10 research outputs found

    Computational Morphometry for Detecting Changes in Brain Structure Due to Development, Aging, Learning, Disease and Evolution

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    The brain, like any living tissue, is constantly changing in response to genetic and environmental cues and their interaction, leading to changes in brain function and structure, many of which are now in reach of neuroimaging techniques. Computational morphometry on the basis of Magnetic Resonance (MR) images has become the method of choice for studying macroscopic changes of brain structure across time scales. Thanks to computational advances and sophisticated study designs, both the minimal extent of change necessary for detection and, consequently, the minimal periods over which such changes can be detected have been reduced considerably during the last few years. On the other hand, the growing availability of MR images of more and more diverse brain populations also allows more detailed inferences about brain changes that occur over larger time scales, way beyond the duration of an average research project. On this basis, a whole range of issues concerning the structures and functions of the brain are now becoming addressable, thereby providing ample challenges and opportunities for further contributions from neuroinformatics to our understanding of the brain and how it changes over a lifetime and in the course of evolution

    Lateral frontal cortex volume reduction in Tourette syndrome revealed by VBM

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Structural changes have been found predominantly in the frontal cortex and in the striatum in children and adolescents with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS). The influence of comorbid symptomatology is unclear. Here we sought to address the question of gray matter abnormalities in GTS patients <it>with </it>co-morbid obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) using voxel-based morphometry (VBM) in twenty-nine adult actually unmedicated GTS patients and twenty-five healthy control subjects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In GTS we detected a cluster of decreased gray matter volume in the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), but no regions demonstrating volume increases. By comparing subgroups of GTS with comorbid ADHD to the subgroup with comorbid OCD, we found a left-sided amygdalar volume increase.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>From our results it is suggested that the left IFG may constitute a common underlying structural correlate of GTS with co-morbid OCD/ADHD. A volume reduction in this brain region that has been previously identified as a key region in OCD and was associated with the active inhibition of attentional processes may reflect the failure to control behavior. Amygdala volume increase is discussed on the background of a linkage of this structure with ADHD symptomatology. Correlations with clinical data revealed gray matter volume changes in specific brain areas that have been described in these conditions each.</p

    Learning to synthesise the ageing brain without longitudinal data

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    How will my face look when I get older? Or, for a more challenging question: How will my brain look when I get older? To answer this question one must devise (and learn from data) a multivariate auto-regressive function which given an image and a desired target age generates an output image. While collecting data for faces may be easier, collecting longitudinal brain data is not trivial. We propose a deep learning-based method that learns to simulate subject-specific brain ageing trajectories without relying on longitudinal data. Our method synthesises images conditioned on two factors: age (a continuous variable), and status of Alzheimer's Disease (AD, an ordinal variable). With an adversarial formulation we learn the joint distribution of brain appearance, age and AD status, and define reconstruction losses to address the challenging problem of preserving subject identity. We compare with several benchmarks using two widely used datasets. We evaluate the quality and realism of synthesised images using ground-truth longitudinal data and a pre-trained age predictor. We show that, despite the use of cross-sectional data, our model learns patterns of gray matter atrophy in the middle temporal gyrus in patients with AD. To demonstrate generalisation ability, we train on one dataset and evaluate predictions on the other. In conclusion, our model shows an ability to separate age, disease influence and anatomy using only 2D cross-sectional data that should be useful in large studies into neurodegenerative disease, that aim to combine several data sources. To facilitate such future studies by the community at large our code is made available at https://github.com/xiat0616/BrainAgeing

    Morphological changes after cranial fractionated photon radiotherapy: Localized loss of white matter and grey matter volume with increasing dose

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    Purpose: Numerous brain MR imaging studies have been performed to understand radiation-induced cognitive decline. However, many of them focus on a single region of interest, e.g. cerebral cortex or hippocampus. In this study, we use deformation-based morphometry (DBM) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to measure the morphological changes in patients receiving fractionated photon RT, and relate these to the dose. Additionally, we study tissue specific volume changes in white matter (WM), grey matter (GM), cerebrospinal fluid and total intracranial volume (TIV). Methods and materials: From our database, we selected 28 patients with MRI of high quality available at baseline and 1 year after RT. Scans were rigidly registered to each other, and to the planning CT and dose file. We used DBM to study non-tissue-specific volumetric changes, and VBM to study volume loss in grey matter. Observed changes were then related to the applied radiation dose (in EQD2). Additionally, brain tissue was segmented into WM, GM and cerebrospinal fluid, and changes in these volumes and TIV were tested. Results: Performing DBM resulted in clusters of dose-dependent volume loss 1 year after RT seen throughout the brain. Both WM and GM were affected; within the latter both cerebral cortex and subcortical nuclei show volume loss. Volume loss rates ranging from 5.3 to 15.3%/30 Gy were seen in the cerebral cortical regions in which more than 40% of voxels were affected. In VBM, similar loss rates were seen in the cortex and nuclei. The total volume of WM and GM significantly decreased with rates of 5.8% and 2.1%, while TIV remained unchanged as expected. Conclusions: Radiotherapy is associated with dose-dependent intracranial morphological changes throughout the entire brain. Therefore, we will consider to revise sparing of organs at risk based on future cognitive and neurofunctional data

    Machine Learning Based Autism Detection Using Brain Imaging

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a group of heterogeneous developmental disabilities that manifest in early childhood. Currently, ASD is primarily diagnosed by assessing the behavioral and intellectual abilities of a child. This behavioral diagnosis can be subjective, time consuming, inconclusive, does not provide insight on the underlying etiology, and is not suitable for early detection. Diagnosis based on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)—a widely used non- invasive tool—can be objective, can help understand the brain alterations in ASD, and can be suitable for early diagnosis. However, the brain morphological findings in ASD from MRI studies have been inconsistent. Moreover, there has been limited success in machine learning based ASD detection using MRI derived brain features. In this thesis, we begin by demonstrating that the low success in ASD detection and the inconsistent findings are likely attributable to the heterogeneity of brain alterations in ASD. We then show that ASD detection can be significantly improved by mitigating the heterogeneity with the help of behavioral and demographics information. Here we demonstrate that finding brain markers in well-defined sub-groups of ASD is easier and more insightful than identifying markers across the whole spectrum. Finally, our study focused on brain MRI of a pediatric cohort (3 to 4 years) and achieved a high classification success (AUC of 95%). Results of this study indicate three main alterations in early ASD brains: 1) abnormally large ventricles, 2) highly folded cortices, and 3) low image intensity in white matter regions suggesting myelination deficits indicative of decreased structural connectivity. Results of this thesis demonstrate that the meaningful brain markers of ASD can be extracted by applying machine learning techniques on brain MRI data. This data-driven technique can be a powerful tool for early detection and understanding brain anatomical underpinnings of ASD

    Learning-dependent plasticity in the adult brain

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) -based morphometry is one of the most promising methods for non-invasive detection learning purposes plastic brain areas in the human field. The approach is based on the structure-function relationship: for every functional change there is a structural change, and vice versa. The structural changes in contrast to the functional changes are generally slightly delayed and significantly prolonged. Plastic areas can therefore be detected by MRI also at rest (in the absence of active learning process) and independent of acute brain activity over time. However, the exact nature of cellular processes underlying learning induced GM swelling is unknown. Studies with adult animals have demonstrated learning-related transient swelling of astrocytes and explaining the same pattern as observed in learning associated transient GM changes seen by MRI. On this basis, we hypothesized astrocytic enlargement as a major underlie mechanism to produce these GM volume changes. To test this hypothesis, we combined monocular deprivation (MD) based perceptual learning with longitudinal tracking of GM macro-structure changes in-vivo by MRI and deformation-based morphometry (DBM) accompanied by microscopic analyses of astrocytic and neuronal features in albino Wistar rats

    Preprocessing methods for morphometric brain analysis and quality assurance of structural magnetic resonance images

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    Gegenstand der Dissertation ist die Neuentwicklung und Validierung von Verfahren zur Aufbereitung von anatomischen Daten, die mittels Magnetresonanztomographie gewonnen wurden. Ziel ist dabei die Erfassung von morphometrischen Kennwerten zur Beschreibung der Struktur und Form des Gehirns, wie beispielsweise Volumen, Fläche, Dicke oder Faltung der Großhirnrinde. Die Kennwerte erlauben sowohl die Erforschung individueller gesunder und pathologischer Entwicklung als auch der evolutionären Anpassung des Gehirns. Die zur Datenanalyse notwendige Vorverarbeitung beinhaltet dabei die Angleichung von Bildeigenschaften und individueller Anatomie. Die fortlaufende Weiterentwicklung der Scanner- und Rechentechnik ermöglicht eine zunehmend genauere Bildgebung, erfordert aber die kontinuierliche Anpassung existierender Verfahren. Die Schwerpunkte dieser Dissertation lagen in der Entwicklung neuer Verfahren zur (i) Klassifikation der Hirngewebe (Segmentierung), (ii) räumlichen Abbildung des individuellen Gehirns auf ein Durchschnittsgehirn (Registrierung), (iii) Bestimmung der Dicke der Großhirnrinde und Rekonstruktion einer repräsentativen Oberfläche und (iv) Qualitätssicherung der Eingangsdaten. Die Segmentierung gleicht die Bildeigenschaften unterschiedlicher Protokolle an, während die Registrierung anatomische Merkmale normalisiert und so den Vergleich verschiedener Gehirne ermöglicht. Die Rekonstruktion von Oberflächen erlaubt wiederum die Gewinnung einer Vielzahl weiterer morphometrischer Maße zur spezifischen Charakterisierung des Gehirns und seiner Entwicklung. Anhand von simulierten und realen Daten wird die Validität der neuen Methoden belegt und mit anderen Ansätzen verglichen. Die Verfahren sind Bestandteil der Computational Anatomy Toolbox (CAT; http://dbm.neuro.uni-jena.de/cat), deren Schwerpunkt die Vorverarbeitung von strukturellen Daten ist und die Teil des Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) Softwarepaketes in MATLAB ist.This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the development, optimization and validation of preprocessing methods of structural magnetic resonance images of the brain. The preprocessing describes the creation of morphometric data that support a statistical analysis of brain anatomy. Image interferences have to be removed to allow a tissue classification (segmentation). In order to compare different subjects a spatial normalization to an average-shaped brain (template) is required, where atlas maps allow identification of specific brain structures and regions of interest. Beside the analysis in a voxel-grid, the cortex can be represented by surfaces that allow further measures such as the cortical thickness or folding. The derived brain features (such as volume, area, and thickness) permit the individual study of normal and pathological development during the lifespan but also of the evolutionary adaption of the brain. The ongoing progress of imaging and computing technology demands continous enhancement of preprocessing tools but also facilitates the exploration of novel approaches and models. The basis of this thesis is the development of a method that uses a tissue segmentation to estimate the cortical thickness and the central surface in one integrated step. Further essential improvements of surface reconstruction algorithms were achieved by specific refinement of processing steps such as (i) the classification of brain tissue (segmentation), (ii) the spatial mapping of the individual brain to an average brain (registration), (iii) determining the thickness of the cerebral cortex and reconstructing a representative surface and (iv) the quality assurance of input data. The validity of the new methods is proven and compared with other approaches by simulated and real data. The procedures are part of the Computational Anatomy Toolbox (CAT; http://dbm.neuro.uni-jena.de/cat), which focuses on the preprocessing of structural data and is part of the Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) software package in MATLAB

    Consistência e fiabilidade de aplicações informáticas em Neuroimagem

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia BiomédicaCom os avanços tecnológicos atuais foram sendo desenvolvidas ferramentas informáticas capazes de efetuar uma análise estrutural ou funcional dos dados neuroimagiológicos de ressonância magnética. As aplicações atuais fornecem aos seus utilizadores uma oportunidade única de análise e visualização sem precedentes. No entanto estas carecem de padronização, daí que muitos dos resultados obtidos numa aplicação não possam ser reproduzidos noutra. Esta falta de interoperabilidade nos resultados obtidos surge então como um problema de difícil resolução. Com o objetivo de facilitar a seleção do software de análise ideal, foi feito um estudo comparativo entre ferramentas informáticas aplicadas a diversos casos de estudo tendo por base a segmentação cerebral e a análise funcional de neuroimagens. Além dos casos práticos analisados foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico relacionado com a ressonância magnética estrutural e funcional, assim como com as aplicações que lhes estão relacionadas. Os resultados obtidos no estudo estrutural foram analisados segundo os parâmetros das médias, desvio-padrão e dispersão dos dados. Relativamente aos resultados da análise funcional, estes foram avaliados em termos de número de clusters ativos detetados, a localização dos mesmos na anatomia cerebral e a significância estatística dessas ativações, verificando-se que a aplicação mais indicada para segmentação cerebral é o FreeSurfer e para a análise funcional de neuroimagens o SPM. A conclusão deste trabalho salienta a necessidade de padronizar as diferentes ferramentas e técnicas utlizadas em estudos funcionais e estruturais de neuroimagens de forma a aproveitar todas as potencialidades da técnica de ressonância magnética.With the current technological advances, tools capable of performing a structural or functional analysis of neuroimagiological data from MRI have been developed. Current applications provide its users a unique opportunity of unprecedented visualization and analysis. However, there is a lack of standardization, so many of the results obtained in an application may not be reproduced in another. This lack of interoperability of obtained results then arises as a problem of difficult resolution. Aiming to facilitate the selection of the ideal analysis software, a comparative study between tools applied to several case studies based on brain segmentation and analysis of functional neuroimaging was made. In addition to the case studies analyzed, a bibliographical survey related to structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging was made, as well as with the applications that are related to them. Regarding the results obtained in the study, these were analyzed according to the structural parameters of the averages, standard deviation and dispersion of the data. Relatively to the results of the functional analysis, these have been assessed in terms of the number of active clusters detected, their location in the brain anatomy and the statistical significance of these activations, verifying that the application best suited to brain segmentation is the FreeSurfer and to the analysis of functional neuroimaging is the SPM. The conclusion of this work emphasizes the need to standardize the different tools and techniques used in functional and structural neuroimaging studies in order to take advantage of the full potential of MRI modalities