27,303 research outputs found

    Computational quality control tools for mass spectrometry proteomics

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    As mass spectrometry-based proteomics has matured during the past decade a growing emphasis has been placed on quality control. For this purpose multiple computational quality control tools have been introduced. These tools generate a set of metrics that can be used to assess the quality of a mass spectrometry experiment. Here we review which different types of quality control metrics can be generated, and how they can be used to monitor both intra- and inter-experiment performance. We discuss the principal computational tools for quality control and list their main characteristics and applicability. As most of these tools have specific use cases it is not straightforward to compare their performance. For this survey we used different sets of quality control metrics derived from information at various stages in a mass spectrometry process and evaluated their effectiveness at capturing qualitative information about an experiment using a supervised learning approach. Furthermore, we discuss currently available algorithmic solutions that enable the usage of these quality control metrics for decision-making. This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: "Bittremieux, W., Valkenborg, D., Martens, L. & Laukens, K. Computational quality control tools for mass spectrometry proteomics. PROTEOMICS 17, 1600159 (2017)", which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/pmic.201600159. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving

    Corra: Computational framework and tools for LC-MS discovery and targeted mass spectrometry-based proteomics

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    BACKGROUND: Quantitative proteomics holds great promise for identifying proteins that are differentially abundant between populations representing different physiological or disease states. A range of computational tools is now available for both isotopically labeled and label-free liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) based quantitative proteomics. However, they are generally not comparable to each other in terms of functionality, user interfaces, information input/output, and do not readily facilitate appropriate statistical data analysis. These limitations, along with the array of choices, present a daunting prospect for biologists, and other researchers not trained in bioinformatics, who wish to use LC-MS-based quantitative proteomics. RESULTS: We have developed Corra, a computational framework and tools for discovery-based LC-MS proteomics. Corra extends and adapts existing algorithms used for LC-MS-based proteomics, and statistical algorithms, originally developed for microarray data analyses, appropriate for LC-MS data analysis. Corra also adapts software engineering technologies (e.g. Google Web Toolkit, distributed processing) so that computationally intense data processing and statistical analyses can run on a remote server, while the user controls and manages the process from their own computer via a simple web interface. Corra also allows the user to output significantly differentially abundant LC-MS-detected peptide features in a form compatible with subsequent sequence identification via tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). We present two case studies to illustrate the application of Corra to commonly performed LC-MS-based biological workflows: a pilot biomarker discovery study of glycoproteins isolated from human plasma samples relevant to type 2 diabetes, and a study in yeast to identify in vivo targets of the protein kinase Ark1 via phosphopeptide profiling. CONCLUSION: The Corra computational framework leverages computational innovation to enable biologists or other researchers to process, analyze and visualize LC-MS data with what would otherwise be a complex and not user-friendly suite of tools. Corra enables appropriate statistical analyses, with controlled false-discovery rates, ultimately to inform subsequent targeted identification of differentially abundant peptides by MS/MS. For the user not trained in bioinformatics, Corra represents a complete, customizable, free and open source computational platform enabling LC-MS-based proteomic workflows, and as such, addresses an unmet need in the LC-MS proteomics field

    Mass Spectrometry-Based Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics

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    In order to study the differential protein expression in complex biological samples, strategies for rapid, highly reproducible and accurate quantification are necessary. Isotope labeling and fluorescent labeling techniques have been widely used in quantitative proteomics research. However, researchers are increasingly turning to label-free shotgun proteomics techniques for faster, cleaner, and simpler results. Mass spectrometry-based label-free quantitative proteomics falls into two general categories. In the first are the measurements of changes in chromatographic ion intensity such as peptide peak areas or peak heights. The second is based on the spectral counting of identified proteins. In this paper, we will discuss the technologies of these label-free quantitative methods, statistics, available computational software, and their applications in complex proteomics studies

    Proceedings of the EuBIC Winter School 2019

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    The 2019 European Bioinformatics Community (EuBIC) Winter School was held from January 15th to January 18th 2019 in Zakopane, Poland. This year’s meeting was the third of its kind and gathered international researchers in the field of (computational) proteomics to discuss (mainly) challenges in proteomics quantification and data independent acquisition (DIA). Here, we present an overview of the scientific program of the 2019 EuBIC Winter School. Furthermore, we can already give a small outlook to the upcoming EuBIC 2020 Developer’s Meeting

    Identification of novel genes and proteoforms in Angiostrongylus costaricensis through a proteogenomic approach

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    RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) and mass-spectrometry-based proteomics data are often integrated in proteogenomic studies to assist in the prediction of eukaryote genome features, such as genes, splicing, single-nucleotide (SNVs), and single-amino-acid variants (SAAVs). Most genomes of parasite nematodes are draft versions that lack transcript- and protein-level information and whose gene annotations rely only on computational predictions

    DART-ID increases single-cell proteome coverage.

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    Analysis by liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) can identify and quantify thousands of proteins in microgram-level samples, such as those comprised of thousands of cells. This process, however, remains challenging for smaller samples, such as the proteomes of single mammalian cells, because reduced protein levels reduce the number of confidently sequenced peptides. To alleviate this reduction, we developed Data-driven Alignment of Retention Times for IDentification (DART-ID). DART-ID implements principled Bayesian frameworks for global retention time (RT) alignment and for incorporating RT estimates towards improved confidence estimates of peptide-spectrum-matches. When applied to bulk or to single-cell samples, DART-ID increased the number of data points by 30-50% at 1% FDR, and thus decreased missing data. Benchmarks indicate excellent quantification of peptides upgraded by DART-ID and support their utility for quantitative analysis, such as identifying cell types and cell-type specific proteins. The additional datapoints provided by DART-ID boost the statistical power and double the number of proteins identified as differentially abundant in monocytes and T-cells. DART-ID can be applied to diverse experimental designs and is freely available at http://dart-id.slavovlab.net

    A golden age for working with public proteomics data

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    Data sharing in mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics is becoming a common scientific practice, as is now common in the case of other, more mature 'omics' disciplines like genomics and transcriptomics. We want to highlight that this situation, unprecedented in the field, opens a plethora of opportunities for data scientists. First, we explain in some detail some of the work already achieved, such as systematic reanalysis efforts. We also explain existing applications of public proteomics data, such as proteogenomics and the creation of spectral libraries and spectral archives. Finally, we discuss the main existing challenges and mention the first attempts to combine public proteomics data with other types of omics data sets