281 research outputs found

    An arithmetic theory of consistency enforcement

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    Consistency enforcement starts from a given program specification S and a static invariant I and aims to replace S by a slightly modified program specification SI that is provably consistent with respect to I. One formalization which suggests itself is to define SI as the greatest consistent specialization of S with respect to I, where specialization is a partial order on semantic equivalence classes of program specifications. In this paper we present such a theory on the basis of arithmetic logic. We show that with mild technical restrictions and mild restrictions concerning recursive program specifications it is possible to obtain the greatest consistent specialization gradually and independently from the order of given invariants as well as by replacing basic commands by their respective greatest consistent specialization. Furthermore, this approach allows to discuss computability and decidability aspects for the first time

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 15. Number 3.

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    From computability to executability : a process-theoretic view on automata theory

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    The theory of automata and formal language was devised in the 1930s to provide models for and to reason about computation. Here we mean by computation a procedure that transforms input into output, which was the sole mode of operation of computers at the time. Nowadays, computers are systems that interact with us and also each other; they are non-deterministic, reactive systems. Concurrency theory, split off from classical automata theory a few decades ago, provides a model of computation similar to the model given by the theory of automata and formal language, but focuses on concurrent, reactive and interactive systems. This thesis investigates the integration of the two theories, exposing the differences and similarities between them. Where automata and formal language theory focuses on computations and languages, concurrency theory focuses on behaviour. To achieve integration, we look for process-theoretic analogies of classic results from automata theory. The most prominent difference is that we use an interpretation of automata as labelled transition systems modulo (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilarity instead of treating automata as language acceptors. We also consider similarities such as grammars as recursive specifications and finite automata as labelled finite transition systems. We investigate whether the classical results still hold and, if not, what extra conditions are sufficient to make them hold. We especially look into three levels of Chomsky's hierarchy: we study the notions of finite-state systems, pushdown systems, and computable systems. Additionally we investigate the notion of parallel pushdown systems. For each class we define the central notion of automaton and its behaviour by associating a transition system with it. Then we introduce a suitable specification language and investigate the correspondence with the respective automaton (via its associated transition system). Because we not only want to study interaction with the environment, but also the interaction within the automaton, we make it explicit by means of communicating parallel components: one component representing the finite control of the automaton and one component representing the memory. First, we study finite-state systems by reinvestigating the relation between finite-state automata, left- and right-linear grammars, and regular expressions, but now up to (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilarity. For pushdown systems we augment the finite-state systems with stack memory to obtain the pushdown automata and consider different termination styles: termination on empty stack, on final state, and on final state and empty stack. Unlike for language equivalence, up to (divergence-preserving) branching bisimilarity the associated transition systems for the different termination styles fall into different classes. We obtain (under some restrictions) the correspondence between context-free grammars and pushdown automata for termination on final state and empty stack. We show how for contrasimulation, a weaker equivalence than branching bisimilarity, we can obtain the correspondence result without some of the restrictions. Finally, we make the interaction within a pushdown automaton explicit, but in a different way depending on the termination style. By analogy of pushdown systems we investigate the parallel pushdown systems, obtained by augmenting finite-state systems with bag memory, and consider analogous termination styles. We investigate the correspondence between context-free grammars that use parallel composition instead of sequential composition and parallel pushdown automata. While the correspondence itself is rather tight, it unfortunately only covers a small subset of the parallel pushdown automata, i.e. the single-state parallel pushdown automata. When making the interaction within parallel pushdown automata explicit, we obtain a rather uniform result for all termination styles. Finally, we study computable systems and the relation with exective and computable transition systems and Turing machines. For this we present the reactive Turing machine, a classical Turing machine augmented with capabilities for interaction. Again, we make the interaction in the reactive Turing machine between its finite control and the tape memory explicit

    Stability of Asynchronously Communicating Systems

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    Recent software is mostly constructed by reusing and composing existing components. Software components are usually stateful and therefore described using behavioral models such as finite state machines. Asynchronous communication is a classic interaction mechanism used for such software systems. However, analysing communicating systems interacting asynchronously via reliable FIFO buffers is an undecidable problem. A typical approach is to check whether the system is bounded, and if not, the corresponding state space can be made finite by limiting the presence of communication cycles in behavioral models or by fixing buffer sizes. In this paper, we focus on infinite systems and we do not restrict the system by imposing any arbitrary bounds. We introduce a notion of stability and prove that once the system is stable for a specific buffer bound, it remains stable whatever larger bounds are chosen for buffers. This enables us to check certain properties on the system for that bound and to ensure that the system will preserve them whatever larger bounds are used for buffers. We also prove that computing this bound is undecidable but show how we succeed in computing these bounds for many typical examples using heuristics and equivalence checking

    A Strategy for Implementing description Temporal Dynamic Algorithms in Dynamic Knowledge Graphs by SPIN

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    Planning and reasoning about actions and processes, in addition to reasoning about propositions, are important issues in recent logical and computer science studies. The widespread use of actions in everyday life such as IoT, semantic web services, etc., and the limitations and issues in the action formalisms are two factors that lead us to study how actions are represented. Since 2007, there have been some ideas to integrate Description Logic (DL) and action formalisms for representing both static and dynamic knowledge. Meanwhile, time is an important factor in dynamic situations, and actions change states over time. In this study, on the one hand, we examined related logical structures such as extensions of description logics (DLs), temporal formalisms, and action formalisms. On the other hand, we analyzed possible tools for designing and developing the Knowledge and Action Base (KAB). For representation and reasoning about actions, we embedded actions into DLs (such as Dynamic-ALC and its extensions). We propose a terminable algorithm for action projection, planning, checking the satisfiability, consistency, realizability, and executability, and also querying from KAB. Actions in this framework were modeled with SPIN and added to state space. This framework has also been implemented as a plugin for the Prot\'eg\'e ontology editor. During the last two decades, various algorithms have been presented, but due to the high computational complexity, we face many problems in implementing dynamic ontologies. In addition, an algorithm to detect the inconsistency of actions' effects was not explicitly stated. In the proposed strategy, the interactions of actions with other parts of modeled knowledge, and a method to check consistency between the effects of actions are presented. With this framework, the ramification problem can be well handled in future works

    Fundamentals of object-oriented languages, systems, and methods : Seminar 9434, August 22-26, 1994

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