21 research outputs found

    MCMAS: a model checker for the verification of multi-agent systems

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    While temporal logic in its various forms has proven essential to reason about reactive systems, agent-based scenarios are typically specified by considering high-level agents attitudes. In particular, specification languages based on epistemic logics, or logics for knowledge, have proven useful in a variety of areas including robotics, security protocols, web-services, etc. For example, security specifications involving anonymity [4] are known to be naturally expressible in epistemic formalisms as they explicitly state the lack of different kinds of knowledge of the principals

    Using multi-agent systems to go beyond temporal patterns verification

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    A key step in formal verification is the translation of requirements into logic formulae. Various flavours of temporal logic are commonly used in academia and in industry to capture, among others, liveness and safety requirements. In the past two decades there has been a substantial amount of work in the area of verification of extensions of temporal logic. In this column I will provide a high level overview of some work in this area, focussing in particular on the verification of temporal-epistemic properties, showing how temporal-epistemic logics can be used to capture requirements that are common in many concrete systems, and describing a model checker for multi-agent systems called MCMAS

    Observation-based Model for BDI-Agents

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    We present a new computational model of BDI-agents, called the observation-based BDI-model. The key point of this BDI-model is to express agents' beliefs, desires and intentions as a set of runs (computing paths), which is exactly a system in the interpreted system model, a well-known agent model due to Halpern and his colleagues. Our BDI-model is computationally grounded in that we are able to associate the BDI-agent model with a computer program, and formulas, involving agents' beliefs, desires (goals) and intentions, can be understood as properties of program computations. We present a sound and complete proof system with respect to our BDI-model and explore how symbolic model checking techniques can be applied to model checking BDI-agents. In order to make our BDI-model more flexible and practically realistic, we generalize it so that agents can have multiple sources of beliefs, goals and intentions

    A computationally grounded, weighted doxastic logic

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    Modelling, reasoning and verifying complex situations involving a system of agents is crucial in all phases of the development of a number of safety-critical systems. In particular, it is of fundamental importance to have tools and techniques to reason about the doxastic and epistemic states of agents, to make sure that the agents behave as intended. In this paper we introduce a computationally grounded logic called COGWED and we present two types of semantics that support a range of practical situations. We provide model checking algorithms, complexity characterisations and a prototype implementation. We validate our proposal against a case study from the avionic domain: we assess and verify the situational awareness of pilots flying an aircraft with several automated components in off-nominal conditions

    LTL Verification of Online Executions with Sensing in Bounded Situation Calculus

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    Abstract. We look at agents reasoning about actions from a firstperson perspective. The agent has a representation of world as situation calculus action theory. It can perform sensing actions to acquire information. The agent acts “online”, i.e., it performs an action only if it is certain that the action can be executed, and collects sensing results from the actual world. When the agent reasons about its future actions, it indeed considers that it is acting online; however only possible sensing values are available. The kind of reasoning about actions we consider for the agent is verifying a first-order (FO) variant (without quantification across situations) of linear time temporal logic (LTL). We mainly focus on bounded action theories, where the number of facts that are true in any situation is bounded. The main results of this paper are: (i) possible sensing values can be based on consistency if the initial situation description is FO; (ii) for bounded action theories, progression over histories that include sensing results is always FO; (iii) for bounded theories, verifying our FO LTL against online executions with sensing is decidable.

    Verification of Agent-Based Artifact Systems

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    Artifact systems are a novel paradigm for specifying and implementing business processes described in terms of interacting modules called artifacts. Artifacts consist of data and lifecycles, accounting respectively for the relational structure of the artifacts' states and their possible evolutions over time. In this paper we put forward artifact-centric multi-agent systems, a novel formalisation of artifact systems in the context of multi-agent systems operating on them. Differently from the usual process-based models of services, the semantics we give explicitly accounts for the data structures on which artifact systems are defined. We study the model checking problem for artifact-centric multi-agent systems against specifications written in a quantified version of temporal-epistemic logic expressing the knowledge of the agents in the exchange. We begin by noting that the problem is undecidable in general. We then identify two noteworthy restrictions, one syntactical and one semantical, that enable us to find bisimilar finite abstractions and therefore reduce the model checking problem to the instance on finite models. Under these assumptions we show that the model checking problem for these systems is EXPSPACE-complete. We then introduce artifact-centric programs, compact and declarative representations of the programs governing both the artifact system and the agents. We show that, while these in principle generate infinite-state systems, under natural conditions their verification problem can be solved on finite abstractions that can be effectively computed from the programs. Finally we exemplify the theoretical results of the paper through a mainstream procurement scenario from the artifact systems literature

    Model checking multi-agent systems

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    A multi-agent system (MAS) is usually understood as a system composed of interacting autonomous agents. In this sense, MAS have been employed successfully as a modelling paradigm in a number of scenarios, especially in Computer Science. However, the process of modelling complex and heterogeneous systems is intrinsically prone to errors: for this reason, computer scientists are typically concerned with the issue of verifying that a system actually behaves as it is supposed to, especially when a system is complex. Techniques have been developed to perform this task: testing is the most common technique, but in many circumstances a formal proof of correctness is needed. Techniques for formal verification include theorem proving and model checking. Model checking techniques, in particular, have been successfully employed in the formal verification of distributed systems, including hardware components, communication protocols, security protocols. In contrast to traditional distributed systems, formal verification techniques for MAS are still in their infancy, due to the more complex nature of agents, their autonomy, and the richer language used in the specification of properties. This thesis aims at making a contribution in the formal verification of properties of MAS via model checking. In particular, the following points are addressed: • Theoretical results about model checking methodologies for MAS, obtained by extending traditional methodologies based on Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDS) for temporal logics to multi-modal logics for time, knowledge, correct behaviour, and strategies of agents. Complexity results for model checking these logics (and their symbolic representations). • Development of a software tool (MCMAS) that permits the specification and verification of MAS described in the formalism of interpreted systems. • Examples of application of MCMAS to various MAS scenarios (communication, anonymity, games, hardware diagnosability), including experimental results, and comparison with other tools available