25,129 research outputs found

    From Imitation to Prediction, Data Compression vs Recurrent Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing

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    In recent studies [1][13][12] Recurrent Neural Networks were used for generative processes and their surprising performance can be explained by their ability to create good predictions. In addition, data compression is also based on predictions. What the problem comes down to is whether a data compressor could be used to perform as well as recurrent neural networks in natural language processing tasks. If this is possible,then the problem comes down to determining if a compression algorithm is even more intelligent than a neural network in specific tasks related to human language. In our journey we discovered what we think is the fundamental difference between a Data Compression Algorithm and a Recurrent Neural Network

    Handling Massive N-Gram Datasets Efficiently

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    This paper deals with the two fundamental problems concerning the handling of large n-gram language models: indexing, that is compressing the n-gram strings and associated satellite data without compromising their retrieval speed; and estimation, that is computing the probability distribution of the strings from a large textual source. Regarding the problem of indexing, we describe compressed, exact and lossless data structures that achieve, at the same time, high space reductions and no time degradation with respect to state-of-the-art solutions and related software packages. In particular, we present a compressed trie data structure in which each word following a context of fixed length k, i.e., its preceding k words, is encoded as an integer whose value is proportional to the number of words that follow such context. Since the number of words following a given context is typically very small in natural languages, we lower the space of representation to compression levels that were never achieved before. Despite the significant savings in space, our technique introduces a negligible penalty at query time. Regarding the problem of estimation, we present a novel algorithm for estimating modified Kneser-Ney language models, that have emerged as the de-facto choice for language modeling in both academia and industry, thanks to their relatively low perplexity performance. Estimating such models from large textual sources poses the challenge of devising algorithms that make a parsimonious use of the disk. The state-of-the-art algorithm uses three sorting steps in external memory: we show an improved construction that requires only one sorting step thanks to exploiting the properties of the extracted n-gram strings. With an extensive experimental analysis performed on billions of n-grams, we show an average improvement of 4.5X on the total running time of the state-of-the-art approach.Comment: Published in ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), February 2019, Article No: 2

    A Universal Parallel Two-Pass MDL Context Tree Compression Algorithm

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    Computing problems that handle large amounts of data necessitate the use of lossless data compression for efficient storage and transmission. We present a novel lossless universal data compression algorithm that uses parallel computational units to increase the throughput. The length-NN input sequence is partitioned into BB blocks. Processing each block independently of the other blocks can accelerate the computation by a factor of BB, but degrades the compression quality. Instead, our approach is to first estimate the minimum description length (MDL) context tree source underlying the entire input, and then encode each of the BB blocks in parallel based on the MDL source. With this two-pass approach, the compression loss incurred by using more parallel units is insignificant. Our algorithm is work-efficient, i.e., its computational complexity is O(N/B)O(N/B). Its redundancy is approximately Blog(N/B)B\log(N/B) bits above Rissanen's lower bound on universal compression performance, with respect to any context tree source whose maximal depth is at most log(N/B)\log(N/B). We improve the compression by using different quantizers for states of the context tree based on the number of symbols corresponding to those states. Numerical results from a prototype implementation suggest that our algorithm offers a better trade-off between compression and throughput than competing universal data compression algorithms.Comment: Accepted to Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing special issue on Signal Processing for Big Data (expected publication date June 2015). 10 pages double column, 6 figures, and 2 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1405.6322. Version: Mar 2015: Corrected a typ

    Fast, Small and Exact: Infinite-order Language Modelling with Compressed Suffix Trees

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    Efficient methods for storing and querying are critical for scaling high-order n-gram language models to large corpora. We propose a language model based on compressed suffix trees, a representation that is highly compact and can be easily held in memory, while supporting queries needed in computing language model probabilities on-the-fly. We present several optimisations which improve query runtimes up to 2500x, despite only incurring a modest increase in construction time and memory usage. For large corpora and high Markov orders, our method is highly competitive with the state-of-the-art KenLM package. It imposes much lower memory requirements, often by orders of magnitude, and has runtimes that are either similar (for training) or comparable (for querying).Comment: 14 pages in Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL) 201

    Arithmetic coding revisited

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    Over the last decade, arithmetic coding has emerged as an important compression tool. It is now the method of choice for adaptive coding on multisymbol alphabets because of its speed, low storage requirements, and effectiveness of compression. This article describes a new implementation of arithmetic coding that incorporates several improvements over a widely used earlier version by Witten, Neal, and Cleary, which has become a de facto standard. These improvements include fewer multiplicative operations, greatly extended range of alphabet sizes and symbol probabilities, and the use of low-precision arithmetic, permitting implementation by fast shift/add operations. We also describe a modular structure that separates the coding, modeling, and probability estimation components of a compression system. To motivate the improved coder, we consider the needs of a word-based text compression program. We report a range of experimental results using this and other models. Complete source code is available