4 research outputs found

    ANT colony optimization based optimal path selection and data gathering in WSN

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    A data aggregation is an essential process in the field of wireless sensor network to deal with base station and sink node. In current data gathering mechanism, the nearest nodes to the sink receives data from all the other nodes and shares it to the sink. The data aggregation process is utilized to increase the capability and efficiency of the existing system. In existing technique, the possibility of data loss is high this may leads to energy loss therefore; the efficiency and performance are damaged. In order to overcome these issues, an effective cluster based data gathering technique is developed. Here the optimal cluster heads are selected which is used for transmission with low energy consumption. The optimal path for mobile sink (MS) is done by Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. It provides efficient path along with MS to collect the data along with Cluster centroid. The performance of the proposed method is analyzed in terms of delay, throughput, lifetime, etc.</p


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    In wireless sensor network the main problem is in the network lifetime, power transmission, energy consumption, speed and bandwidth for transmitting the packets and another problem is that the sink node can connect only with the limited nodes if more number of nodes is connected means then there may be occurrence of traffic and the data information can be eliminated. In order to overcome this problem maximum connected load balancing cover tree (MCLCT) algorithm is used. In various studies it is observed that the MCLCT has more network lifetime, power transmission and energy consumption when compared to the other methods and also to solve the optimization problem simulated annealing algorithm is used to transmit the data which form minimum movement in wireless sensor network and which can achieve both target coverage (TCOV) and network connectivity (NCON)

    Energy efficient clustering using the AMHC (adoptive multi-hop clustering) technique

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    IoT has gained fine attention in several field such as in industry applications, agriculture, monitoring, surveillance, similarly parallel growth has been observed in field of WSN. WSN is one of the primary component of IoT when it comes to sensing the data in various environment. Clustering is one of the basic approach in order to obtain the measurable performance in WSNs, Several algorithms of clustering aims to obtain the efficient data collection, data gathering and the routing. In this paper, a novel AMHC (Adaptive Multi-Hop Clustering) algorithm is proposed for the homogenous model, the main aim of algorithm is to obtain the higher efficiency and make it energy efficient. Our algorithm mainly contains the three stages: namely assembling, coupling and discarding. First stage involves the assembling of independent sets (maximum), second stage involves the coupling of independent sets and at last stage the superfluous nodes are discarded. Discarding superfluous nodes helps in achieving higher efficiency. Since our algorithm is a coloring algorithm, different color are used at the different stages for coloring the nodes. Afterwards our algorithm (AMHC) is compared with the existing system which is a combination of Second order data CC(Coupled Clustering) and Compressive-Projection PCA(Principal Component Analysis), and results shows that our algorithm excels in terms of several parameters such as energy efficiency, network lifetime, number of rounds performed

    Compressive Data Gathering Based on Even Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks

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