2,199 research outputs found

    Fast fluorescence microscopy for imaging the dynamics of embryonic development

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    Live imaging has gained a pivotal role in developmental biology since it increasingly allows real-time observation of cell behavior in intact organisms. Microscopes that can capture the dynamics of ever-faster biological events, fluorescent markers optimal for in vivo imaging, and, finally, adapted reconstruction and analysis programs to complete data flow all contribute to this success. Focusing on temporal resolution, we discuss how fast imaging can be achieved with minimal prejudice to spatial resolution, photon count, or to reliably and automatically analyze images. In particular, we show how integrated approaches to imaging that combine bright fluorescent probes, fast microscopes, and custom post-processing techniques can address the kinetics of biological systems at multiple scales. Finally, we discuss remaining challenges and opportunities for further advances in this field

    GPU acceleration of time-domain fluorescence lifetime imaging

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    Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) plays a significant role in biological sciences, chemistry, and medical research. We propose a Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) based FLIM analysis tool suitable for high-speed and flexible time-domain FLIM applications. With a large number of parallel processors, GPUs can significantly speed up lifetime calculations compared to CPU-OpenMP (parallel computing with multiple CPU cores) based analysis. We demonstrate how to implement and optimize FLIM algorithms on GPUs for both iterative and non-iterative FLIM analysis algorithms. The implemented algorithms have been tested on both synthesized and experimental FLIM data. The results show that at the same precision the GPU analysis can be up to 24-fold faster than its CPU-OpenMP counterpart. This means that even for high precision but time-consuming iterative FLIM algorithms, GPUs enable fast or even real-time analysis

    Alkaline Water and Longevity: A Murine Study

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    The biological effect of alkaline water consumption is object of controversy. The present paper presents a 3-year survival study on a population of 150 mice, and the data were analyzed with accelerated failure time (AFT) model. Starting from the second year of life, nonparametric survival plots suggest that mice watered with alkaline water showed a better survival than control mice. Interestingly, statistical analysis revealed that alkaline water provides higher longevity in terms of \u201cdeceleration aging factor\u201d as it increases the survival functions when compared with control group; namely, animals belonging to the population treated with alkaline water resulted in a longer lifespan. Histological examination of mice kidneys, intestine, heart, liver, and brain revealed that no significant differences emerged among the three groups indicating that no specific pathology resulted correlated with the consumption of alkaline water. These results provide an informative and quantitative summary of survival data as a function of watering with alkaline water of long-lived mouse models

    Acoustical structured illumination for super-resolution ultrasound imaging.

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    Structured illumination microscopy is an optical method to increase the spatial resolution of wide-field fluorescence imaging beyond the diffraction limit by applying a spatially structured illumination light. Here, we extend this concept to facilitate super-resolution ultrasound imaging by manipulating the transmitted sound field to encode the high spatial frequencies into the observed image through aliasing. Post processing is applied to precisely shift the spectral components to their proper positions in k-space and effectively double the spatial resolution of the reconstructed image compared to one-way focusing. The method has broad application, including the detection of small lesions for early cancer diagnosis, improving the detection of the borders of organs and tumors, and enhancing visualization of vascular features. The method can be implemented with conventional ultrasound systems, without the need for additional components. The resulting image enhancement is demonstrated with both test objects and ex vivo rat metacarpals and phalanges

    A joint Richardson-Lucy deconvolution algorithm for the reconstruction of multifocal structured illumination microscopy data.

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    We demonstrate the reconstruction of images obtained by multifocal structured illumination microscopy, MSIM, using a joint Richardson-Lucy, jRL-MSIM, deconvolution algorithm, which is based on an underlying widefield image-formation model. The method is efficient in the suppression of out-of-focus light and greatly improves image contrast and resolution. Furthermore, it is particularly well suited for the processing of noise corrupted data. The principle is verified on simulated as well as experimental data and a comparison of the jRL-MSIM approach with the standard reconstruction procedure, which is based on image scanning microscopy, ISM, is made. Our algorithm is efficient and freely available in a user friendly software package.This work was supported by grants from the Leverhulme Trust, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK (grant EP/H018301/1) and by the Medical Research Council (grant MR/K015850/1). FS wishes to acknowledge support from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes and the Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT) by the German Research Foundation (DFG).This was originally published in Methods and Applications in Fluorescence (F Ströhl, CF Kaminski, Methods and Applications in Fluorescence 2015, 3, 014002

    Super‐Resolution Confocal Microscopy Through Pixel Reassignment

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    Confocal microscopy has gained great popularity in the observation of biological microstructures and dynamic processes. Its resolution enhancement comes from shrinking the pinhole size, which, however, degrades imaging signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) severely. Recently developed super‐resolution method based on the pixel reassignment technique is capable of achieving a factor of 2 resolution improvement and further reaching twofold improvement by deconvolution, compared with the optical diffraction limit. More importantly, the approach allows better imaging SNR when its lateral resolution is similar to the standard confocal microscopy. Pixel reassignment can be realized both computationally and optically, but the optical realization demonstrates much faster acquisition of super‐resolution imaging. In this chapter, the development and advancement of super‐resolution confocal microscopy through the pixel realignment method are summarized, and its capabilities of imaging biological structures and interactions are represented

    Long working range light field microscope with fast scanning multifocal liquid crystal microlens array

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    The light field microscope has the potential of recording the 3D information of biological specimens in real time with a conventional light source. To further extend the depth of field to broaden its applications, in this paper, we proposed a multifocal high-resistance liquid crystal microlens array instead of the fixed microlens array. The developed multifocal liquid crystal microlens array can provide high quality point spread function in multiple focal lengths. By adjusting the focal length of the liquid crystal microlens array sequentially, the total working range of the light field microscope can be much extended. Furthermore, in our proposed system, the intermediate image was placed in the virtual image space of the microlens array, where the condition of the lenslets numerical aperture was considerably smaller. Consequently, a thin-cell-gap liquid crystal microlens array with fast response time can be implemented for time-multiplexed scanning