6 research outputs found

    On modeling the dynamic thermal behavior of electrical machines using genetic programming and artificial neural networks.

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    We describe initial attempts to model the dynamic thermal behavior of electrical machines by evaluating the ability of linear and non-linear (regression) modeling techniques to replicate the performance of simulations carried out using a lumped parameter thermal network (LPTN) and two different test scenarios. Our focus falls on creating highly accurate simple models that are well-suited for the real-time computational demands of an envisioned symbiotic interaction paradigm. Preliminary results are quite encouraging and highlight the very positive impact of integrating synthetic features based on exponential moving averages

    Caracterización del Edema Macular Diabético mediante análisis automático de Tomografías de Coherencia Óptica

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    Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Computación. 5009V01[Abstract] Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) is one of the most important complications of diabetes and a leading cause of preventable blindness in the developed countries. Among the di erent image modalities, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive, cross-sectional and high-resolution imaging technique that is commonly used for the analysis and interpretation of many retinal structures and ocular disorders. In this way, the development of Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems has become relevant over the recent years, facilitating and simplifying the work of the clinical specialists in many relevant diagnostic processes, replacing manual procedures that are tedious and highly time-consuming. This thesis proposes a complete methodology for the identi cation and characterization of DMEs using OCT images. To do so, the system combines and exploits di erent clinical knowledge with image processing and machine learning strategies. This automatic system is able to identify and characterize the main retinal structures and several pathological conditions that are associated with the DME disease, following the clinical classi cation of reference in the ophthalmological eld. Despite the complexity and heterogeneity of this relevant ocular pathology, the proposed system achieved satisfactory results, proving to be robust enough to be used in the daily clinical practice, helping the clinicians to produce a more accurate diagnosis and indicate adequate treatments[Resumen] El Edema Macular Diabético (EMD) es una de las complicaciones más importantes de la diabetes y una de las principales causas de ceguera prevenible en los países desarrollados. Entre las diferentes modalidades de imagen, la Tomografía de Coherencia Óptica (TCO) es una técnica de imagen no invasiva, transversal y de alta resolución que se usa comúnmente para el análisis e interpretación de múltiples estructuras retinianas y trastornos oculares. De esta manera, el desarrollo de los sistemas de Diagnóstico Asistido por Ordenador (DAO) se ha vuelto relevante en los últimos años, facilitando y simplificando el trabajo de los especialistas clínicos en muchos procesos diagnósticos relevantes, reemplazando procedimientos manuales que son tediosos y requieren mucho tiempo. Esta tesis propone una metodología completa para la identificación y caracterización de EMDs utilizando imágenes TCO. Para ello, el sistema desarrollado combina y explota diferentes conocimientos clínicos con estrategias de procesamiento de imágenes y aprendizaje automático. Este sistema automático es capaz de identificar y caracterizar las principales estructuras retinianas y diferentes afecciones patológicas asociadas con el EMD, siguiendo la clasificación clínica de referencia en el campo oftalmológico. A pesar de la complejidad de esta relevante patología ocular, el sistema propuesto logró resultados satisfactorios, demostrando ser lo sufi cientemente robusto como para ser usado en la práctica clínica diaria, ayudando a los médicos a producir diagnósticos más precisos y tratamientos más adecuados.[Resumo] O Edema Macular Diabético ( EMD) é unha das complicacións máis importantes da diabetes e unha das principais causas de cegueira prevenible nos países desenvoltos. Entre as diferentes modalidades de imaxe, a Tomografía de Coherencia Óptica ( TCO) é unha técnica de imaxe non invasiva, transversal e de alta resolución que se usa comunmente para a análise e interpretación de múltiples estruturas retinianas e trastornos oculares. Desta maneira, o desenvolvemento dos sistemas de Diagnóstico Asistido por Computador ( DAO) volveuse relevante nos últimos anos, facilitando e simplificando o traballo dos especialistas clínicos en moitos procesos diagnósticos relevantes, substituíndo procedementos manuais que son tediosos e requiren moito tempo. Esta tese propón unha metodoloxía completa para a identificación e caracterización de EMDs utilizando imaxes TCO. Para iso, o sistema desenvolto combina e explota diferentes coñecementos clínicos con estratexias de procesamento de imaxes e aprendizaxe automático. Este sistema automático é capaz de identificar e caracterizar as principais estruturas retinianas e diferentes afeccións patolóxicas asociadas co EMD, seguindo a clasificación clínica de referencia no campo oftalmolóxico. A pesar da complexidade desta relevante patoloxía ocular, o sistema proposto logrou resultados satisfactorios, demostrando ser o sufi cientemente robusto como para ser usado na práctica clínica diaria, axudando aos médicos para producir diagnósticos máis precisos e tratamentos máis adecuados

    Quantum Search Algorithms for Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization Problems Using Grover\u27s Search and Quantum Walk Algorithms with Advanced Oracle Design

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    The field of quantum computing has emerged as a powerful tool for solving and optimizing combinatorial optimization problems. To solve many real-world problems with many variables and possible solutions for constraint satisfaction and optimization problems, the required number of qubits of scalable hardware for quantum computing is the bottleneck in the current generation of quantum computers. In this dissertation, we will demonstrate advanced, scalable building blocks for the quantum search algorithms that have been implemented in Grover\u27s search algorithm and the quantum walk algorithm. The scalable building blocks are used to reduce the required number of qubits in the design. The proposed architecture effectively scales and optimizes the number of qubits needed to solve large problems with a limited number of qubits. Thus, scaling and optimizing the number of qubits that can be accommodated in quantum algorithm design directly reflect on performance. Also, accuracy is a key performance metric related to how accurately one can measure quantum states. The search space of quantum search algorithms is traditionally created by using the Hadamard operator to create superposition. However, creating superpositions for problems that do not need all superposition states decreases the accuracy of the measured states. We present an efficient quantum circuit design that the user has control over to create the subspace superposition states for the search space as needed. Using only the subspace states as superposition states of the search space will increase the rate of correct solutions. In this dissertation, we will present the implementation of practical problems for Grover\u27s search algorithm and quantum walk algorithm in logic design, logic puzzles, and machine learning problems such as SAT, MAX-SAT, XOR-SAT, and like SAT problems in EDA, and mining frequent patterns for association rule mining

    Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms

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    With the recent trends towards massive data sets and significant computational power, combined with evolutionary algorithmic advances evolutionary computation is becoming much more relevant to practice. Aim of the book is to present recent improvements, innovative ideas and concepts in a part of a huge EA field

    IberSPEECH 2020: XI Jornadas en Tecnología del Habla and VII Iberian SLTech

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    IberSPEECH2020 is a two-day event, bringing together the best researchers and practitioners in speech and language technologies in Iberian languages to promote interaction and discussion. The organizing committee has planned a wide variety of scientific and social activities, including technical paper presentations, keynote lectures, presentation of projects, laboratories activities, recent PhD thesis, discussion panels, a round table, and awards to the best thesis and papers. The program of IberSPEECH2020 includes a total of 32 contributions that will be presented distributed among 5 oral sessions, a PhD session, and a projects session. To ensure the quality of all the contributions, each submitted paper was reviewed by three members of the scientific review committee. All the papers in the conference will be accessible through the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) Online Archive. Paper selection was based on the scores and comments provided by the scientific review committee, which includes 73 researchers from different institutions (mainly from Spain and Portugal, but also from France, Germany, Brazil, Iran, Greece, Hungary, Czech Republic, Ucrania, Slovenia). Furthermore, it is confirmed to publish an extension of selected papers as a special issue of the Journal of Applied Sciences, “IberSPEECH 2020: Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages”, published by MDPI with fully open access. In addition to regular paper sessions, the IberSPEECH2020 scientific program features the following activities: the ALBAYZIN evaluation challenge session.Red Española de Tecnologías del Habla. Universidad de Valladoli

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: vehicular ad-hoc networks, security and caching, TCP in ad-hoc networks and emerging applications. It is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks