5 research outputs found

    PredT4SE-Stack: Prediction of Bacterial Type IV Secreted Effectors From Protein Sequences Using a Stacked Ensemble Method

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    Gram-negative bacteria use various secretion systems to deliver their secreted effectors. Among them, type IV secretion system exists widely in a variety of bacterial species, and secretes type IV secreted effectors (T4SEs), which play vital roles in host-pathogen interactions. However, experimental approaches to identify T4SEs are time- and resource-consuming. In the present study, we aim to develop an in silico stacked ensemble method to predict whether a protein is an effector of type IV secretion system or not based on its sequence information. The protein sequences were encoded by the feature of position specific scoring matrix (PSSM)-composition by summing rows that correspond to the same amino acid residues in PSSM profiles. Based on the PSSM-composition features, we develop a stacked ensemble model PredT4SE-Stack to predict T4SEs, which utilized an ensemble of base-classifiers implemented by various machine learning algorithms, such as support vector machine, gradient boosting machine, and extremely randomized trees, to generate outputs for the meta-classifier in the classification system. Our results demonstrated that the framework of PredT4SE-Stack was a feasible and effective way to accurately identify T4SEs based on protein sequence information. The datasets and source code of PredT4SE-Stack are freely available at http://xbioinfo.sjtu.edu.cn/PredT4SE_Stack/index.php

    Predicting Gene Ontology Function of Human MicroRNAs by Integrating Multiple Networks

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been demonstrated to play significant biological roles in many human biological processes. Inferring the functions of miRNAs is an important strategy for understanding disease pathogenesis at the molecular level. In this paper, we propose an integrated model, PmiRGO, to infer the gene ontology (GO) functions of miRNAs by integrating multiple data sources, including the expression profiles of miRNAs, miRNA-target interactions, and protein-protein interactions (PPI). PmiRGO starts by building a global network consisting of three networks. Then, it employs DeepWalk to learn latent representations as network features of the global heterogeneous network. Finally, the SVM-based models are applied to label the GO terms of miRNAs. The experimental results show that PmiRGO has a significantly better performance than existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of Fmax. A case study further demonstrates the feasibility of PmiRGO to annotate the potential functions of miRNAs

    Identifying Plant Pentatricopeptide Repeat Coding Gene/Protein Using Mixed Feature Extraction Methods

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    Motivation: Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) is a triangular pentapeptide repeat domain that plays a vital role in plant growth. In this study, we seek to identify PPR coding genes and proteins using a mixture of feature extraction methods. We use four single feature extraction methods focusing on the sequence, physical, and chemical properties as well as the amino acid composition, and mix the features. The Max-Relevant-Max-Distance (MRMD) technique is applied to reduce the feature dimension. Classification uses the random forest, J48, and naïve Bayes with 10-fold cross-validation.Results: Combining two of the feature extraction methods with the random forest classifier produces the highest area under the curve of 0.9848. Using MRMD to reduce the dimension improves this metric for J48 and naïve Bayes, but has little effect on the random forest results.Availability and Implementation: The webserver is available at: http://server.malab.cn/MixedPPR/index.jsp

    Determining the Balance Between Drug Efficacy and Safety by the Network and Biological System Profile of Its Therapeutic Target

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    One of the most challenging puzzles in drug discovery is the identification and characterization of candidate drug of well-balanced profile between efficacy and safety. So far, extensive efforts have been made to evaluate this balance by estimating the quantitative structure–therapeutic relationship and exploring target profile of adverse drug reaction. Particularly, the therapeutic index (TI) has emerged as a key indicator illustrating this delicate balance, and a clinically successful agent requires a sufficient TI suitable for it corresponding indication. However, the TI information are largely unknown for most drugs, and the mechanism underlying the drugs with narrow TI (NTI drugs) is still elusive. In this study, the collective effects of human protein–protein interaction (PPI) network and biological system profile on the drugs' efficacy–safety balance were systematically evaluated. First, a comprehensive literature review of the FDA approved drugs confirmed their NTI status. Second, a popular feature selection algorithm based on artificial intelligence (AI) was adopted to identify key factors differencing the target mechanism between NTI and non-NTI drugs. Finally, this work revealed that the targets of NTI drugs were highly centralized and connected in human PPI network, and the number of similarity proteins and affiliated signaling pathways of the corresponding targets was much higher than those of non-NTI drugs. These findings together with the newly discovered features or feature groups clarified the key factors indicating drug's narrow TI, and could thus provide a novel direction for determining the delicate drug efficacy-safety balance