15 research outputs found

    The Construction and Performance of a Novel Intergroup Complementary Code

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     On the basis of the analyses for intergroup complementary (IGC) code and zero correlation zone complementary code, a novel IGC code has been proposed to adapt M-ary orthogonal code spreading spectrum system or quasi-synchronous CDMA system. The definition and construction methods of the new IGC codes are presented and an applied example is given in this paper. Theoretical research and simulation results show that the main advantages of the novel IGC code are as following: The code sets of the novel IGC code is more than IGC code under the same code length. The zero correlation zone length is longer than the intergroup IGC code, but shorter than the intergroup IGC code. Under the same code length, the auto-correlation performance of the novel IGC code is better than that of the IGC code, and both are of similar cross-correlation performance

    A Direct Construction of Prime-Power-Length Zero-Correlation Zone Sequences for QS-CDMA System

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    In recent years, zero-correlation zone (ZCZ) sequences are being studied due to their significant applications in quasi-synchronous code division multiple access (QS-CDMA) systems and other wireless communication domains. However, the lengths of most existing ZCZ sequences are limited, and their parameters are not flexible, which are leading to practical limitations in their use in QS-CDMA and other communication systems. The current study proposes a direct construction of ZCZ sequences of prime-power length with flexible parameters by using multivariable functions. In the proposed construction, we first present a multivariable function to generate a vector with specific properties; this is further used to generate another class of multivariable functions to generate the desired (pt,(p−1)pn,pn+t+1)(p^t,(p-1)p^n,p^{n+t+1})-ZCZ sequence set, where pp is a prime number, t,nt,n are positive integers, and t≤nt\leq n. The constructed ZCZ sequence set is optimal for the binary case and asymptotically optimal for the non-binary case by the \emph{Tang-Fan-Matsufuji} bound. Moreover, a relation between the second-order cosets of first-order generalized Reed-Muller code and the proposed ZCZ sequences is also established. The proposed construction of ZCZ sequences is compared with existing constructions, and it is observed that the parameters of this ZCZ sequence set are a generalization of that of in some existing works. Finally, the performance of the proposed ZCZ-based QS-CDMA system is compared with the Walsh-Hadamard and Gold code-based QS-CDMA system

    Low-PMEPR Preamble Sequence Design for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in OFDMA Systems

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) with Dynamic spectrum allocation (DSA) is able to provide a wide range of data rate requirements. This paper is focused on the design of preamble sequences in OFDMA systems with low peak-to-mean envelope power ratio (PMEPR) property in the context of DSA. We propose a systematic preamble sequence design which gives rise to low PMEPR for possibly non-contiguous spectrum allocations. With the aid of Golay-Davis-Jedwab (GDJ) sequences, two classes of preamble sequences are presented. We prove that their PMEPRs are upper bounded by 4 for any DSA over a chunk of four contiguous resource blocks

    Complete Mutually Orthogonal Golay Complementary Sets From Reed–Muller Codes

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    Large Zero Autocorrelation Zone of Golay Sequences and 4q4^q-QAM Golay Complementary Sequences

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    Sequences with good correlation properties have been widely adopted in modern communications, radar and sonar applications. In this paper, we present our new findings on some constructions of single HH-ary Golay sequence and 4q4^q-QAM Golay complementary sequence with a large zero autocorrelation zone, where H≥2H\ge 2 is an arbitrary even integer and q≥2q\ge 2 is an arbitrary integer. Those new results on Golay sequences and QAM Golay complementary sequences can be explored during synchronization and detection at the receiver end and thus improve the performance of the communication system

    A Direct and Generalized Construction of Polyphase Complementary Set with Low PMEPR and High Code-Rate for OFDM System

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    A major drawback of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems is their high peak-to-mean envelope power ratio (PMEPR). The PMEPR problem can be solved by adopting large codebooks consisting of complementary sequences with low PMEPR. In this paper, we present a new construction of polyphase complementary sets (CSs) using generalized Boolean functions (GBFs), which generalizes Schmidt's construction in 2007, Paterson's construction in 2000 and Golay complementary pairs (GCPs) given by Davis and Jedwab in 1999. Compared with Schmidt's approach, our proposed CSs lead to lower PMEPR with higher code-rate for sequences constructed from higher-order (≥3\geq 3) GBFs. We obtain polyphase complementary sequences with maximum PMEPR of 2k+12^{k+1} and 2k+2−2M2^{k+2}-2M where k,Mk,M are non-negative integers that can be easily derived from the GBF associated with the CS