13,506 research outputs found

    Compressible Distributions for High-dimensional Statistics

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    We develop a principled way of identifying probability distributions whose independent and identically distributed (iid) realizations are compressible, i.e., can be well-approximated as sparse. We focus on Gaussian random underdetermined linear regression (GULR) problems, where compressibility is known to ensure the success of estimators exploiting sparse regularization. We prove that many distributions revolving around maximum a posteriori (MAP) interpretation of sparse regularized estimators are in fact incompressible, in the limit of large problem sizes. A highlight is the Laplace distribution and â„“1\ell^{1} regularized estimators such as the Lasso and Basis Pursuit denoising. To establish this result, we identify non-trivial undersampling regions in GULR where the simple least squares solution almost surely outperforms an oracle sparse solution, when the data is generated from the Laplace distribution. We provide simple rules of thumb to characterize classes of compressible (respectively incompressible) distributions based on their second and fourth moments. Generalized Gaussians and generalized Pareto distributions serve as running examples for concreteness.Comment: Was previously entitled "Compressible priors for high-dimensional statistics"; IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2012

    Direct numerical simulation of supersonic pipe flow at moderate Reynolds number

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    We study compressible turbulent flow in a circular pipe, at computationally high Reynolds number. Classical related issues are addressed and discussed in light of the DNS data, including validity of compressibility transformations, velocity/temperature relations, passive scalar statistics, and size of turbulent eddies.Regarding velocity statistics, we find that Huang's transformation yields excellent universality of the scaled Reynolds stresses distributions, whereas the transformation proposed by Trettel and Larsson (2016) yields better representation of the effects of strong variation of density and viscosity occurring in the buffer layer on the mean velocity distribution. A clear logarithmic layer is recovered in terms of transformed velocity and wall distance coordinates at the higher Reynolds number under scrutiny (\Rey_{\tau} \approx 1000), whereas the core part of the flow is found to be characterized by a universal parabolic velocity profile. Based on formal similarity between the streamwise velocity and the passive scalar transport equations, we further propose an extension of the above compressibility transformations to also achieve universality of passive scalar statistics. Analysis of the velocity/temperature relationship provides evidence for quadratic dependence which is very well approximated by the thermal analogy proposed by Zhang et Al.(2014). The azimuthal velocity and scalar spectra show an organization very similar to canonical incompressible flow, with a bump-shaped distribution across the flow scales, whose peak increases with the wall distance. We find that the size growth effect is well accounted for through an effective length scale accounting for the local friction velocity and for the local mean shear

    Vortices and turbulence in trapped atomic condensates

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    After over a decade of experiments generating and studying the physics of quantized vortices in atomic gas Bose-Einstein condensates, research is beginning to focus on the roles of vortices in quantum turbulence, as well as other measures of quantum turbulence in atomic condensates. Such research directions have the potential to uncover new insights into quantum turbulence, vortices and superfluidity, and also explore the similarities and differences between quantum and classical turbulence in entirely new settings. Here we present a critical assessment of theoretical and experimental studies in this emerging field of quantum turbulence in atomic condensates

    Statistical properties of supersonic turbulence in the Lagrangian and Eulerian frameworks

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    We present a systematic study of the influence of different forcing types on the statistical properties of supersonic, isothermal turbulence in both the Lagrangian and Eulerian frameworks. We analyse a series of high-resolution, hydrodynamical grid simulations with Lagrangian tracer particles and examine the effects of solenoidal (divergence-free) and compressive (curl-free) forcing on structure functions, their scaling exponents, and the probability density functions of the gas density and velocity increments. Compressively driven simulations show a significantly larger density contrast, a more intermittent behaviour, and larger fractal dimension of the most dissipative structures at the same root mean square Mach number. We show that the absolute values of Lagrangian and Eulerian structure functions of all orders in the integral range are only a function of the root mean square Mach number, but independent of the forcing. With the assumption of a Gaussian distribution for the probability density function of the velocity increments on large scales, we derive a model that describes this behaviour.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, Journal of Fluid Mechanics in pres

    Multifractal clustering of passive tracers on a surface flow

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    We study the anomalous scaling of the mass density measure of Lagrangian tracers in a compressible flow realized on the free surface on top of a three dimensional flow. The full two dimensional probability distribution of local stretching rates is measured. The intermittency exponents which quantify the fluctuations of the mass measure of tracers at small scales are calculated from the large deviation form of stretching rate fluctuations. The results indicate the existence of a critical exponent nc≃0.86n_c \simeq 0.86 above which exponents saturate, in agreement with what has been predicted by an analytically solvable model. Direct evaluation of the multi-fractal dimensions by reconstructing the coarse-grained particle density supports the results for low order moments.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to EP

    Limits on Sparse Data Acquisition: RIC Analysis of Finite Gaussian Matrices

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    One of the key issues in the acquisition of sparse data by means of compressed sensing (CS) is the design of the measurement matrix. Gaussian matrices have been proven to be information-theoretically optimal in terms of minimizing the required number of measurements for sparse recovery. In this paper we provide a new approach for the analysis of the restricted isometry constant (RIC) of finite dimensional Gaussian measurement matrices. The proposed method relies on the exact distributions of the extreme eigenvalues for Wishart matrices. First, we derive the probability that the restricted isometry property is satisfied for a given sufficient recovery condition on the RIC, and propose a probabilistic framework to study both the symmetric and asymmetric RICs. Then, we analyze the recovery of compressible signals in noise through the statistical characterization of stability and robustness. The presented framework determines limits on various sparse recovery algorithms for finite size problems. In particular, it provides a tight lower bound on the maximum sparsity order of the acquired data allowing signal recovery with a given target probability. Also, we derive simple approximations for the RICs based on the Tracy-Widom distribution.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE transactions on information theor

    The influence of near-wall density and viscosity gradients on turbulence in channel flows

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    The influence of near-wall density and viscosity gradients on near-wall turbulence in a channel are studied by means of Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of the low-Mach number approximation of the Navier--Stokes equations. Different constitutive relations for density and viscosity as a function of temperature are used in order to mimic a wide range of fluid behaviours and to develop a generalised framework for studying turbulence modulations in variable property flows. Instead of scaling the velocity solely based on local density, as done for the van Driest transformation, we derive an extension of the scaling that is based on gradients of the semi-local Reynolds number Reτ∗Re_\tau^*. This extension of the van Driest transformation is able to collapse velocity profiles for flows with near-wall property gradients as a function of the semi-local wall coordinate. However, flow quantities like mixing length, turbulence anisotropy and turbulent vorticity fluctuations do not show a universal scaling very close to the wall. This is attributed to turbulence modulations, which play a crucial role on the evolution of turbulent structures and turbulence energy transfer. We therefore investigate the characteristics of streamwise velocity streaks and quasi-streamwise vortices and found that, similar to turbulent statistics, the turbulent structures are also strongly governed by Reτ∗Re_\tau^* profiles and that their dependence on individual density and viscosity profiles is minor. Flows with near-wall gradients in Reτ∗Re_\tau^* (dReτ∗/dy≠0d {Re_\tau^*}/dy \neq 0) showed significant changes in the inclination and tilting angles of quasi-streamwise vortices. These structural changes are responsible for the observed modulation of the Reynolds stress generation mechanism and the inter-component energy transfer in flows with strong near-wall Reτ∗Re_\tau^* gradients.Comment: Submitted manuscript under review in JF

    Energy spectra of vortex distributions in two-dimensional quantum turbulence

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    We theoretically explore key concepts of two-dimensional turbulence in a homogeneous compressible superfluid described by a dissipative two-dimensional Gross-Pitaeveskii equation. Such a fluid supports quantized vortices that have a size characterized by the healing length ξ\xi. We show that for the divergence-free portion of the superfluid velocity field, the kinetic energy spectrum over wavenumber kk may be decomposed into an ultraviolet regime (k≫ξ−1k\gg \xi^{-1}) having a universal k−3k^{-3} scaling arising from the vortex core structure, and an infrared regime (k≪ξ−1k\ll\xi^{-1}) with a spectrum that arises purely from the configuration of the vortices. The Novikov power-law distribution of intervortex distances with exponent -1/3 for vortices of the same sign of circulation leads to an infrared kinetic energy spectrum with a Kolmogorov k−5/3k^{-5/3} power law, consistent with the existence of an inertial range. The presence of these k−3k^{-3} and k−5/3k^{-5/3} power laws, together with the constraint of continuity at the smallest configurational scale k≈ξ−1k\approx\xi^{-1}, allows us to derive a new analytical expression for the Kolmogorov constant that we test against a numerical simulation of a forced homogeneous compressible two-dimensional superfluid. The numerical simulation corroborates our analysis of the spectral features of the kinetic energy distribution, once we introduce the concept of a {\em clustered fraction} consisting of the fraction of vortices that have the same sign of circulation as their nearest neighboring vortices. Our analysis presents a new approach to understanding two-dimensional quantum turbulence and interpreting similarities and differences with classical two-dimensional turbulence, and suggests new methods to characterize vortex turbulence in two-dimensional quantum fluids via vortex position and circulation measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure
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