12 research outputs found

    Complexity and Expressiveness of ShEx for RDF

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    International audienceWe study the expressiveness and complexity of Shape Expression Schema (ShEx), a novel schema formalism for RDF currently under development by W3C. ShEx assigns types to the nodes of an RDF graph and allows to constrain the admissible neighborhoods of nodes of a given type with regular bag expressions (RBEs). We formalize and investigate two alternative semantics, multi-and single-type, depending on whether or not a node may have more than one type. We study the expressive power of ShEx and study the complexity of the validation problem. We show that the single-type semantics is strictly more expressive than the multi-type semantics, single-type validation is generally intractable and multi-type validation is feasible for a small (yet practical) subclass of RBEs. To curb the high computational complexity of validation, we propose a natural notion of determinism and show that multi-type validation for the class of deterministic schemas using single-occurrence regular bag expressions (SORBEs) is tractable

    Semantics and Validation of Shapes Schemas for RDF

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    We present a formal semantics and proof of soundness for shapes schemas, an expressive schema language for RDF graphs that is the foundation of Shape Expressions Language 2.0. It can be used to describe the vocabulary and the structure of an RDF graph, and to constrain the admissible properties and values for nodes in that graph. The language defines a typing mechanism called shapes against which nodes of the graph can be checked. It includes an algebraic grouping operator, a choice operator and cardinality constraints for the number of allowed occurrences of a property. Shapes can be combined using Boolean operators, and can use possibly recursive references to other shapes. We describe the syntax of the language and define its semantics. The semantics is proven to be well-defined for schemas that satisfy a reasonable syntactic restriction, namely stratified use of negation and recursion. We present two algorithms for the validation of an RDF graph against a shapes schema. The first algorithm is a direct implementation of the semantics, whereas the second is a non-trivial improvement. We also briefly give implementation guidelines

    Shape Expressions Schemas

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    We present Shape Expressions (ShEx), an expressive schema language for RDF designed to provide a high-level, user friendly syntax with intuitive semantics. ShEx allows to describe the vocabulary and the structure of an RDF graph, and to constrain the allowed values for the properties of a node. It includes an algebraic grouping operator, a choice operator, cardinalitiy constraints for the number of allowed occurrences of a property, and negation. We define the semantics of the language and illustrate it with examples. We then present a validation algorithm that, given a node in an RDF graph and a constraint defined by the ShEx schema, allows to check whether the node satisfies that constraint. The algorithm outputs a proof that contains trivially verifiable associations of nodes and the constraints that they satisfy. The structure can be used for complex post-processing tasks, such as transforming the RDF graph to other graph or tree structures, verifying more complex constraints, or debugging (w.r.t. the schema). We also show the inherent difficulty of error identification of ShEx

    Relational to RDF Data Exchange in Presence of a Shape Expression Schema

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    International audienceWe study the relational to RDF data exchange problem, where the target constraints are specified using Shape Expression schema (ShEx). We investigate two fundamental problems: 1) consistency which is checking for a given data exchange setting whether there always exists a solution for any source instance, and 2) constructing a universal solution which is a solution that represents the space of all solutions. We propose to use typed IRI constructors in source-to-target tuple generating dependencies to create the IRIs of the RDF graph from the values in the relational instance, and we translate ShEx into a set of target dependencies. We also identify data exchange settings that are key covered, a property that is decidable and guarantees consistency. Furthermore, we show that this property is a sufficient and necessary condition for the existence of universal solutions for a practical subclass of weakly-recursive ShEx

    Containment of Shape Expression Schemas for RDF

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    We study the problem of containment for shape expression schemas (ShEx) for RDF graphs. We identify a subclass of ShEx that has a natural graphical representation in the form of shape graphs and their semantics is captured with a tractable notion of embedding of an RDF graph in a shape graph. When applied to pairs of shape graphs, an embedding is a sufficient condition for containment, and for a practical subclass of deterministic shape graphs, it is also a necessary one, thus yielding a subclass with tractable containment. While for general shape graphs a minimal counter-example i.e., an instance proving non-containment, might be of exponential size, we show that containment is EXP-hard and in coNEXP. Finally, we show that containment for arbitrary ShEx is coNEXP-hard and in coTwoNEXP^NP

    Comparative expressiveness of ShEx and SHACL (Early working draft)

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    Contributions • We propose a simple formal language for graph shapes that subsumes both ShEx and SHACL. The semantics of the language is based on the semantics of Datalog, and also equivalently defined in terms of Monadic Second Order Logic with Presburger constraints. • We propose a formal semantics of SHACL as a translation to this language. Thanks to this translation, we show that SHACL can be extended with well-defined stratified recursion. • We show how ShEx can be translated to this language. • We explore the necessary restrictions on ShEx so that it can be translated to SHACL, and also the possible modifications of SHACL so that it can capture a bigger fragment of ShEx

    PG-Schema: Schemas for Property Graphs

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    Property graphs have reached a high level of maturity, witnessed by multiple robust graph database systems as well as the ongoing ISO standardization effort aiming at creating a new standard Graph Query Language (GQL). Yet, despite documented demand, schema support is limited both in existing systems and in the first version of the GQL Standard. It is anticipated that the second version of the GQL Standard will include a rich DDL. Aiming to inspire the development of GQL and enhance the capabilities of graph database systems, we propose PG-Schema, a simple yet powerful formalism for specifying property graph schemas. It features PG-Types with flexible type definitions supporting multi-inheritance, as well as expressive constraints based on the recently proposed PG-Keys formalism. We provide the formal syntax and semantics of PG-Schema, which meet principled design requirements grounded in contemporary property graph management scenarios, and offer a detailed comparison of its features with those of existing schema languages and graph database systems.Comment: 25 page