems and tissue transport in many cases. However, in many cases, the decision is emotional, and it commonly results in significant changeability. The application of quantitative measures by PC diagnostic devices, on the other hand, allows for more accurate target judgment. This research examines the preceding period as well as current advancements in the field of machine-aided skin cancer detection (MASCD)

    CAD Tool for Burn Diagnosis

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    In this paper a new system for burn diagnosis is proposed. The aim of the system is to separate burn wounds from healthy skin, and the different types of burns (burn depths) from each other, identifying each one. The system is based on the colour and texture information, as these are the characteristics observed by physicians in order to give a diagnosis. We use a perceptually uniform colour space (L*u*v*), since Euclidean distances calculated in this space correspond to perceptually colour differences. After the burn is segmented, some colour and texture descriptors are calculated and they are the inputs to a Fuzzy-ARTMAP neural network. The neural network classifies them into three types of burns: superficial dermal, deep dermal and full thickness. Clinical effectiveness of the method was demonstrated on 62 clinical burn wound images obtained from digital colour photographs, yielding an average classification success rate of 82 % compared to expert classified images

    Wound Image Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) includes subfields like Machine Learning (ML) and DeepLearning (DL) and discusses intelligent systems that mimic human behaviors. ML has been used in a wide range of fields. Particularly in the healthcare domain, medical images often need to be carefully processed via such operations as classification and segmentation. Unlike traditional ML methods, DL algorithms are based on deep neural networks that are trained on a large amount of labeled data to extract features without human intervention. DL algorithms have become popular and powerful in classifying and segmenting medical images in recent years. In this thesis, we shall study the image classification problem in smartphone wound images using deep learning. Specifically, we apply deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) on wound images to classify them into multiple types including diabetic, pressure, venous, and surgical. Also, we use DCNNs for wound tissue classification. First, an extensive review of existing DL-based methods in wound image classification is conducted and comprehensive taxonomies are provided for the reviewed studies. Then, we use a DCNN for binary and 3-class classification of burn wound images. The accuracy was considerably improved for the binary case in comparison with previous work in the literature. In addition, we propose an ensemble DCNN-based classifier for image-wise wound classification. We train and test our model on a new valuable set of wound images from different types that are kindly shared by the AZH Wound and Vascular Center in Milwaukee. The dataset has been shared for researchers in the field. Our proposed classifier outperforms the common DCNNs in classification accuracy on our own dataset. Also, it was evaluated on a public wound image dataset. The results showed that the proposed method can be used for wound image classification tasks or other similar applications. Finally, experiments are conducted on a dataset including different tissue types such as slough, granulation, callous, etc., annotated by the wound specialists from AZH Center to classify the wound pixels into different classes. The preliminary results of tissue classification experiments using DCNNs along with the future directions have been provided
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