1,616 research outputs found

    Decompositions of the Complete Mixed Graph by Mixed Stars

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    In the study of mixed graphs, a common question is: What are the necessary and suffcient conditions for the existence of a decomposition of the complete mixed graph into isomorphic copies of a given mixed graph? Since the complete mixed graph has twice as many arcs as edges, then an obvious necessary condition is that the isomorphic copies have twice as many arcs as edges. We will prove necessary and suffcient conditions for the existence of a decomposition of the complete mixed graphs into mixed stars with two edges and four arcs. We also consider some special cases of decompositions of the complete mixed graph into partially oriented stars with twice as many arcs as edges. We employ difference methods in most of our constructions when showing suffciency.

    On multicolor Ramsey numbers of triple system paths of length 3

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    Let H\mathcal{H} be a 3-uniform hypergraph. The multicolor Ramsey number rk(H) r_k(\mathcal{H}) is the smallest integer nn such that every coloring of ([n]3) \binom{[n]}{3} with kk colors has a monochromatic copy of H\mathcal{H}. Let L \mathcal{L} be the loose 3-uniform path with 3 edges and M \mathcal{M} denote the messy 3-uniform path with 3 edges; that is, let L={abc,cde,efg}\mathcal{L} = \{abc, cde, efg\} and M={abc,bcd,def}\mathcal{M} = \{ abc, bcd, def\}. In this note we prove rk(L)<1.55k r_k(\mathcal{L}) < 1.55k and rk(M)<1.6k r_k(\mathcal{M}) < 1.6k for kk sufficiently large. The former result improves on the bound rk(L)<1.975k+7k r_k( \mathcal{L}) < 1.975k + 7\sqrt{k}, which was recently established by {\L}uczak and Polcyn.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Decompositions of Mixed Graphs with Partial Orientations of the P\u3csub\u3e4\u3c/sub\u3e.

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    A decomposition D of a graph H by a graph G is a partition of the edge set of H such that the subgraph induced by the edges in each part of the partition is isomorphic to G. A mixed graph on V vertices is an ordered pair (V,C), where V is a set of vertices, |V| = v, and C is a set of ordered and unordered pairs, denoted (x, y) and [x, y] respectively, of elements of V [8]. An ordered pair (x, y) ∈ C is called an arc of (V,C) and an unordered pair [x, y] ∈ C is called an edge of graph (V,C). A path on n vertices is denoted as Pn. A partial orientation on G is obtained by replacing each edge [x, y] ∈ E(G) with either (x, y), (y, x), or [x, y] in such a way that there are twice as many arcs as edges. The complete mixed graph on v vertices, denoted Mv, is the mixed graph (V,C) where for every pair of distinct vertices v1, v2 ∈ V , we have {(v1, v2), (v2, v1), [v1, v2]} ⊂ C. The goal of this thesis is to establish necessary and sufficient conditions for decomposition of Mv by all possible partial orientations of P4

    Solving Set Constraint Satisfaction Problems using ROBDDs

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    In this paper we present a new approach to modeling finite set domain constraint problems using Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (ROBDDs). We show that it is possible to construct an efficient set domain propagator which compactly represents many set domains and set constraints using ROBDDs. We demonstrate that the ROBDD-based approach provides unprecedented flexibility in modeling constraint satisfaction problems, leading to performance improvements. We also show that the ROBDD-based modeling approach can be extended to the modeling of integer and multiset constraint problems in a straightforward manner. Since domain propagation is not always practical, we also show how to incorporate less strict consistency notions into the ROBDD framework, such as set bounds, cardinality bounds and lexicographic bounds consistency. Finally, we present experimental results that demonstrate the ROBDD-based solver performs better than various more conventional constraint solvers on several standard set constraint problems

    Minimum-cost multicast over coded packet networks

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    We consider the problem of establishing minimum-cost multicast connections over coded packet networks, i.e., packet networks where the contents of outgoing packets are arbitrary, causal functions of the contents of received packets. We consider both wireline and wireless packet networks as well as both static multicast (where membership of the multicast group remains constant for the duration of the connection) and dynamic multicast (where membership of the multicast group changes in time, with nodes joining and leaving the group). For static multicast, we reduce the problem to a polynomial-time solvable optimization problem, and we present decentralized algorithms for solving it. These algorithms, when coupled with existing decentralized schemes for constructing network codes, yield a fully decentralized approach for achieving minimum-cost multicast. By contrast, establishing minimum-cost static multicast connections over routed packet networks is a very difficult problem even using centralized computation, except in the special cases of unicast and broadcast connections. For dynamic multicast, we reduce the problem to a dynamic programming problem and apply the theory of dynamic programming to suggest how it may be solved

    Uniform hypergraphs containing no grids

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    A hypergraph is called an r×r grid if it is isomorphic to a pattern of r horizontal and r vertical lines, i.e.,a family of sets {A1, ..., Ar, B1, ..., Br} such that Ai∩Aj=Bi∩Bj=φ for 1≤i<j≤r and {pipe}Ai∩Bj{pipe}=1 for 1≤i, j≤r. Three sets C1, C2, C3 form a triangle if they pairwise intersect in three distinct singletons, {pipe}C1∩C2{pipe}={pipe}C2∩C3{pipe}={pipe}C3∩C1{pipe}=1, C1∩C2≠C1∩C3. A hypergraph is linear, if {pipe}E∩F{pipe}≤1 holds for every pair of edges E≠F.In this paper we construct large linear r-hypergraphs which contain no grids. Moreover, a similar construction gives large linear r-hypergraphs which contain neither grids nor triangles. For r≥. 4 our constructions are almost optimal. These investigations are motivated by coding theory: we get new bounds for optimal superimposed codes and designs. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd

    Fractional repetition codes with flexible repair from combinatorial designs

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    Fractional repetition (FR) codes are a class of regenerating codes for distributed storage systems with an exact (table-based) repair process that is also uncoded, i.e., upon failure, a node is regenerated by simply downloading packets from the surviving nodes. In our work, we present constructions of FR codes based on Steiner systems and resolvable combinatorial designs such as affine geometries, Hadamard designs and mutually orthogonal Latin squares. The failure resilience of our codes can be varied in a simple manner. We construct codes with normalized repair bandwidth (β\beta) strictly larger than one; these cannot be obtained trivially from codes with β=1\beta = 1. Furthermore, we present the Kronecker product technique for generating new codes from existing ones and elaborate on their properties. FR codes with locality are those where the repair degree is smaller than the number of nodes contacted for reconstructing the stored file. For these codes we establish a tradeoff between the local repair property and failure resilience and construct codes that meet this tradeoff. Much of prior work only provided lower bounds on the FR code rate. In our work, for most of our constructions we determine the code rate for certain parameter ranges.Comment: 27 pages in IEEE two-column format. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (to appear