145 research outputs found

    Preordering saddle-point systems for sparse LDLT factorization without pivoting

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    This paper focuses on efficiently solving large sparse symmetric indefinite systems of linear equations in saddle‐point form using a fill‐reducing ordering technique with a direct solver. Row and column permutations partition the saddle‐point matrix into a block structure constituting a priori pivots of order 1 and 2. The partitioned matrix is compressed by treating each nonzero block as a single entry, and a fill‐reducing ordering is applied to the corresponding compressed graph. It is shown that, provided the saddle‐point matrix satisfies certain criteria, a block LDLT factorization can be computed using the resulting pivot sequence without modification. Numerical results for a range of problems from practical applications using a modern sparse direct solver are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the approach

    Numerically-aware orderings for sparse symmetric indefinite linear systems

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    Sparse symmetric indefinite problems arise in a large number of important application areas; they are often solved through the use of an LDLT factorization via a sparse direct solver. Whilst for many problems, prescaling the system matrix A is sufficient to maintain stability of the factorization, for a small but important fraction of problems numerical pivoting is required. Pivoting often incurs a significant overhead and consequently a number of techniques have been proposed to try and limit the need for pivoting. In particular, numerically-aware ordering algorithms may be used, that is, orderings that depend not only on the sparsity pattern of A but also on the values of its (scaled) entries. Current approaches identify large entries of A and symmetrically permute them onto the subdiagonal where they can be used as part of a 2x2 pivot. This is numerically effective, but the fill in the factor L and hence the runtime of the factorization and subsequent triangular solves may be significantly increased over a standard ordering if no pivoting is required. We present a new algorithm that combines a matching-based approach with a numerically-aware nested dissection ordering. Numerical comparisons with current approaches for some tough symmetric indefinite problems are given

    Matching-based preprocessing algorithms to the solution of saddle-point problems in large-scale nonconvex interior-point optimization

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    Interior-point methods are among the most efficient approaches for solving large-scale nonlinear programming problems. At the core of these methods, highly ill-conditioned symmetric saddle-point problems have to be solved. We present combinatorial methods to preprocess these matrices in order to establish more favorable numerical properties for the subsequent factorization. Our approach is based on symmetric weighted matchings and is used in a sparse direct LDL T factorization method where the pivoting is restricted to static supernode data structures. In addition, we will dynamically expand the supernode data structure in cases where additional fill-in helps to select better numerical pivot elements. This technique can be seen as an alternative to the more traditional threshold pivoting techniques. We demonstrate the competitiveness of this approach within an interior-point method on a large set of test problems from the CUTE and COPS sets, as well as large optimal control problems based on partial differential equations. The largest nonlinear optimization problem solved has more than 12 million variables and 6 million constraint

    Improving the stability and robustness of incomplete symmetric indefinite factorization preconditioners

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    Sparse symmetric indefinite linear systems of equations arise in numerous practical applications. In many situations, an iterative method is the method of choice but a preconditioner is normally required for it to be effective. In this paper, the focus is on a class of incomplete factorization algorithms that can be used to compute preconditioners for symmetric indefinite systems. A limited memory approach is employed that incorporates a number of new ideas with the goal of improving the stability, robustness and efficiency of the preconditioner. These include the monitoring of stability as the factorization proceeds and the incorporation of pivot modifications when potential instability is observed. Numerical experiments involving test problems arising from a range of real-world applications demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach

    Linear solvers for power grid optimization problems: a review of GPU-accelerated linear solvers

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    The linear equations that arise in interior methods for constrained optimization are sparse symmetric indefinite and become extremely ill-conditioned as the interior method converges. These linear systems present a challenge for existing solver frameworks based on sparse LU or LDL^T decompositions. We benchmark five well known direct linear solver packages using matrices extracted from power grid optimization problems. The achieved solution accuracy varies greatly among the packages. None of the tested packages delivers significant GPU acceleration for our test cases